Package ganeti :: Package tools :: Module ensure_dirs
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Source Code for Module

  1  # 
  2  # 
  4  # Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. 
  5  # 
  6  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  7  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  8  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
  9  # (at your option) any later version. 
 10  # 
 11  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 12  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 14  # General Public License for more details. 
 15  # 
 16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 17  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 18  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
 19  # 02110-1301, USA. 
 21  """Script to ensure permissions on files/dirs are accurate. 
 23  """ 
 25  import os 
 26  import os.path 
 27  import optparse 
 28  import sys 
 29  import logging 
 31  from ganeti import constants 
 32  from ganeti import errors 
 33  from ganeti import runtime 
 34  from ganeti import ssconf 
 35  from ganeti import utils 
 36  from ganeti import cli 
 39  (DIR, 
 40   FILE, 
 41   QUEUE_DIR) = range(1, 4) 
 43  ALL_TYPES = frozenset([ 
 44    DIR, 
 45    FILE, 
 46    QUEUE_DIR, 
 47    ]) 
50 -def RecursiveEnsure(path, uid, gid, dir_perm, file_perm):
51 """Ensures permissions recursively down a directory. 52 53 This functions walks the path and sets permissions accordingly. 54 55 @param path: The absolute path to walk 56 @param uid: The uid used as owner 57 @param gid: The gid used as group 58 @param dir_perm: The permission bits set for directories 59 @param file_perm: The permission bits set for files 60 61 """ 62 assert os.path.isabs(path), "Path %s is not absolute" % path 63 assert os.path.isdir(path), "Path %s is not a dir" % path 64 65 logging.debug("Recursively processing %s", path) 66 67 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): 68 for subdir in dirs: 69 utils.EnforcePermission(os.path.join(root, subdir), dir_perm, uid=uid, 70 gid=gid) 71 72 for filename in files: 73 utils.EnforcePermission(os.path.join(root, filename), file_perm, uid=uid, 74 gid=gid)
75 76
77 -def EnsureQueueDir(path, mode, uid, gid):
78 """Sets the correct permissions on all job files in the queue. 79 80 @param path: Directory path 81 @param mode: Wanted file mode 82 @param uid: Wanted user ID 83 @param gid: Wanted group ID 84 85 """ 86 for filename in utils.ListVisibleFiles(path): 87 if constants.JOB_FILE_RE.match(filename): 88 utils.EnforcePermission(utils.PathJoin(path, filename), mode, uid=uid, 89 gid=gid)
90 91
92 -def ProcessPath(path):
93 """Processes a path component. 94 95 @param path: A tuple of the path component to process 96 97 """ 98 (pathname, pathtype, mode, uid, gid) = path[0:5] 99 100 assert pathtype in ALL_TYPES 101 102 if pathtype in (DIR, QUEUE_DIR): 103 # No additional parameters 104 assert len(path[5:]) == 0 105 if pathtype == DIR: 106 utils.MakeDirWithPerm(pathname, mode, uid, gid) 107 elif pathtype == QUEUE_DIR: 108 EnsureQueueDir(pathname, mode, uid, gid) 109 elif pathtype == FILE: 110 (must_exist, ) = path[5:] 111 utils.EnforcePermission(pathname, mode, uid=uid, gid=gid, 112 must_exist=must_exist)
113 114
115 -def GetPaths():
116 """Returns a tuple of path objects to process. 117 118 """ 119 getent = runtime.GetEnts() 120 masterd_log = constants.DAEMONS_LOGFILES[constants.MASTERD] 121 noded_log = constants.DAEMONS_LOGFILES[constants.NODED] 122 confd_log = constants.DAEMONS_LOGFILES[constants.CONFD] 123 rapi_log = constants.DAEMONS_LOGFILES[constants.RAPI] 124 125 rapi_dir = os.path.join(constants.DATA_DIR, "rapi") 126 127 paths = [ 128 (constants.DATA_DIR, DIR, 0755, getent.masterd_uid, 129 getent.masterd_gid), 130 (constants.CLUSTER_DOMAIN_SECRET_FILE, FILE, 0640, 131 getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 132 (constants.CLUSTER_CONF_FILE, FILE, 0640, getent.masterd_uid, 133 getent.confd_gid, False), 134 (constants.CONFD_HMAC_KEY, FILE, 0440, getent.confd_uid, 135 getent.masterd_gid, False), 136 (constants.SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS_FILE, FILE, 0644, getent.masterd_uid, 137 getent.masterd_gid, False), 138 (constants.RAPI_CERT_FILE, FILE, 0440, getent.rapi_uid, 139 getent.masterd_gid, False), 