Description |
Implementation of the Ganeti confd types.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
Constructors | ReqPing | | ReqNodeRoleByName | | ReqNodePipList | | ReqNodePipByInstPip | | ReqClusterMaster | | ReqMcPipList | | ReqInstIpsList | | ReqNodeDrbd | |
Constructors | ReqFieldName | | ReqFieldIp | | ReqFieldMNodePip | |
Constructors | ConfdReqQ | | confdReqQIp :: Maybe String | | confdReqQIpList :: [String] | | confdReqQLink :: Maybe String | | confdReqQFields :: [ConfdReqField] | |
Confd query type. This is complex enough that we can't
automatically derive it via THH.
| Constructors | EmptyQuery | | PlainQuery String | | DictQuery ConfdReqQ | |
Constructors | ReplyStatusOk | | ReplyStatusError | | ReplyStatusNotImpl | |
Constructors | NodeRoleMaster | | NodeRoleCandidate | | NodeRoleOffline | | NodeRoleDrained | | NodeRoleRegular | |
Constructors | ConfdErrorUnknownEntry | | ConfdErrorInternal | | ConfdErrorArgument | |
Constructors | ConfdReply | | confdReplyProtocol :: Int | | confdReplyStatus :: ConfdReplyStatus | | confdReplyAnswer :: JSValue | | confdReplySerial :: Int | |
Constructors | SignedMessage | | signedMsgHmac :: String | | signedMsgMsg :: String | | signedMsgSalt :: String | |
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |