ganeti-htoolsSource codeContentsIndex
Debug functions
Mathematical functions
Logical functions
JSON-related functions
Parsing utility functions
Utility functions.
debug :: Show a => a -> a
debugFn :: Show b => (a -> b) -> a -> a
debugXy :: Show a => a -> b -> b
commaJoin :: [String] -> String
sepSplit :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
stdDev :: [Double] -> Double
if' :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
select :: a -> [(Bool, a)] -> a
type JSRecord = [(String, JSValue)]
fromJResult :: Monad m => String -> Result a -> m a
readEitherString :: Monad m => JSValue -> m String
loadJSArray :: Monad m => String -> String -> m [JSObject JSValue]
fromObj :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> m a
maybeFromObj :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> m (Maybe a)
fromObjWithDefault :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> a -> m a
fromKeyValue :: (JSON a, Monad m) => String -> JSValue -> m a
annotateResult :: String -> Result a -> Result a
tryFromObj :: JSON a => String -> JSRecord -> String -> Result a
fromJVal :: (Monad m, JSON a) => JSValue -> m a
asJSObject :: Monad m => JSValue -> m (JSObject JSValue)
asObjectList :: Monad m => [JSValue] -> m [JSObject JSValue]
parseChoices :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> String -> [(a, String)] -> m a
tryRead :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> String -> m a
formatTable :: [[String]] -> [Bool] -> [[String]]
defaultGroupID :: GroupID
parseUnit :: (Monad m, Integral a, Read a) => String -> m a
Debug functions
debug :: Show a => a -> aSource
To be used only for debugging, breaks referential integrity.
debugFn :: Show b => (a -> b) -> a -> aSource
Displays a modified form of the second parameter before returning it.
debugXy :: Show a => a -> b -> bSource
Show the first parameter before returning the second one.
commaJoin :: [String] -> StringSource
Comma-join a string list.
sepSplit :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]Source
Split a list on a separator and return an array.
Mathematical functions
stdDev :: [Double] -> DoubleSource
Standard deviation function.
Logical functions
=> Bool"then" result
-> a"else" result
-> a"then" or else result depending on the condition
-> a
"if" as a function, rather than as syntactic sugar.
=> alist of "condition, result"
-> [(Bool, a)]first result which has a True condition, or default
-> a
Return the first result with a True condition, or the default otherwise.
JSON-related functions
type JSRecord = [(String, JSValue)]Source
A type alias for the list-based representation of J.JSObject.
fromJResult :: Monad m => String -> Result a -> m aSource
Converts a JSON Result into a monadic value.
readEitherString :: Monad m => JSValue -> m StringSource

Tries to read a string from a JSON value.

In case the value was not a string, we fail the read (in the context of the current monad.

:: Monad m
=> StringInput message
-> String
-> m [JSObject JSValue]
Converts a JSON message into an array of JSON objects.
fromObj :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> m aSource
Reads the value of a key in a JSON object.
maybeFromObj :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> m (Maybe a)Source
Reads the value of an optional key in a JSON object.
fromObjWithDefault :: (JSON a, Monad m) => JSRecord -> String -> a -> m aSource
Reads the value of a key in a JSON object with a default if missing.
:: (JSON a, Monad m)
=> StringThe value to read
-> JSValue
-> m a
Reads a JValue, that originated from an object key.
annotateResult :: String -> Result a -> Result aSource
Annotate a Result with an ownership information.
:: JSON a
=> StringThe object array
-> JSRecordThe desired key from the object
-> String
-> Result a
Try to extract a key from a object with better error reporting than fromObj.
fromJVal :: (Monad m, JSON a) => JSValue -> m aSource
Small wrapper over readJSON.
asJSObject :: Monad m => JSValue -> m (JSObject JSValue)Source
Converts a JSON value into a JSON object.
asObjectList :: Monad m => [JSValue] -> m [JSObject JSValue]Source
Coneverts a list of JSON values into a list of JSON objects.
Parsing utility functions
parseChoices :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> String -> [(a, String)] -> m aSource
Parse results from readsPrec.
tryRead :: (Monad m, Read a) => String -> String -> m aSource
Safe read function returning data encapsulated in a Result.
formatTable :: [[String]] -> [Bool] -> [[String]]Source
Format a table of strings to maintain consistent length.
defaultGroupID :: GroupIDSource
Default group UUID (just a string, not a real UUID).
parseUnit :: (Monad m, Integral a, Read a) => String -> m aSource

Tries to extract number and scale from the given string.

Input must be in the format NUMBER+ SPACE* [UNIT]. If no unit is specified, it defaults to MiB. Return value is always an integral value in MiB.

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