Package ganeti :: Module luxi :: Class Client
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Class Client

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High-level client implementation.

This uses a backing Transport-like class on top of which it implements data serialization/deserialization.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, address=None, timeouts=None, transport=Transport)
Constructor for the Client class.
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(Re)initialize the transport if needed.
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Close the transport, ignoring errors.
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_SendMethodCall(self, data) source code
Close the underlying connection.
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CallMethod(self, method, args)
Send a generic request and return the response.
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SetQueueDrainFlag(self, drain_flag) source code
SetWatcherPause(self, until) source code
SubmitJob(self, ops) source code
SubmitManyJobs(self, jobs) source code
CancelJob(self, job_id) source code
ArchiveJob(self, job_id) source code
ChangeJobPriority(self, job_id, priority) source code
AutoArchiveJobs(self, age) source code
WaitForJobChangeOnce(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial, timeout=WFJC_TIMEOUT)
Waits for changes on a job.
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WaitForJobChange(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial) source code
Query(self, what, fields, qfilter)
Query for resources/items.
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QueryFields(self, what, fields)
Query for available fields.
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QueryJobs(self, job_ids, fields) source code
QueryInstances(self, names, fields, use_locking) source code
QueryNodes(self, names, fields, use_locking) source code
QueryGroups(self, names, fields, use_locking) source code
QueryNetworks(self, names, fields, use_locking) source code
QueryExports(self, nodes, use_locking) source code
QueryClusterInfo(self) source code
QueryConfigValues(self, fields) source code
QueryTags(self, kind, name) source code

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, address=None, timeouts=None, transport=Transport)

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Constructor for the Client class.


  • address: a valid address the the used transport class
  • timeout: a list of timeouts, to be used on connect and read/write
  • transport: a Transport-like class

If timeout is not passed, the default timeouts of the transport class are used.

Overrides: object.__init__

WaitForJobChangeOnce(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial, timeout=WFJC_TIMEOUT)

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Waits for changes on a job.

  • job_id - Job ID
  • fields (list) - List of field names to be observed
  • prev_job_info (None or list) - Previously received job information
  • prev_log_serial (None or int/long) - Highest log serial number previously received
  • timeout (int/float) - Timeout in seconds (values larger than WFJC_TIMEOUT will be capped to that value)

Query(self, what, fields, qfilter)

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Query for resources/items.

  • what - One of constants.QR_VIA_LUXI
  • fields (List of strings) - List of requested fields
  • qfilter (None or list) - Query filter
Returns: objects.QueryResponse

QueryFields(self, what, fields)

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Query for available fields.

Returns: objects.QueryFieldsResponse