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Chroot manager.
This not-really hypervisor allows ganeti to manage chroots. It has special behaviour and requirements on the OS definition and the node environemnt:
objects.MigrationStatus |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from |
_ROOT_DIR = pathutils.RUN_DIR+ "/chroot-hypervisor"
PARAMETERS = {constants.HV_INIT_SCRIPT:(True, utils.IsNormAbsP a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing: |
Inherited from |
Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Get the list of running instances.
Get instance properties.
Get properties of all instances.
Start an instance. For the chroot manager, we try to mount the block device and execute '/ganeti-chroot start'.
Stop an instance. This method has complicated cleanup tests, as we must:
Cleanup after a stopped instance
Reboot an instance. This is not (yet) implemented for the chroot manager.
Balloon an instance memory to a certain value.
Return information about the node. This is just a wrapper over the base GetLinuxNodeInfo method.
Return information for connecting to the console of an instance.
Verify the hypervisor. For the chroot manager, it just checks the existence of the base dir.
Chroot powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.
Migrate an instance.
Get the migration status
PARAMETERSa dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Tue Dec 3 11:32:39 2013 | |