Script cluster_merge :: Class Merger
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Class Merger

Handling the merge.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, clusters, pause_period)
Initialize object with sane defaults and infos required.
Sets up our end so we can do the merger.
Prepare the authorized_keys on every merging node.
_RunCmd(self, hostname, command, user="root", use_cluster_key=False, strict_host_check=False, private_key=None, batch=True, ask_key=False)
Wrapping SshRunner.Run with default parameters.
Stop instances on merging clusters.
Disable watch on all merging clusters, including ourself.
Stop all daemons on merging nodes.
Fetches and stores remote cluster config from the master.
Kills the local master daemon.
Merges all foreign config into our own config.
_StartMasterDaemon(self, no_vote=False)
Starts the local master daemon.
Readds all merging nodes and make sure their config is up-to-date.
Starts up all instances (locally).
Runs gnt-cluster verify to verify the health.
Does the actual merge.
Clean up our environment.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, clusters, pause_period)


Initialize object with sane defaults and infos required.

  • clusters - The list of clusters to merge in
  • pause_period - The time watcher shall be disabled for
Overrides: object.__init__



Sets up our end so we can do the merger.

This method is setting us up as a preparation for the merger. It makes the initial contact and gathers information needed.




Prepare the authorized_keys on every merging node.

This method add our public key to remotes authorized_key for further communication.

_RunCmd(self, hostname, command, user="root", use_cluster_key=False, strict_host_check=False, private_key=None, batch=True, ask_key=False)


Wrapping SshRunner.Run with default parameters.

For explanation of parameters see ganeti.ssh.SshRunner.Run.



Fetches and stores remote cluster config from the master.

This step is needed before we can merge the config.



Kills the local master daemon.


_StartMasterDaemon(self, no_vote=False)


Starts the local master daemon.

  • no_vote - Should the masterd started without voting? default: False



Readds all merging nodes and make sure their config is up-to-date.




Starts up all instances (locally).




Runs gnt-cluster verify to verify the health.

  • errors.ProgrammError - If cluster fails on verification



Does the actual merge.

It runs all the steps in the right order and updates the user about steps taken. Also it keeps track of rollback_steps to undo everything.



Clean up our environment.

This cleans up remote private keys and configs and after that deletes the temporary directory.