Package ganeti :: Module mcpu :: Class Processor
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Class Processor

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Object which runs OpCodes

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, context, ec_id)
Constructor for Processor
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_AcquireLocks(self, level, names, shared, timeout)
Acquires locks via the Ganeti lock manager.
source code
_ExecLU(self, lu)
Logical Unit execution sequence.
source code
_LockAndExecLU(self, lu, level, calc_timeout)
Execute a Logical Unit, with the needed locks.
source code
ExecOpCode(self, op, cbs)
Execute an opcode.
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Log(self, *args)
Forward call to feedback callback function.
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LogStep(self, current, total, message)
Log a change in LU execution progress.
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LogWarning(self, message, *args, **kwargs)
Log a warning to the logs and the user.
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LogInfo(self, message, *args)
Log an informational message to the logs and the user.
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GetECId(self) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  DISPATCH_TABLE = {opcodes.OpPostInitCluster: cmdlib.LUPostInit...
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, context, ec_id)

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Constructor for Processor

  • context (GanetiContext) - global Ganeti context
  • ec_id (string) - execution context identifier
Overrides: object.__init__

_AcquireLocks(self, level, names, shared, timeout)

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Acquires locks via the Ganeti lock manager.

  • level (int) - Lock level
  • names (list or string) - Lock names
  • shared (bool) - Whether the locks should be acquired in shared mode
  • timeout (None or float) - Timeout for acquiring the locks

_LockAndExecLU(self, lu, level, calc_timeout)

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Execute a Logical Unit, with the needed locks.

This is a recursive function that starts locking the given level, and proceeds up, till there are no more locks to acquire. Then it executes the given LU and its opcodes.

ExecOpCode(self, op, cbs)

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Execute an opcode.

  • op (an OpCode instance) - the opcode to be executed
  • cbs (OpExecCbBase) - Runtime callbacks

LogWarning(self, message, *args, **kwargs)

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Log a warning to the logs and the user.

The optional keyword argument is 'hint' and can be used to show a hint to the user (presumably related to the warning). If the message is empty, it will not be printed at all, allowing one to show only a hint.

Class Variable Details [hide private]


{opcodes.OpPostInitCluster: cmdlib.LUPostInitCluster, opcodes.OpDestro\
yCluster: cmdlib.LUDestroyCluster, opcodes.OpQueryClusterInfo: cmdlib.\
LUQueryClusterInfo, opcodes.OpVerifyCluster: cmdlib.LUVerifyCluster, o\
pcodes.OpQueryConfigValues: cmdlib.LUQueryConfigValues, opcodes.OpRena\
meCluster: cmdlib.LURenameCluster, opcodes.OpVerifyDisks: cmdlib.LUVer\
ifyDisks, opcodes.OpSetClusterParams: cmdlib.LUSetClusterParams, opcod\
es.OpRedistributeConfig: cmdlib.LURedistributeConfig, opcodes.OpRepair\
DiskSizes: cmdlib.LURepairDiskSizes, opcodes.OpAddNode: cmdlib.LUAddNo\