Package ganeti :: Package http :: Module auth :: Class HttpServerRequestAuthentication
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Class HttpServerRequestAuthentication

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Instance Methods [hide private]
GetAuthRealm(self, req)
Returns the authentication realm for a request.
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AuthenticationRequired(self, req)
Determines whether authentication is required for a request.
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PreHandleRequest(self, req)
Called before a request is handled.
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Authenticate(self, req)
Checks the credentiales.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
(str, str)
Extracts a user and a password from the http authorization header.
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(str, str)
Extracts user and password from the contents of an authorization header.
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(str, str)
Extracts a scheme and a password from the expected_password.
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VerifyBasicAuthPassword(username, password, expected, realm)
Checks the password for basic authentication.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  AUTH_REALM = "Unspecified"
  _HA1_SCHEME = "{HA1}"
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

GetAuthRealm(self, req)

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Returns the authentication realm for a request.

May be overridden by a subclass, which then can return different realms for different paths.

Returns: string
Authentication realm

AuthenticationRequired(self, req)

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Determines whether authentication is required for a request.

To enable authentication, override this function in a subclass and return True. AUTH_REALM must be set.


PreHandleRequest(self, req)

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Called before a request is handled.


Static Method

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Extracts a user and a password from the http authorization header.

Returns: (str, str)
A tuple containing a user and a password. One or both values might be None if they are not presented

Static Method

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Extracts user and password from the contents of an authorization header.

  • in_data (str) - Username and password encoded as Base64
Returns: (str, str)
A tuple containing user and password. One or both values might be None if they are not presented

Authenticate(self, req)

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Checks the credentiales.

This function MUST be overridden by a subclass.

Static Method

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Extracts a scheme and a password from the expected_password.

  • expected_password (str) - Username and password encoded as Base64
Returns: (str, str)
A tuple containing a scheme and a password. Both values will be None when an invalid scheme or password encoded

VerifyBasicAuthPassword(username, password, expected, realm)
Static Method

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Checks the password for basic authentication.

As long as they don't start with an opening brace ("{"), old passwords are supported. A new scheme uses H(A1) from RFC2617, where H is MD5 and A1 consists of the username, the authentication realm and the actual password.

  • username (string) - Username from HTTP headers
  • password (string) - Password from HTTP headers
  • expected (string) - Expected password with optional scheme prefix (e.g. from users file)
  • realm (string) - Authentication realm