Package ganeti :: Module _generated_rpc :: Class RpcClientDefault
[hide private]
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Class RpcClientDefault

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Instance Methods [hide private]
call_accept_instance(self, node, instance, info, target, _def=_CALLS ['accept_instance'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'accept_instance'
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call_all_instances_info(self, node_list, hypervisor_list, _def=_CALLS ['all_instances_info'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'all_instances_info'
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call_bdev_sizes(self, node_list, devices, _def=_CALLS ['bdev_sizes'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'bdev_sizes'
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call_blockdev_addchildren(self, node, bdev, ndevs, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_addchildren'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_addchildren'
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call_blockdev_assemble(self, node, disk, owner, on_primary, idx, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_assemble'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_assemble'
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call_blockdev_close(self, node, instance_name, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_close'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_close'
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call_blockdev_create(self, node, bdev, size, owner, on_primary, info, exclusive_storage, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_create'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_create'
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call_blockdev_export(self, node, cf_bdev, dest_node, dest_path, cluster_name, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_export'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_export'
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call_blockdev_find(self, node, disk, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_find'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_find'
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call_blockdev_getmirrorstatus(self, node, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getmirrorstatus'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getmirrorstatus'
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call_blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi(self, node_list, node_disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi'
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call_blockdev_getsize(self, node, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getsize'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getsize'
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call_blockdev_grow(self, node, cf_bdev, amount, dryrun, backingstore, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_grow'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_grow'
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call_blockdev_pause_resume_sync(self, node, disks, pause, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_pause_resume_sync'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_pause_resume_sync'
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call_blockdev_remove(self, node, bdev, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_remove'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_remove'
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call_blockdev_removechildren(self, node, bdev, ndevs, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_removechildren'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_removechildren'
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call_blockdev_rename(self, node, devlist, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_rename'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_rename'
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call_blockdev_setinfo(self, node, disk, info, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_setinfo'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_setinfo'
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call_blockdev_shutdown(self, node, disk, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_shutdown'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_shutdown'
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call_blockdev_snapshot(self, node, cf_bdev, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_snapshot'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_snapshot'
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call_blockdev_wipe(self, node, bdev, offset, size, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_wipe'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_wipe'
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call_bridges_exist(self, node, bridges_list, _def=_CALLS ['bridges_exist'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'bridges_exist'
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call_drbd_attach_net(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, instance_name, multimaster, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_attach_net'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_attach_net'
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call_drbd_disconnect_net(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_disconnect_net'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_disconnect_net'
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call_drbd_helper(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_helper'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_helper'
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call_drbd_wait_sync(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_wait_sync'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_wait_sync'
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call_etc_hosts_modify(self, node, mode, name, ip, _def=_CALLS ['etc_hosts_modify'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'etc_hosts_modify'
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call_export_info(self, node, path, _def=_CALLS ['export_info'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'export_info'
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call_export_list(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['export_list'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'export_list'
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call_export_remove(self, node, export, _def=_CALLS ['export_remove'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'export_remove'
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call_export_start(self, node, opts, host, port, instance, component, source, _def=_CALLS ['export_start'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'export_start'
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call_extstorage_diagnose(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['extstorage_diagnose'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'extstorage_diagnose'
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call_file_storage_dir_create(self, node, file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_create'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_create'
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call_file_storage_dir_remove(self, node, file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_remove'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_remove'
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call_file_storage_dir_rename(self, node, old_file_storage_dir, new_file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_rename'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_rename'
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call_finalize_export(self, node, instance, snap_disks, _def=_CALLS ['finalize_export'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'finalize_export'
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call_get_watcher_pause(self, node, _def=_CALLS ['get_watcher_pause'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'get_watcher_pause'
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call_hooks_runner(self, node_list, hpath, phase, env, _def=_CALLS ['hooks_runner'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'hooks_runner'
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call_hypervisor_validate_params(self, node_list, hvname, hvfull, _def=_CALLS ['hypervisor_validate_params'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'hypervisor_validate_params'
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call_iallocator_runner(self, node, name, idata, _def=_CALLS ['iallocator_runner'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'iallocator_runner'
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call_impexp_abort(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_abort'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_abort'
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call_impexp_cleanup(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_cleanup'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_cleanup'
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call_impexp_status(self, node, names, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_status'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_status'
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call_import_start(self, node, opts, instance, component, dest, _def=_CALLS ['import_start'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'import_start'
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call_instance_balloon_memory(self, node, instance, memory, _def=_CALLS ['instance_balloon_memory'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_balloon_memory'
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call_instance_finalize_migration_dst(self, node, instance, info, success, _def=_CALLS ['instance_finalize_migration_dst'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_finalize_migration_dst'
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call_instance_finalize_migration_src(self, node, instance, success, live, _def=_CALLS ['instance_finalize_migration_src'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_finalize_migration_src'
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call_instance_get_migration_status(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['instance_get_migration_status'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_get_migration_status'
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call_instance_info(self, node, instance, hname, _def=_CALLS ['instance_info'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_info'
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call_instance_list(self, node_list, hypervisor_list, _def=_CALLS ['instance_list'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_list'
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call_instance_migratable(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['instance_migratable'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_migratable'
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call_instance_migrate(self, node, instance, target, live, _def=_CALLS ['instance_migrate'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_migrate'
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call_instance_os_add(self, node, instance_osp, reinstall, debug, _def=_CALLS ['instance_os_add'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_os_add'
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call_instance_reboot(self, node, inst, reboot_type, shutdown_timeout, _def=_CALLS ['instance_reboot'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_reboot'
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call_instance_run_rename(self, node, instance, old_name, debug, _def=_CALLS ['instance_run_rename'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_run_rename'
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call_instance_shutdown(self, node, instance, timeout, _def=_CALLS ['instance_shutdown'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_shutdown'
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call_instance_start(self, node, instance_hvp_bep, startup_paused, _def=_CALLS ['instance_start'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_start'
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call_lv_list(self, node_list, vg_name, _def=_CALLS ['lv_list'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'lv_list'
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call_migration_info(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['migration_info'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'migration_info'
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call_node_demote_from_mc(self, node, _def=_CALLS ['node_demote_from_mc'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_demote_from_mc'
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call_node_has_ip_address(self, node, address, _def=_CALLS ['node_has_ip_address'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_has_ip_address'
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call_node_info(self, node_list, vg_names, hv_names, exclusive_storage, _def=_CALLS ['node_info'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_info'
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call_node_powercycle(self, node, hypervisor, _def=_CALLS ['node_powercycle'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_powercycle'
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call_node_verify(self, node_list, checkdict, cluster_name, _def=_CALLS ['node_verify'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_verify'
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call_node_volumes(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['node_volumes'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'node_volumes'
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call_os_diagnose(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['os_diagnose'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'os_diagnose'
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call_os_get(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['os_get'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'os_get'
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call_os_validate(self, node_list, required, name, checks, params, _def=_CALLS ['os_validate'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'os_validate'
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call_restricted_command(self, node_list, cmd, _def=_CALLS ['restricted_command'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'restricted_command'
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call_run_oob(self, node, oob_program, command, remote_node, timeout, _def=_CALLS ['run_oob'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'run_oob'
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call_set_watcher_pause(self, node_list, until, _def=_CALLS ['set_watcher_pause'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'set_watcher_pause'
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call_storage_execute(self, node, su_name, su_args, name, op, _def=_CALLS ['storage_execute'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_execute'
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call_storage_list(self, node_list, su_name, su_args, name, fields, _def=_CALLS ['storage_list'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_list'
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call_storage_modify(self, node, su_name, su_args, name, changes, _def=_CALLS ['storage_modify'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_modify'
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call_test_delay(self, node_list, duration, _def=_CALLS ['test_delay'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'test_delay'
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call_vg_list(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['vg_list'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'vg_list'
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call_x509_cert_create(self, node, validity, _def=_CALLS ['x509_cert_create'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'x509_cert_create'
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call_x509_cert_remove(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['x509_cert_remove'])
Wrapper for RPC call 'x509_cert_remove'
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _CALLS = rpc_defs.CALLS ['RpcClientDefault']
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

call_accept_instance(self, node, instance, info, target, _def=_CALLS ['accept_instance'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'accept_instance'

Prepare a node to accept an instance

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object
  • info - Result for the call_migration_info call
  • target - Target hostname (usually an IP address)

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_all_instances_info(self, node_list, hypervisor_list, _def=_CALLS ['all_instances_info'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'all_instances_info'

Returns information about all instances on the given nodes

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names
  • hypervisor_list - Hypervisors to query for instances

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_bdev_sizes(self, node_list, devices, _def=_CALLS ['bdev_sizes'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'bdev_sizes'

Gets the sizes of requested block devices present on a node

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_blockdev_addchildren(self, node, bdev, ndevs, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_addchildren'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_addchildren'

Request adding a list of children to a (mirroring) device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_assemble(self, node, disk, owner, on_primary, idx, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_assemble'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_assemble'

Request assembling of a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_close(self, node, instance_name, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_close'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_close'

Closes the given block devices

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_create(self, node, bdev, size, owner, on_primary, info, exclusive_storage, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_create'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_create'

Request creation of a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_export(self, node, cf_bdev, dest_node, dest_path, cluster_name, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_export'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_export'

Export a given disk to another node

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1d 0h 0m 0s

call_blockdev_find(self, node, disk, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_find'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_find'

Request identification of a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_getmirrorstatus(self, node, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getmirrorstatus'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getmirrorstatus'

Request status of a (mirroring) device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi(self, node_list, node_disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getmirrorstatus_multi'

Request status of (mirroring) devices from multiple nodes

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_getsize(self, node, disks, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_getsize'])

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Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_getsize'

Returns the size of the given disks

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_grow(self, node, cf_bdev, amount, dryrun, backingstore, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_grow'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_grow'

Request growing of the given block device by a given amount

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_pause_resume_sync(self, node, disks, pause, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_pause_resume_sync'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_pause_resume_sync'

Request a pause/resume of given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_remove(self, node, bdev, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_remove'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_remove'

Request removal of a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_removechildren(self, node, bdev, ndevs, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_removechildren'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_removechildren'

Request removing a list of children from a (mirroring) device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_rename(self, node, devlist, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_rename'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_rename'

Request rename of the given block devices

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_setinfo(self, node, disk, info, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_setinfo'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_setinfo'

Sets metadata information on a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_shutdown(self, node, disk, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_shutdown'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_shutdown'

Request shutdown of a given block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_snapshot(self, node, cf_bdev, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_snapshot'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_snapshot'

Export a given disk to another node

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_blockdev_wipe(self, node, bdev, offset, size, _def=_CALLS ['blockdev_wipe'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'blockdev_wipe'

Request wipe at given offset with given size of a block device

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_bridges_exist(self, node, bridges_list, _def=_CALLS ['bridges_exist'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'bridges_exist'

Checks if a node has all the bridges given

  • node (string) - Node name
  • bridges_list - Bridges which must be present on remote node

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_drbd_attach_net(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, instance_name, multimaster, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_attach_net'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_attach_net'

Connects the given DRBD devices

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_drbd_disconnect_net(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_disconnect_net'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_disconnect_net'

Disconnects the network of the given drbd devices

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_drbd_helper(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_helper'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_helper'

Gets DRBD helper

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_drbd_wait_sync(self, node_list, nodes_ip, disks, _def=_CALLS ['drbd_wait_sync'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'drbd_wait_sync'

Waits for the synchronization of drbd devices is complete

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_etc_hosts_modify(self, node, mode, name, ip, _def=_CALLS ['etc_hosts_modify'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'etc_hosts_modify'

Modify hosts file with name


Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_export_info(self, node, path, _def=_CALLS ['export_info'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'export_info'

Queries the export information in a given path

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_export_list(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['export_list'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'export_list'

Gets the stored exports list

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_export_remove(self, node, export, _def=_CALLS ['export_remove'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'export_remove'

Requests removal of a given export

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_export_start(self, node, opts, host, port, instance, component, source, _def=_CALLS ['export_start'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'export_start'

Starts an export daemon

  • node (string) - Node name
  • source - Export source

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_extstorage_diagnose(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['extstorage_diagnose'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'extstorage_diagnose'

Request a diagnose of ExtStorage Providers

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_file_storage_dir_create(self, node, file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_create'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_create'

Create the given file storage directory

  • node (string) - Node name
  • file_storage_dir - File storage directory

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_file_storage_dir_remove(self, node, file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_remove'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_remove'

Remove the given file storage directory

  • node (string) - Node name
  • file_storage_dir - File storage directory

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_file_storage_dir_rename(self, node, old_file_storage_dir, new_file_storage_dir, _def=_CALLS ['file_storage_dir_rename'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'file_storage_dir_rename'

Rename file storage directory

  • node (string) - Node name
  • old_file_storage_dir - Old name
  • new_file_storage_dir - New name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_finalize_export(self, node, instance, snap_disks, _def=_CALLS ['finalize_export'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'finalize_export'

Request the completion of an export operation

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_get_watcher_pause(self, node, _def=_CALLS ['get_watcher_pause'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'get_watcher_pause'

Get watcher pause end

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_hooks_runner(self, node_list, hpath, phase, env, _def=_CALLS ['hooks_runner'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'hooks_runner'

Call the hooks runner

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_hypervisor_validate_params(self, node_list, hvname, hvfull, _def=_CALLS ['hypervisor_validate_params'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'hypervisor_validate_params'

Validate hypervisor params

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names
  • hvname - Hypervisor name
  • hvfull - Parameters to be validated

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_iallocator_runner(self, node, name, idata, _def=_CALLS ['iallocator_runner'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'iallocator_runner'

Call an iallocator on a remote node

  • node (string) - Node name
  • name - Iallocator name
  • idata - JSON-encoded input string

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_impexp_abort(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_abort'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_abort'

Aborts an import or export

  • node (string) - Node name
  • name - Import/export name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_impexp_cleanup(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_cleanup'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_cleanup'

Cleans up after an import or export

  • node (string) - Node name
  • name - Import/export name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_impexp_status(self, node, names, _def=_CALLS ['impexp_status'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'impexp_status'

Gets the status of an import or export

  • node (string) - Node name
  • names - Import/export names

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_import_start(self, node, opts, instance, component, dest, _def=_CALLS ['import_start'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'import_start'

Starts an import daemon

  • node (string) - Node name
  • dest - Import destination

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_balloon_memory(self, node, instance, memory, _def=_CALLS ['instance_balloon_memory'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_balloon_memory'

Modify the amount of an instance's runtime memory

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_finalize_migration_dst(self, node, instance, info, success, _def=_CALLS ['instance_finalize_migration_dst'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_finalize_migration_dst'

Finalize any target-node migration specific operation

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object
  • info - Result for the call_migration_info call
  • success - Whether the migration was a success or failure

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_finalize_migration_src(self, node, instance, success, live, _def=_CALLS ['instance_finalize_migration_src'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_finalize_migration_src'

Finalize the instance migration on the source node

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object
  • success - Whether the migration succeeded or not
  • live - Whether the user requested a live migration or not

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_instance_get_migration_status(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['instance_get_migration_status'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_get_migration_status'

Report migration status

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_instance_info(self, node, instance, hname, _def=_CALLS ['instance_info'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_info'

Returns information about a single instance

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance name
  • hname - Hypervisor type

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_instance_list(self, node_list, hypervisor_list, _def=_CALLS ['instance_list'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_list'

Returns the list of running instances on the given nodes

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names
  • hypervisor_list - Hypervisors to query for instances

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_instance_migratable(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['instance_migratable'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_migratable'

Checks whether the given instance can be migrated

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_migrate(self, node, instance, target, live, _def=_CALLS ['instance_migrate'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_migrate'

Migrate an instance

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object
  • target - Target node name
  • live - Whether the migration should be done live or not

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_instance_os_add(self, node, instance_osp, reinstall, debug, _def=_CALLS ['instance_os_add'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_os_add'

Starts an instance

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1d 0h 0m 0s

call_instance_reboot(self, node, inst, reboot_type, shutdown_timeout, _def=_CALLS ['instance_reboot'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_reboot'

Returns the list of running instances on the given nodes

  • node (string) - Node name
  • inst - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_run_rename(self, node, instance, old_name, debug, _def=_CALLS ['instance_run_rename'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_run_rename'

Run the OS rename script for an instance

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_instance_shutdown(self, node, instance, timeout, _def=_CALLS ['instance_shutdown'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_shutdown'

Stops an instance

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_instance_start(self, node, instance_hvp_bep, startup_paused, _def=_CALLS ['instance_start'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'instance_start'

Starts an instance

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_lv_list(self, node_list, vg_name, _def=_CALLS ['lv_list'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'lv_list'

Gets the logical volumes present in a given volume group

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_migration_info(self, node, instance, _def=_CALLS ['migration_info'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'migration_info'

Gather the information necessary to prepare an instance migration

  • node (string) - Node name
  • instance - Instance object

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_node_demote_from_mc(self, node, _def=_CALLS ['node_demote_from_mc'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_demote_from_mc'

Demote a node from the master candidate role

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_node_has_ip_address(self, node, address, _def=_CALLS ['node_has_ip_address'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_has_ip_address'

Checks if a node has the given IP address

  • node (string) - Node name
  • address - IP address

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_node_info(self, node_list, vg_names, hv_names, exclusive_storage, _def=_CALLS ['node_info'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_info'

Return node information

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names
  • vg_names - Names of the volume groups to ask for disk space information
  • hv_names - Names of the hypervisors to ask for node information
  • exclusive_storage - Whether exclusive storage is enabled

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_node_powercycle(self, node, hypervisor, _def=_CALLS ['node_powercycle'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_powercycle'

Tries to powercycle a node

  • node (string) - Node name
  • hypervisor - Hypervisor type

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_node_verify(self, node_list, checkdict, cluster_name, _def=_CALLS ['node_verify'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_verify'

Request verification of given parameters

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_node_volumes(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['node_volumes'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'node_volumes'

Gets all volumes on node(s)

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_os_diagnose(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['os_diagnose'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'os_diagnose'

Request a diagnose of OS definitions

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_os_get(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['os_get'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'os_get'

Returns an OS definition

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_os_validate(self, node_list, required, name, checks, params, _def=_CALLS ['os_validate'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'os_validate'

Run a validation routine for a given OS

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 5m 0s

call_restricted_command(self, node_list, cmd, _def=_CALLS ['restricted_command'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'restricted_command'

Runs restricted command

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names
  • cmd - Command name

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1h 0m 0s

call_run_oob(self, node, oob_program, command, remote_node, timeout, _def=_CALLS ['run_oob'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'run_oob'

Runs out-of-band command

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_set_watcher_pause(self, node_list, until, _def=_CALLS ['set_watcher_pause'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'set_watcher_pause'

Set watcher pause end

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_storage_execute(self, node, su_name, su_args, name, op, _def=_CALLS ['storage_execute'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_execute'

Executes an operation on a storage unit

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_storage_list(self, node_list, su_name, su_args, name, fields, _def=_CALLS ['storage_list'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_list'

Get list of storage units

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_storage_modify(self, node, su_name, su_args, name, changes, _def=_CALLS ['storage_modify'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'storage_modify'

Modify a storage unit

  • node (string) - Node name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_test_delay(self, node_list, duration, _def=_CALLS ['test_delay'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'test_delay'

Sleep for a fixed time on given node(s)

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call

call_vg_list(self, node_list, _def=_CALLS ['vg_list'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'vg_list'

Gets the volume group list

  • node_list (list of string) - List of node names

Note: This is a multi-node call with a timeout of 1m 0s

call_x509_cert_create(self, node, validity, _def=_CALLS ['x509_cert_create'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'x509_cert_create'

Creates a new X509 certificate for SSL/TLS

  • node (string) - Node name
  • validity - Validity in seconds

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s

call_x509_cert_remove(self, node, name, _def=_CALLS ['x509_cert_remove'])

source code 

Wrapper for RPC call 'x509_cert_remove'

Removes a X509 certificate

  • node (string) - Node name
  • name - Certificate name

Note: This is a single-node call with a timeout of 15m 0s