Trees | Indices | Help |
Burner class.
Inherited from |
Inherited from |
Possibly retry a given function execution.
Execute one or more opcodes and manage the exec buffer.
Execute one or more opcodes and manage the exec buffer.
Start a new batch of jobs.
Execute a set of jobs and return once all are done. The method will return the list of results, if all jobs are successful. Otherwise, OpExecError will be raised from within |
Parses the command line options. In case of command line errors, it will show the usage and exit the program. |
Create the given instances.
Alter the runtime memory.
Grow both the os and the swap disks by the requested amount, if any.
Replace disks on primary and secondary for drbd8.
Replace secondary node.
Failover the instances.
Move the instances.
Migrate the instances.
Export the instance, delete it, and import it back.
Stop/start the instances.
Remove the instances.
Rename the instances. Note that this function will not execute in parallel, since we only have one target for rename. |
Reinstall the instances.
Reboot the instances.
Rename the instances to their own name.
Activate and deactivate disks of the instances.
Add and remove an extra disk for the instances.
Add, change and remove an extra NIC for the instances.
Run confd queries for our instances. The following confd queries are tested:
Check if an instance is alive by doing http checks. This will try to retrieve the url on the instance /hostname.txt and check that it contains the hostname of the instance. In case we get ECONNREFUSED, we retry up to the net timeout seconds, for any other error we abort. |
Test a cluster intensively. This will create instances and then start/stop/failover them. It is safe for existing instances but could impact performance. |
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Tue Dec 3 11:32:50 2013 | |