Package ganeti :: Package rapi :: Module baserlib :: Class OpcodeResource
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Class OpcodeResource

source code

Base class for opcode-based RAPI resources.

Instances of this class automatically gain handler functions through _MetaOpcodeResource for any method for which a $METHOD$_OPCODE variable is defined at class level. Subclasses can define a Get$Method$OpInput method to do their own opcode input processing (e.g. for static values). The $METHOD$_RENAME variable defines which values are renamed (see baserlib.FillOpcode).

Nested Classes [hide private]
Meta class for RAPI resources.
Instance Methods [hide private]
_GetDefaultData(self) source code
_GenericHandler(self, opcode, rename, fn) source code

Inherited from ResourceBase: GetClient, SubmitJob, __init__, dryRun, getBodyParameter, useBulk, useForce, useLocking

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
Set this to a class derived from opcodes.OpCode to automatically generate a DELETE handler submitting the opcode
Set this to rename parameters in the DELETE handler (see baserlib.FillOpcode)
Set this to a class derived from opcodes.OpCode to automatically generate a GET handler submitting the opcode
Set this to rename parameters in the GET handler (see baserlib.FillOpcode)
Set this to a class derived from opcodes.OpCode to automatically generate a POST handler submitting the opcode
Set this to rename parameters in the POST handler (see baserlib.FillOpcode)
Set this to a class derived from opcodes.OpCode to automatically generate a PUT handler submitting the opcode
Set this to rename parameters in the PUT handler (see baserlib.FillOpcode)

Inherited from ResourceBase: DELETE_ACCESS, GET_ACCESS, POST_ACCESS, PUT_ACCESS, request_body

Instance Variables [hide private]
Define this to override the default method for getting opcode parameters (see baserlib.OpcodeResource._GetDefaultData)
Define this to override the default method for getting opcode parameters (see baserlib.OpcodeResource._GetDefaultData)
Define this to override the default method for getting opcode parameters (see baserlib.OpcodeResource._GetDefaultData)
Define this to override the default method for getting opcode parameters (see baserlib.OpcodeResource._GetDefaultData)
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__