Package ganeti :: Module jqueue :: Class _QueuedJob
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Class _QueuedJob

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In-memory job representation.

This is what we use to track the user-submitted jobs. Locking must be taken care of by users of this class.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, queue, job_id, ops, writable)
Constructor for the _QueuedJob.
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Serialize the _JobQueue instance.
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Compute the status of this job.
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Gets the current priority for this job.
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GetLogEntries(self, newer_than)
Selectively returns the log entries.
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GetInfo(self, fields)
Returns information about a job.
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MarkUnfinishedOps(self, status, result)
Mark unfinished opcodes with a given status and result.
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Marks the job as finalized.
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tuple; (bool, string)
Marks job as canceled/-ing if possible.
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tuple; (bool, string)
ChangePriority(self, priority)
Changes the job priority.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods [hide private]
Restore(cls, queue, state, writable, archived)
Restore a _QueuedJob from serialized state:
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Static Methods [hide private]
_InitInMemory(obj, writable)
Initializes in-memory variables.
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Instance Variables [hide private]
the timestamp for end of execution
the job ID
int log_serial
holds the index for the next log entry
list ops
the list of _QueuedOpCode that constitute the job
JobQueue queue
the parent queue
the timestamp for when the job was received
the timestamp for start of execution
Whether the job is allowed to be modified
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, queue, job_id, ops, writable)

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Constructor for the _QueuedJob.

  • queue (JobQueue) - our parent queue
  • job_id (job_id) - our job id
  • ops (list) - the list of opcodes we hold, which will be encapsulated in _QueuedOpCodes
  • writable (bool) - Whether job can be modified
Overrides: object.__init__

(Representation operator)

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Overrides: object.__repr__
(inherited documentation)

Restore(cls, queue, state, writable, archived)
Class Method

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Restore a _QueuedJob from serialized state:

  • queue (JobQueue) - to which queue the restored job belongs
  • state (dict) - the serialized state
  • writable (bool) - Whether job can be modified
  • archived (bool) - Whether job was already archived
Returns: _JobQueue
the restored _JobQueue instance


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Serialize the _JobQueue instance.

Returns: dict
the serialized state


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Compute the status of this job.

This function iterates over all the _QueuedOpCodes in the job and based on their status, computes the job status.

The algorithm is:

  • if we find a cancelled, or finished with error, the job status will be the same
  • otherwise, the last opcode with the status one of:
    • waitlock
    • canceling
    • running

    will determine the job status

  • otherwise, it means either all opcodes are queued, or success, and the job status will be the same
the job status


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Gets the current priority for this job.

Only unfinished opcodes are considered. When all are done, the default priority is used.

Returns: int

GetLogEntries(self, newer_than)

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Selectively returns the log entries.

  • newer_than (None or int) - if this is None, return all log entries, otherwise return only the log entries with serial higher than this value
Returns: list
the list of the log entries selected

GetInfo(self, fields)

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Returns information about a job.

  • fields (list) - names of fields to return
Returns: list
list with one element for each field

MarkUnfinishedOps(self, status, result)

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Mark unfinished opcodes with a given status and result.

This is an utility function for marking all running or waiting to be run opcodes with a given status. Opcodes which are already finalised are not changed.

  • status - a given opcode status
  • result - the opcode result


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Marks job as canceled/-ing if possible.

Returns: tuple; (bool, string)
Boolean describing whether job was successfully canceled or marked as canceling and a text message

ChangePriority(self, priority)

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Changes the job priority.

  • priority (int) - New priority
Returns: tuple; (bool, string)
Boolean describing whether job's priority was successfully changed and a text message