Trees | Indices | Help |
Ganeti exception handling
GenericError Base exception for Ganeti. |
LVMError LVM-related exception. |
LockError Lock error exception. |
HypervisorError Hypervisor-related exception. |
ProgrammerError Programming-related error. |
BlockDeviceError Block-device related exception. |
ConfigurationError Configuration related exception. |
ConfigVersionMismatch Version mismatch in the configuration file. |
ReservationError Errors reserving a resource. |
RemoteError Programming-related error on remote call. |
SignatureError Error authenticating a remote message. |
ParameterError A passed parameter to a command is invalid. |
OpPrereqError Prerequisites for the OpCode are not fulfilled. |
OpExecError Error during OpCode execution. |
OpCodeUnknown Unknown opcode submitted. |
JobLost Submitted job lost. |
JobFileCorrupted Job file could not be properly decoded/restored. |
ResolverError Host name cannot be resolved. |
HooksFailure A generic hook failure. |
HooksAbort A required hook has failed. |
UnitParseError Unable to parse size unit. |
ParseError Generic parse error. |
TypeEnforcementError Unable to enforce data type. |
SshKeyError Invalid SSH key. |
TagError Generic tag error. |
CommandError External command error. |
StorageError Storage-related exception. |
InotifyError Error raised when there is a failure setting up an inotify watcher. |
QuitGanetiException Signal that Ganeti that it must quit. |
JobQueueError Job queue error. |
JobQueueDrainError Job queue is marked for drain error. |
JobQueueFull Job queue full error. |
ConfdRequestError A request error in Ganeti confd. |
ConfdMagicError A magic fourcc error in Ganeti confd. |
ConfdClientError A magic fourcc error in Ganeti confd. |
UdpDataSizeError UDP payload too big. |
NoCtypesError python ctypes module is not found in the system. |
IPAddressError Generic IP address error. |
LuxiError LUXI error. |
class |
tuple |
Return the class of an exception. Given the class name, return the class itself.
Encodes an exception into a format that MaybeRaise will recognise. The passed
If this looks like an encoded Ganeti exception, return it. This function tries to parse the passed argument and if it looks like an encoding done by EncodeException, it will return the class object and arguments. |
If this looks like an encoded Ganeti exception, raise it. This function tries to parse the passed argument and if it looks like an encoding done by EncodeException, it will re-raise it. |
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Dec 20 13:26:36 2010 | |