Package ganeti :: Module mcpu :: Class Processor
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Class Processor

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Object which runs OpCodes

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, context, ec_id, enable_locks=True)
Constructor for Processor
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Checks if locking is enabled.
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_RequestAndWait(self, request, timeout)
Request locks from WConfD and wait for them to be granted.
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_AcquireLocks(self, level, names, shared, opportunistic, timeout, opportunistic_count=1, request_only=False)
Acquires locks via the Ganeti lock manager.
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_ExecLU(self, lu)
Logical Unit execution sequence.
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BuildHooksManager(self, lu) source code
_LockAndExecLU(self, lu, level, calc_timeout, pending=None)
Execute a Logical Unit, with the needed locks.
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_CheckLUResult(self, op, result)
Check the LU result against the contract in the opcode.
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_PrepareLockListsAndExecLU(self, op, lu_class, calc_timeout)
Execute an opcode.
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ExecOpCode(self, op, cbs, timeout=None)
Execute an opcode.
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Log(self, *args)
Forward call to feedback callback function.
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LogStep(self, current, total, message)
Log a change in LU execution progress.
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LogWarning(self, message, *args, **kwargs)
Log a warning to the logs and the user.
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LogInfo(self, message, *args)
Log an informational message to the logs and the user.
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Returns the current execution context ID.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  DISPATCH_TABLE = _ComputeDispatchTable()
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, context, ec_id, enable_locks=True)

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Constructor for Processor

  • context (GanetiContext) - global Ganeti context
  • ec_id (string) - execution context identifier
Overrides: object.__init__


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Checks if locking is enabled.


_RequestAndWait(self, request, timeout)

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Request locks from WConfD and wait for them to be granted.

  • request (list) - the lock request to be sent to WConfD
  • timeout (float) - the time to wait for the request to be granted
  • LockAcquireTimeout - In case locks couldn't be acquired in specified amount of time; in this case, locks still might be acquired or a request pending.

_AcquireLocks(self, level, names, shared, opportunistic, timeout, opportunistic_count=1, request_only=False)

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Acquires locks via the Ganeti lock manager.

  • level (int) - Lock level
  • names (list or string) - Lock names
  • shared (bool) - Whether the locks should be acquired in shared mode
  • opportunistic (bool) - Whether to acquire opportunistically
  • timeout (None or float) - Timeout for acquiring the locks
  • request_only (bool) - do not acquire the locks, just return the request
  • LockAcquireTimeout - In case locks couldn't be acquired in specified amount of time; in this case, locks still might be acquired or a request pending.

_LockAndExecLU(self, lu, level, calc_timeout, pending=None)

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Execute a Logical Unit, with the needed locks.

This is a recursive function that starts locking the given level, and proceeds up, till there are no more locks to acquire. Then it executes the given LU and its opcodes.

_PrepareLockListsAndExecLU(self, op, lu_class, calc_timeout)

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Execute an opcode.

  • op - the opcode to be executed
  • lu_class - the LU class implementing the current opcode
  • calc_timeout - The function calculating the time remaining to acquire all locks, None for no timeout

ExecOpCode(self, op, cbs, timeout=None)

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Execute an opcode.

  • op (an OpCode instance) - the opcode to be executed
  • cbs (OpExecCbBase) - Runtime callbacks
  • timeout (float or None) - Maximum time to acquire all locks, None for no timeout

LogWarning(self, message, *args, **kwargs)

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Log a warning to the logs and the user.

The optional keyword argument is 'hint' and can be used to show a hint to the user (presumably related to the warning). If the message is empty, it will not be printed at all, allowing one to show only a hint.