Package ganeti :: Package utils
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Package utils

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Ganeti utility module.

This module holds functions that can be used in both daemons (all) and the command line scripts.

Submodules [hide private]

Classes [hide private]
Retry helper for WaitForFdCondition.
Generic signal handler class.
A simple field set.
Functions [hide private]
ForceDictType(target, key_types, allowed_values=None)
Force the values of a dict to have certain types.
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Validate the given service name.
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_ComputeMissingKeys(key_path, options, defaults)
Helper functions to compute which keys a invalid.
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VerifyDictOptions(options, defaults)
Verify a dict has only keys set which also are in the defaults dict.
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List volume groups and their size
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Check whether the given bridge exists in the system
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TryConvert(fn, val)
Try to convert a value ignoring errors.
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list of int
Parse a CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.
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list of lists of int
Parse a multiple CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.
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GetHomeDir(user, default=None)
Try to get the homedir of the given user.
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FirstFree(seq, base=0)
Returns the first non-existing integer from seq.
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int or None
SingleWaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)
Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.
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int or None
WaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)
Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.
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Check for and start daemon if not alive.
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Stop daemon
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Splits time as floating point number into a tuple.
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Merges a tuple into time as a floating point number.
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tuple; (value in dictionary, matched groups as list)
FindMatch(data, name)
Tries to find an item in a dictionary matching a name.
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list of tuples
Returns the list of mounted filesystems.
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Signal Handled decoration.
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TimeoutExpired(epoch, timeout, _time_fn=time.time)
Checks whether a timeout has expired.
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Variables [hide private]
  _VALID_SERVICE_NAME_RE = re.compile("^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]{1,128}$")
  UUID_RE = re.compile(constants.UUID_REGEX)

Imports: pwd, JoinDisjointDicts, UniqueSequence, FindDuplicates, text, SequenceToDict, RunningTimeout, FlatToDict, itertools, NiceSortKey, InvertDict, InsertAtPos, NiceSort, FileLock, retry, LockFile, FingerprintFiles, Sha1Hmac, VerifySha1Hmac, hmac, ErrnoOrStr, KP_NEVER, RemoveDir, FileStatHelper, RemoveAuthorizedKey, shutil, BytesToMebibyte, ListVisibleFiles, TailFile, IsNormAbsPath, SafeWriteFile, IsBelowDir, RemoveFile, CreateBackup, GetFileID, RenameFile, GetFilesystemStats, FindFile, Makedirs, KP_IF_EXISTS, stat, CalculateDirectorySize, PathJoin, AddAuthorizedKey, NewUUID, VerifyFileID, WriteFile, ReadOneLineFile, EnsureDirs, ReadFile, ReadPidFile, ReadWatcherPauseFile, KP_ALWAYS, filelock, MakeDirWithPerm, TemporaryFileManager, TimestampForFilename, DaemonPidFileName, WritePidFile, EnforcePermission, ReadLockedPidFile, KEEP_PERMS_VALUES, SetupToolLogging, SetupLogging, CheckVolumeGroupSize, LvmExclusiveTestBadPvSizes, LvmExclusiveCheckNodePvs, ctypes, Mlockall, RemoveEtcHostsEntry, AddHostToEtcHosts, SetEtcHostsEntry, RemoveHostFromEtcHosts, algo, io, WriteErrorToFD, CloseFDs, RunCmd, utils_algo, SetupDaemonFDs, DisableFork, StartDaemon, SetupDaemonEnv, compat, KillProcess, RunResult, utils_wrapper, RunInSeparateProcess, IsProcessHandlingSignal, IsProcessAlive, utils_retry, Daemonize, RunParts, resource, subprocess, StringIO, signal, SimpleRetry, RetryAgain, RETRY_REMAINING_TIME, Retry, RetryTimeout, GenerateSecret, DnsNameGlobPattern, ShellWriter, FormatOrdinal, IsValidShellParam, UnescapeAndSplit, Truncate, FilterEmptyLinesAndComments, FormatKeyValue, MatchNameComponent, LineSplitter, collections, BuildShellCmd, NormalizeAndValidateThreeOctetMacPrefix, SafeEncode, ShellQuoteArgs, ParseUnit, FormatUnit, ShellQuote, FormatTime, NormalizeAndValidateMac, CommaJoin, FormatSeconds, fcntl, IsExecutable, socket, IgnoreSignals, tempfile, ResetTempfileModule, SetNonblockFlag, sys, SetCloseOnExecFlag, RetryOnSignal, GetClosedTempfile, TestDelay, IgnoreProcessNotFound, os, select, CloseFdNoError, datetime, LoadSignedX509Certificate, calendar, X509_SIGNATURE, errors, ExtractX509Certificate, errno, OpenSSL, re, SignX509Certificate, time, HEX_CHAR_RE, PrepareX509CertKeyCheck, GenerateSelfSignedX509Cert, VALID_X509_SIGNATURE_SALT, utils_hash, GetX509CertValidity, GenerateSelfSignedSslCert, utils_io, constants, logging, utils_text, VerifyX509Certificate, pathutils, CheckNodeCertificate

Function Details [hide private]

ForceDictType(target, key_types, allowed_values=None)

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Force the values of a dict to have certain types.

