Description |
Implementation of the Ganeti configuration database.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
type LinkIpMap = Map String (Map String String) | Source |
Type alias for the link and ip map.
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO String | Source |
Reads the config file.
Parses the configuration file.
Wrapper over readConfig and parseConfig.
Query functions
Computes the nodes covered by a disk.
Computes all disk-related nodes of an instance. For non-DRBD,
this will be empty, for DRBD it will contain both the primary and
the secondaries.
Computes all nodes of an instance.
Computes the secondary nodes of an instance. Since this is valid
only for DRBD, we call directly instDiskNodes, skipping over the
extra primary insert.
Get instances of a given node.
Returns the default cluster link.
Returns instances of a given link.
getItem :: String -> String -> Map String a -> Result a | Source |
Generic lookup function that converts from a possible abbreviated
name to a full name.
Looks up a node.
Looks up an instance.
Looks up an instance's primary node.
getDrbdMinorsForNode :: String -> Disk -> [(Int, String)] | Source |
Filters DRBD minors for a given node.
String for primary role.
String for secondary role.
getInstMinorsForNode :: String -> Instance -> [(String, Int, String, String, String, String)] | Source |
Gets the list of DRBD minors for an instance that are related to
a given node.
Builds link -> ip -> instname map.
TODO: improve this by splitting it into multiple independent functions:
- abstract the "fetch instance with filled params" functionality
- abstsract the [instance] -> [(nic, instance_name)] part
- etc.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |