Package ganeti :: Module jqueue :: Class JobQueue
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Class JobQueue

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Queue used to manage the jobs.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, context)
Constructor for JobQueue.
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Loads the whole job queue and resumes unfinished jobs.
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AddNode(self, node)
Register a new node with the queue.
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RemoveNode(self, node_name)
Callback called when removing nodes from the cluster.
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(list, list)
Helper for returning the node name/ip list.
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_UpdateJobQueueFile(self, file_name, data, replicate)
Writes a file locally and then replicates it to all nodes.
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_RenameFilesUnlocked(self, rename)
Renames a file locally and then replicate the change.
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_NewSerialsUnlocked(self, count)
Generates a new job identifier.
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_QueuedJob or None
_LoadJobUnlocked(self, job_id)
Loads a job from the disk or memory.
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_QueuedJob or None
_LoadJobFromDisk(self, job_id, try_archived, writable=None)
Load the given job file from disk.
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_QueuedJob or None
SafeLoadJobFromDisk(self, job_id, try_archived, writable=None)
Load the given job file from disk.
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Update the queue size.
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SetDrainFlag(self, drain_flag)
Sets the drain flag for the queue.
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_SubmitJobUnlocked(self, job_id, ops)
Create and store a new job.
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SubmitJob(self, ops)
Create and store a new job.
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SubmitManyJobs(self, jobs)
Create and store multiple jobs.
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_SubmitManyJobsUnlocked(self, jobs, job_ids, previous_job_ids)
Create and store multiple jobs.
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_EnqueueJobs(self, jobs)
Helper function to add jobs to worker pool's queue.
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_EnqueueJobsUnlocked(self, jobs)
Helper function to add jobs to worker pool's queue.
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_GetJobStatusForDependencies(self, job_id)
Gets the status of a job for dependencies.
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UpdateJobUnlocked(self, job, replicate=True)
Update a job's on disk storage.
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tuple (job info, log entries)
WaitForJobChanges(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial, timeout)
Waits for changes in a job.
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CancelJob(self, job_id)
Cancels a job.
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_ArchiveJobsUnlocked(self, jobs)
Archives jobs.
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ArchiveJob(self, job_id)
Archives a job.
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AutoArchiveJobs(self, age, timeout)
Archives all jobs based on age.
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QueryJobs(self, job_ids, fields)
Returns a list of jobs in queue.
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Stops the job queue.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
_GetArchiveDirectory(cls, job_id)
Returns the archive directory for a job.
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_GetArchivedJobPath(cls, job_id)
Returns the archived job file for a give job id.
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Static Methods [hide private]
_CheckRpcResult(result, nodes, failmsg)
Verifies the status of an RPC call.
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Convert a job ID to string format.
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Returns the job file for a given job id.
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Return all known job IDs.
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_FormatSubmitError(msg, ops)
Formats errors which occurred while submitting a job.
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_ResolveJobDependencies(resolve_fn, deps)
Resolves relative job IDs in dependencies.
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Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, context)

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Constructor for JobQueue.

The constructor will initialize the job queue object and then start loading the current jobs from disk, either for starting them (if they were queue) or for aborting them (if they were already running).

  • context (GanetiContext) - the context object for access to the configuration data and other ganeti objects
Overrides: object.__init__


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Loads the whole job queue and resumes unfinished jobs.

This function needs the lock here because WorkerPool.AddTask() may start a job while we're still doing our work.

  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

AddNode(self, node)

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Register a new node with the queue.

  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

RemoveNode(self, node_name)

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Callback called when removing nodes from the cluster.

  • node_name (str) - the name of the node to remove
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

_CheckRpcResult(result, nodes, failmsg)
Static Method

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Verifies the status of an RPC call.

Since we aim to keep consistency should this node (the current master) fail, we will log errors if our rpc fail, and especially log the case when more than half of the nodes fails.

  • result - the data as returned from the rpc call
  • nodes (list) - the list of nodes we made the call to
  • failmsg (str) - the identifier to be used for logging


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Helper for returning the node name/ip list.

Returns: (list, list)
a tuple of two lists, the first one with the node names and the second one with the node addresses

_UpdateJobQueueFile(self, file_name, data, replicate)

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Writes a file locally and then replicates it to all nodes.

This function will replace the contents of a file on the local node and then replicate it to all the other nodes we have.

  • file_name (str) - the path of the file to be replicated
  • data (str) - the new contents of the file
  • replicate (boolean) - whether to spread the changes to the remote nodes

_RenameFilesUnlocked(self, rename)

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Renames a file locally and then replicate the change.

This function will rename a file in the local queue directory and then replicate this rename to all the other nodes we have.

  • rename (list of (old, new)) - List containing tuples mapping old to new names

Static Method

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Convert a job ID to string format.

Currently this just does str(job_id) after performing some checks, but if we want to change the job id format this will abstract this change.

  • job_id (int or long) - the numeric job id
Returns: str
the formatted job id

_GetArchiveDirectory(cls, job_id)
Class Method

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Returns the archive directory for a job.

  • job_id (str) - Job identifier
Returns: str
Directory name

_NewSerialsUnlocked(self, count)

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Generates a new job identifier.

Job identifiers are unique during the lifetime of a cluster.

  • count (integer) - how many serials to return
Returns: str
a string representing the job identifier.

Static Method

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Returns the job file for a given job id.

  • job_id (str) - the job identifier
Returns: str
the path to the job file

_GetArchivedJobPath(cls, job_id)
Class Method

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Returns the archived job file for a give job id.

  • job_id (str) - the job identifier
Returns: str
the path to the archived job file

Static Method

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Return all known job IDs.

The method only looks at disk because it's a requirement that all jobs are present on disk (so in the _memcache we don't have any extra IDs).

  • sort (boolean) - perform sorting on the returned job ids
Returns: list
the list of job IDs

_LoadJobUnlocked(self, job_id)

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Loads a job from the disk or memory.

Given a job id, this will return the cached job object if existing, or try to load the job from the disk. If loading from disk, it will also add the job to the cache.

  • job_id - the job id
Returns: _QueuedJob or None
either None or the job object

_LoadJobFromDisk(self, job_id, try_archived, writable=None)

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Load the given job file from disk.

Given a job file, read, load and restore it in a _QueuedJob format.

  • job_id (string) - job identifier
  • try_archived (bool) - Whether to try loading an archived job
Returns: _QueuedJob or None
either None or the job object

SafeLoadJobFromDisk(self, job_id, try_archived, writable=None)

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Load the given job file from disk.

Given a job file, read, load and restore it in a _QueuedJob format. In case of error reading the job, it gets returned as None, and the exception is logged.

  • job_id (string) - job identifier
  • try_archived (bool) - Whether to try loading an archived job
Returns: _QueuedJob or None
either None or the job object

SetDrainFlag(self, drain_flag)

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Sets the drain flag for the queue.

  • drain_flag (boolean) - Whether to set or unset the drain flag
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

_SubmitJobUnlocked(self, job_id, ops)

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Create and store a new job.

This enters the job into our job queue and also puts it on the new queue, in order for it to be picked up by the queue processors.

  • job_id (job ID) - the job ID for the new job
  • ops (list) - The list of OpCodes that will become the new job.
Returns: _QueuedJob
the job object to be queued
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

SubmitJob(self, ops)

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Create and store a new job.

  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

See Also: _SubmitJobUnlocked

SubmitManyJobs(self, jobs)

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Create and store multiple jobs.

  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

See Also: _SubmitJobUnlocked

_ResolveJobDependencies(resolve_fn, deps)
Static Method

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Resolves relative job IDs in dependencies.

  • resolve_fn (callable) - Function to resolve a relative job ID
  • deps (list) - Dependencies
Returns: list
Resolved dependencies

_SubmitManyJobsUnlocked(self, jobs, job_ids, previous_job_ids)

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Create and store multiple jobs.

See Also: _SubmitJobUnlocked

_EnqueueJobs(self, jobs)

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Helper function to add jobs to worker pool's queue.

  • jobs (list) - List of all jobs
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)

_EnqueueJobsUnlocked(self, jobs)

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Helper function to add jobs to worker pool's queue.

  • jobs (list) - List of all jobs

_GetJobStatusForDependencies(self, job_id)

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Gets the status of a job for dependencies.

  • job_id (string) - Job ID

UpdateJobUnlocked(self, job, replicate=True)

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Update a job's on disk storage.

After a job has been modified, this function needs to be called in order to write the changes to disk and replicate them to the other nodes.

  • job (_QueuedJob) - the changed job
  • replicate (boolean) - whether to replicate the change to remote nodes
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

WaitForJobChanges(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial, timeout)

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Waits for changes in a job.

  • job_id (string) - Job identifier
  • fields (list of strings) - Which fields to check for changes
  • prev_job_info (list or None) - Last job information returned
  • prev_log_serial (int) - Last job message serial number
  • timeout (float) - maximum time to wait in seconds
Returns: tuple (job info, log entries)
a tuple of the job information as required via the fields parameter, and the log entries as a list

if the job has not changed and the timeout has expired, we instead return a special value, constants.JOB_NOTCHANGED, which should be interpreted as such by the clients

CancelJob(self, job_id)

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Cancels a job.

This will only succeed if the job has not started yet.

  • job_id (string) - job ID of job to be cancelled.
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

_ArchiveJobsUnlocked(self, jobs)

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Archives jobs.

Returns: int
Number of archived jobs
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

ArchiveJob(self, job_id)

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Archives a job.

This is just a wrapper over _ArchiveJobsUnlocked.

  • job_id (string) - Job ID of job to be archived.
Returns: bool
Whether job was archived
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

AutoArchiveJobs(self, age, timeout)

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Archives all jobs based on age.

The method will archive all jobs which are older than the age parameter. For jobs that don't have an end timestamp, the start timestamp will be considered. The special '-1' age will cause archival of all jobs (that are not running or queued).

  • age (int) - the minimum age in seconds
  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue

QueryJobs(self, job_ids, fields)

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Returns a list of jobs in queue.

  • job_ids (list) - sequence of job identifiers or None for all
  • fields (list) - names of fields to return
Returns: list
list one element per job, each element being list with the requested fields


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Stops the job queue.

This shutdowns all the worker threads an closes the queue.

  • @locking.ssynchronized(_LOCK)
  • @_RequireOpenQueue