ganeti :: hypervisor :: hv_kvm :: KVMHypervisor :: Class KVMHypervisor
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Class KVMHypervisor

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KVM hypervisor interface

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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_InstancePidAlive(self, instance_name)
Returns the instance pidfile, pid, and liveness.
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_CheckDown(self, instance_name)
Raises an error unless the given instance is down.
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Get the list of running instances.
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tuple of strings
GetInstanceInfo(self, instance_name)
Get instance properties.
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Get properties of all instances.
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_GenerateKVMRuntime(self, instance, block_devices)
Generate KVM information to start an instance.
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_WriteKVMRuntime(self, instance_name, data)
Write an instance's KVM runtime
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_ReadKVMRuntime(self, instance_name)
Read an instance's KVM runtime
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_SaveKVMRuntime(self, instance, kvm_runtime)
Save an instance's KVM runtime
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_LoadKVMRuntime(self, instance, serialized_runtime=None)
Load an instance's KVM runtime
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_RunKVMCmd(self, name, kvm_cmd)
Run the KVM cmd and check for errors
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_ExecuteKVMRuntime(self, instance, kvm_runtime, incoming=None)
Execute a KVM cmd, after completing it with some last minute data
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StartInstance(self, instance, block_devices)
Start an instance.
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_CallMonitorCommand(self, instance_name, command)
Invoke a command on the instance monitor.
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StopInstance(self, instance, force=False, retry=False, name=None)
Stop an instance.
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CleanupInstance(self, instance_name)
Cleanup after a stopped instance
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RebootInstance(self, instance)
Reboot an instance.
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MigrationInfo(self, instance)
Get instance information to perform a migration.
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AcceptInstance(self, instance, info, target)
Prepare to accept an instance.
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FinalizeMigration(self, instance, info, success)
Finalize an instance migration.
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MigrateInstance(self, instance, target, live)
Migrate an instance to a target node.
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Return information about the node.
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Verify the hypervisor.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
_InstancePidFile(cls, instance_name)
Returns the instance pidfile.
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_InstanceUidFile(cls, instance_name)
Returns the instance uidfile.
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_InstancePidInfo(cls, pid)
Check pid file for instance information.
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_InstanceMonitor(cls, instance_name)
Returns the instance monitor socket name
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_InstanceSerial(cls, instance_name)
Returns the instance serial socket name
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_InstanceKVMRuntime(cls, instance_name)
Returns the instance KVM runtime filename
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_InstanceChrootDir(cls, instance_name)
Returns the name of the KVM chroot dir of the instance
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_TryReadUidFile(cls, uid_file)
Try to read a uid file
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_RemoveInstanceRuntimeFiles(cls, pidfile, instance_name)
Removes an instance's rutime sockets/files/dirs.
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Return the installed KVM version
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GetShellCommandForConsole(cls, instance, hvparams, beparams)
Return a command for connecting to the console of an instance.
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CheckParameterSyntax(cls, hvparams)
Check the given parameters for validity.
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ValidateParameters(cls, hvparams)
Check the given parameters for validity.
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KVM powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.
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Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: GetAncillaryFiles, LinuxPowercycle

Static Methods [hide private]
Returns the correct parameters for socat
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_WriteNetScriptFile(instance, seq, nic)
Write a script to connect a net interface to the proper bridge.
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Inherited from hv_base.BaseHypervisor: GetLinuxNodeInfo

Class Variables [hide private]
boolean CAN_MIGRATE = True
whether this hypervisor can do migration (either live or non-live)
  _ROOT_DIR = constants.RUN_GANETI_DIR+ "/kvm-hypervisor"
  _PIDS_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/pid"
  _UIDS_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/uid"
  _CTRL_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/ctrl"
  _CONF_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/conf"
  _CHROOT_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/chroot"
  _CHROOT_QUARANTINE_DIR = _ROOT_DIR+ "/chroot-quarantine"
a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
  _MIGRATION_STATUS_RE = re.compile('Migration\s+status:\s+(\w+)...
  _VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"\b(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b")
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

_InstancePidInfo(cls, pid)
Class Method

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Check pid file for instance information.

Check that a pid file is associated with an instance, and retrieve information from its command line.

  • pid (string or int) - process id of the instance to check
Returns: tuple
(instance_name, memory, vcpus)

_InstancePidAlive(self, instance_name)

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Returns the instance pidfile, pid, and liveness.

  • instance_name (string) - instance name
Returns: tuple
(pid file name, pid, liveness)

Static Method

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Returns the correct parameters for socat

If we have a new-enough socat we can use raw mode with an escape character.

_WriteNetScriptFile(instance, seq, nic)
Static Method

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Write a script to connect a net interface to the proper bridge.

