Better Ganeti customization using global hooks

This document describes an enhancement of Ganeti’s customisation by introducing global hooks that will be run before and after each Ganeti opcode even if the job process has dead.

Current state and shortcomings

Currently, Ganeti allows customization of operations by running scripts in sub-directories of @SYSCONFDIR@/ganeti/hooks. These sub-directories are named $hook-$phase.d, where $phase is either pre or post and $hook matches the directory name given for a hook (e.g. cluster-verify-post.d or node-add-pre.d). Post hooks for opcodes don’t run in case of the job process has died. The Ganeti customisation using hooks design document describes currently existing hooks in more details.

In some situations, e.g., reporting to upper level tools controlling Ganeti, it is desirable to run hooks before and after each opcode execution. Users currently work around this problem by creating symbolic links for each opcode directory. But in that case, a problem of the job processes death remains. In that case post-opcode hooks wouldn’t run because the opcode execution didn’t finish.

Other problem is that some opcodes don’t support hooks. That makes it impossible for external tools to setup hook for each opcode execution that might be useful, e.g. for monitoring puproses.

Proposed changes

We propose to introduce a new type of hooks, the global hooks, that run before and after each opcode execution even in case of opcode process death. The organization of such hooks will be preserved the same as for the existing per-opcode hooks. The same common variables will be available as for the usual hooks. In addition to common variables, additional variables and specialized variables, corresponding to the surrounded opcode, will also be provided. See per-opcode hooks parameters documentation for more details.

For the opcodes that are currently unsupported by hooks, and thus, don’t presented in opcodes list, only common variables and additional variables will be available inside the global hooks. OBJECT_TYPE variable for such hooks will be initialized with special NOT_APPLICABLE value. The hooks will be executed only on master daemon as their opcodes won’t provide any lists containing target nodes.

For the global post hooks executing after a failure or death of the job process, only common variables (except OBJECT_TYPE) and additional variables will be provided.

Additional variables

The additional variable is introduced for both pre and post hooks in order to identify the current job:

Id of the job current opcode belongs to.

The variable showing if the current node is a master node. It might be useful e.g. if global hooks are used for the logging purposes.

The master value means that the node is the master node

The not_master value means that the node is not the master

Due to the fact that global hooks will be executed even after job process has dead, a new environmental variable is introduced for the global post hooks:


String containing status of the opcode execution: success, error or disappeared.

The success status means that the logical unit corresponding to the opcode and the non-global post hooks for the opcodes have succesfully finished.

The error status means that the corresponding logical unit or the non-global hooks caused an exception which has been logged.

The disappeared status means that the job process has died during the logical unit or the non-global hooks execution.

Behaviour details

Global pre hooks will always be executed just before the usual pre hooks on the same node set and on the master node. The hooks execution result will be ignored. In case of opcodes which don’t support hooks, global pre hooks also will be executed but only on the master node.

With the post hooks the situation is more complicated. In case of successful job process execution, global hooks will be executed just after the usual post hooks have run and all the errors have been checked. In case of error status, global post hooks will be executed only on the master node from the exception handler. Just after the global post hooks execution, the exception will be raised again as usual. In case of job process disappear, the scheduler will execute the global post hooks in a separate process as soon as the job process death is registered. The global post hooks will be executed only for the opcodes with an initialized start_timestamp.

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