Package ganeti :: Module objects :: Class Cluster
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Class Cluster

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Config object representing the cluster.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Fill defaults for missing configuration values.
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Custom function for cluster.
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GetHVDefaults(self, hypervisor, os_name=None, skip_keys=None)
Get the default hypervisor parameters for the cluster.
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SimpleFillHV(self, hv_name, os_name, hvparams, skip_globals=False)
Fill a given hvparams dict with cluster defaults.
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FillHV(self, instance, skip_globals=False)
Fill an instance's hvparams dict with cluster defaults.
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SimpleFillBE(self, beparams)
Fill a given beparams dict with cluster defaults.
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FillBE(self, instance)
Fill an instance's beparams dict with cluster defaults.
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SimpleFillNIC(self, nicparams)
Fill a given nicparams dict with cluster defaults.
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SimpleFillOS(self, os_name, os_params)
Fill an instance's osparams dict with cluster defaults.
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Inherited from TaggableObject: AddTag, GetTags, RemoveTag

Inherited from ConfigObject: Copy, __getattr__, __getstate__, __init__, __repr__, __setstate__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
FromDict(cls, val)
Custom function for cluster.
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Inherited from TaggableObject: ValidateTag

Inherited from ConfigObject (private): _all_slots

Static Methods [hide private]
Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from TaggableObject: VALID_TAG_RE

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Fill defaults for missing configuration values.

Overrides: ConfigObject.UpgradeConfig


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Custom function for cluster.

Overrides: ConfigObject.ToDict

FromDict(cls, val)
Class Method

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Custom function for cluster.

Overrides: ConfigObject.FromDict

GetHVDefaults(self, hypervisor, os_name=None, skip_keys=None)

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Get the default hypervisor parameters for the cluster.

  • hypervisor - the hypervisor name
  • os_name - if specified, we'll also update the defaults for this OS
  • skip_keys - if passed, list of keys not to use
the defaults dict

SimpleFillHV(self, hv_name, os_name, hvparams, skip_globals=False)

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Fill a given hvparams dict with cluster defaults.

  • hv_name (string) - the hypervisor to use
  • os_name (string) - the OS to use for overriding the hypervisor defaults
  • skip_globals (boolean) - if True, the global hypervisor parameters will not be filled
Returns: dict
a copy of the given hvparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults

FillHV(self, instance, skip_globals=False)

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Fill an instance's hvparams dict with cluster defaults.

  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance parameter to fill
  • skip_globals (boolean) - if True, the global hypervisor parameters will not be filled
Returns: dict
a copy of the instance's hvparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults

SimpleFillBE(self, beparams)

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Fill a given beparams dict with cluster defaults.

  • beparams (dict) - the dict to fill
Returns: dict
a copy of the passed in beparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults

FillBE(self, instance)

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Fill an instance's beparams dict with cluster defaults.

Returns: dict
a copy of the instance's beparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults

SimpleFillNIC(self, nicparams)

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Fill a given nicparams dict with cluster defaults.

  • nicparams (dict) - the dict to fill
Returns: dict
a copy of the passed in nicparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults

SimpleFillOS(self, os_name, os_params)

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Fill an instance's osparams dict with cluster defaults.

  • os_name (string) - the OS name to use
  • os_params (dict) - the dict to fill with default values
Returns: dict
a copy of the instance's osparams with missing keys filled from the cluster defaults