140 (constants.SPICE_CERT_FILE, FILE, 0440, getent.noded_uid, 141 getent.masterd_gid, False), 142 (constants.SPICE_CACERT_FILE, FILE, 0440, getent.noded_uid, 143 getent.masterd_gid, False), 144 (constants.NODED_CERT_FILE, FILE, 0440, getent.masterd_uid, 145 getent.masterd_gid, False), 146 ] 147 148 ss = ssconf.SimpleStore() 149 for ss_path in ss.GetFileList(): 150 paths.append((ss_path, FILE, constants.SS_FILE_PERMS, 151 getent.noded_uid, 0, False)) 152 153 paths.extend([ 154 (constants.QUEUE_DIR, DIR, 0700, getent.masterd_uid, 155 getent.masterd_gid), 156 (constants.QUEUE_DIR, QUEUE_DIR, 0600, getent.masterd_uid, 157 getent.masterd_gid), 158 (constants.JOB_QUEUE_LOCK_FILE, FILE, 0600, 159 getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 160 (constants.JOB_QUEUE_SERIAL_FILE, FILE, 0600, 161 getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 162 (constants.JOB_QUEUE_VERSION_FILE, FILE, 0600, 163 getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 164 (constants.JOB_QUEUE_ARCHIVE_DIR, DIR, 0700, 165 getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid), 166 (rapi_dir, DIR, 0750, getent.rapi_uid, getent.masterd_gid), 167 (constants.RAPI_USERS_FILE, FILE, 0640, getent.rapi_uid, 168 getent.masterd_gid, False), 169 (constants.RUN_GANETI_DIR, DIR, 0775, getent.masterd_uid, 170 getent.daemons_gid), 171 (constants.SOCKET_DIR, DIR, 0750, getent.masterd_uid, 172 getent.daemons_gid), 173 (constants.MASTER_SOCKET, FILE, 0770, getent.masterd_uid, 174 getent.daemons_gid, False), 175 (constants.BDEV_CACHE_DIR, DIR, 0755, getent.noded_uid, 176 getent.masterd_gid), 177 (constants.UIDPOOL_LOCKDIR, DIR, 0750, getent.noded_uid, 178 getent.masterd_gid), 179 (constants.DISK_LINKS_DIR, DIR, 0755, getent.noded_uid, 180 getent.masterd_gid), 181 (constants.CRYPTO_KEYS_DIR, DIR, 0700, getent.noded_uid, 182 getent.masterd_gid), 183 (constants.IMPORT_EXPORT_DIR, DIR, 0755, getent.noded_uid, 184 getent.masterd_gid), 185 (constants.LOG_DIR, DIR, 0770, getent.masterd_uid, 186 getent.daemons_gid), 187 (masterd_log, FILE, 0600, getent.masterd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, 188 False), 189 (confd_log, FILE, 0600, getent.confd_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 190 (noded_log, FILE, 0600, getent.noded_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 191 (rapi_log, FILE, 0600, getent.rapi_uid, getent.masterd_gid, False), 192 (constants.LOG_OS_DIR, DIR, 0750, getent.masterd_uid, 193 getent.daemons_gid), 194 ]) 195 196 return tuple(paths)
197 198
199 -def SetupLogging(opts):
200 """Configures the logging module. 201 202 """ 203 formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s: %(message)s") 204 205 stderr_handler = logging.StreamHandler() 206 stderr_handler.setFormatter(formatter) 207 if opts.debug: 208 stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) 209 elif opts.verbose: 210 stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) 211 else: 212 stderr_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) 213 214 root_logger = logging.getLogger("") 215 root_logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) 216 root_logger.addHandler(stderr_handler)
217 218
219 -def ParseOptions():
220 """Parses the options passed to the program. 221 222 @return: Options and arguments 223 224 """ 225 program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) 226 227 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%%prog [--full-run]", 228 prog=program) 229 parser.add_option(cli.DEBUG_OPT) 230 parser.add_option(cli.VERBOSE_OPT) 231 parser.add_option("--full-run", "-f", dest="full_run", action="store_true", 232 default=False, help=("Make a full run and set permissions" 233 " on archived jobs (time consuming)")) 234 235 return parser.parse_args()
236 237
238 -def Main():
239 """Main routine. 240 241 """ 242 (opts, _) = ParseOptions() 243 244 SetupLogging(opts) 245 246 if opts.full_run: 247"Running in full mode") 248 249 getent = runtime.GetEnts() 250 251 try: 252 for path in GetPaths(): 253 ProcessPath(path) 254 255 if opts.full_run: 256 RecursiveEnsure(constants.JOB_QUEUE_ARCHIVE_DIR, getent.masterd_uid, 257 getent.masterd_gid, 0700, 0600) 258 except errors.GenericError, err: 259 logging.error("An error occurred while setting permissions: %s", err) 260 return constants.EXIT_FAILURE 261 262 return constants.EXIT_SUCCESS