This can be used by any qemu-type hypervisor.

  • instance (instance object) - instance we're acting on
  • seq (int) - nic sequence number
  • nic (nic object) - nic we're acting on
Returns: string
netscript file name


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Get the list of running instances.

We can do this by listing our live instances directory and checking whether the associated kvm process is still alive.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.ListInstances

GetInstanceInfo(self, instance_name)

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Get instance properties.

  • instance_name (string) - the instance name
Returns: tuple of strings
(name, id, memory, vcpus, stat, times)
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetInstanceInfo


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Get properties of all instances.

list of tuples (name, id, memory, vcpus, stat, times)
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetAllInstancesInfo

_RunKVMCmd(self, name, kvm_cmd)

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Run the KVM cmd and check for errors

  • name (string) - instance name
  • kvm_cmd (list of strings) - runcmd input for kvm

_ExecuteKVMRuntime(self, instance, kvm_runtime, incoming=None)

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Execute a KVM cmd, after completing it with some last minute data

  • incoming (tuple of strings) - (target_host_ip, port)

StartInstance(self, instance, block_devices)

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Start an instance.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.StartInstance

Class Method

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Return the installed KVM version

(version, v_maj, v_min, v_rev), or None

StopInstance(self, instance, force=False, retry=False, name=None)

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Stop an instance.

  • instance - instance to stop
  • force - whether to do a "hard" stop (destroy)
  • retry - whether this is just a retry call
  • name - if this parameter is passed, the the instance object should not be used (will be passed as None), and the shutdown must be done by name only
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.StopInstance

CleanupInstance(self, instance_name)

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Cleanup after a stopped instance

  • instance_name - instance name to cleanup after
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.CleanupInstance

RebootInstance(self, instance)

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Reboot an instance.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.RebootInstance

MigrationInfo(self, instance)

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Get instance information to perform a migration.

Returns: string
content of the KVM runtime file
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.MigrationInfo

AcceptInstance(self, instance, info, target)

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Prepare to accept an instance.

  • instance (objects.Instance) - instance to be accepted
  • info (string) - content of the KVM runtime file on the source node
  • target (string) - target host (usually ip), on this node
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.AcceptInstance

FinalizeMigration(self, instance, info, success)

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Finalize an instance migration.

Stop the incoming mode KVM.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.FinalizeMigration

MigrateInstance(self, instance, target, live)

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Migrate an instance to a target node.

The migration will not be attempted if the instance is not currently running.

  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance to be migrated
  • target (string) - ip address of the target node
  • live (boolean) - perform a live migration
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.MigrateInstance


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Return information about the node.

This is just a wrapper over the base GetLinuxNodeInfo method.

a dict with the following keys (values in MiB):
  • memory_total: the total memory size on the node
  • memory_free: the available memory on the node for instances
  • memory_dom0: the memory used by the node itself, if available
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetNodeInfo

GetShellCommandForConsole(cls, instance, hvparams, beparams)
Class Method

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Return a command for connecting to the console of an instance.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.GetShellCommandForConsole


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Verify the hypervisor.

Check that the binary exists.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.Verify

CheckParameterSyntax(cls, hvparams)
Class Method

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Check the given parameters for validity.

  • hvparams (dict) - dictionary with parameter names/value
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.CheckParameterSyntax

ValidateParameters(cls, hvparams)
Class Method

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Check the given parameters for validity.

  • hvparams (dict) - dictionary with parameter names/value
Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.ValidateParameters

Class Method

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KVM powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.

Overrides: hv_base.BaseHypervisor.PowercycleNode

Class Variable Details [hide private]




a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
  • the required flag (boolean)
  • a function to check for syntax, that will be used in CheckParameterSyntax, in the master daemon process
  • an error message for the above function
  • a function to check for parameter validity on the remote node, in the ValidateParameters function
  • an error message for the above function
{constants.HV_KERNEL_PATH: hv_base.OPT_FILE_CHECK, constants.HV_INITRD\
_PATH: hv_base.OPT_FILE_CHECK, constants.HV_ROOT_PATH: hv_base.NO_CHEC\
K, constants.HV_KERNEL_ARGS: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants.HV_ACPI: hv_b\
ase.NO_CHECK, constants.HV_SERIAL_CONSOLE: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants\
.HV_VNC_BIND_ADDRESS:(False, lambda x:(netutils.IP4Address.IsValid(x) \
or utils.IsNormAbsPath(x)), "the VNC bind address must be either a val\
id IP address or an absolute" " pathname", None, None), constants.HV_V\
NC_TLS: hv_base.NO_CHECK, constants.HV_VNC_X509: hv_base.OPT_DIR_CHECK\


re.compile('Migration\s+status:\s+(\w+)', re.M | re.I)