  • target (dict) - the dict to update
  • key_types (dict) - dict mapping target dict keys to types in constants.ENFORCEABLE_TYPES
  • allowed_values (list) - list of specially allowed values


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Validate the given service name.

  • name (number or string) - Service name or port specification

_ComputeMissingKeys(key_path, options, defaults)

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Helper functions to compute which keys a invalid.

  • key_path - The current key path (if any)
  • options - The user provided options
  • defaults - The default dictionary
A list of invalid keys

VerifyDictOptions(options, defaults)

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Verify a dict has only keys set which also are in the defaults dict.

  • options - The user provided options
  • defaults - The default dictionary


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List volume groups and their size

Returns: dict
Dictionary with keys volume name and values the size of the volume


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Check whether the given bridge exists in the system

  • bridge (str) - the bridge name to check
Returns: boolean
True if it does

TryConvert(fn, val)

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Try to convert a value ignoring errors.

This function tries to apply function fn to val. If no ValueError or TypeError exceptions are raised, it will return the result, else it will return the original value. Any other exceptions are propagated to the caller.

  • fn (callable) - function to apply to the value
  • val - the value to be converted
The converted value if the conversion was successful, otherwise the original value.


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Parse a CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.

CPU mask format: comma-separated list of CPU IDs or dash-separated ID ranges Example: "0-2,5" -> "0,1,2,5"

  • cpu_mask (str) - CPU mask definition
Returns: list of int
list of CPU IDs


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Parse a multiple CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.

CPU mask format: colon-separated list of comma-separated list of CPU IDs or dash-separated ID ranges, with optional "all" as CPU value Example: "0-2,5:all:1,5,6:2" -> [ [ 0,1,2,5 ], [ -1 ], [ 1, 5, 6 ], [ 2 ] ]

  • cpu_mask (str) - multiple CPU mask definition
Returns: list of lists of int
list of lists of CPU IDs

GetHomeDir(user, default=None)

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Try to get the homedir of the given user.

The user can be passed either as a string (denoting the name) or as an integer (denoting the user id). If the user is not found, the default argument is returned, which defaults to None.

FirstFree(seq, base=0)

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Returns the first non-existing integer from seq.

The seq argument should be a sorted list of positive integers. The first time the index of an element is smaller than the element value, the index will be returned.

The base argument is used to start at a different offset, i.e. [3, 4, 6] with offset=3 will return 5.

Example: [0, 1, 3] will return 2.

  • seq (sequence) - the sequence to be analyzed.
  • base (int) - use this value as the base index of the sequence
Returns: int
the first non-used index in the sequence

SingleWaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)

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Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.

Immediately returns at the first interruption.

  • fdobj (integer or object supporting a fileno() method) - entity to wait for events on
  • event (integer) - ORed condition (see select module)
  • timeout (float or None) - Timeout in seconds
Returns: int or None
None for timeout, otherwise occured conditions

WaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)

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Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.

Retries until the timeout is expired, even if interrupted.

  • fdobj (integer or object supporting a fileno() method) - entity to wait for events on
  • event (integer) - ORed condition (see select module)
  • timeout (float or None) - Timeout in seconds
Returns: int or None
None for timeout, otherwise occured conditions


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Splits time as floating point number into a tuple.

  • value (int or float) - Time in seconds
Tuple containing (seconds, microseconds)


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Merges a tuple into time as a floating point number.

  • timetuple (tuple) - Time as tuple, (seconds, microseconds)
Time as a floating point number expressed in seconds

FindMatch(data, name)

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Tries to find an item in a dictionary matching a name.

Callers have to ensure the data names aren't contradictory (e.g. a regexp that matches a string). If the name isn't a direct key, all regular expression objects in the dictionary are matched against it.

  • data (dict) - Dictionary containing data
  • name (string) - Name to look for
Returns: tuple; (value in dictionary, matched groups as list)


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Returns the list of mounted filesystems.

This function is Linux-specific.

  • filename - path of mounts file (/proc/mounts by default)
Returns: list of tuples
list of mount entries (device, mountpoint, fstype, options)


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Signal Handled decoration.

This special decorator installs a signal handler and then calls the target function. The function must accept a 'signal_handlers' keyword argument, which will contain a dict indexed by signal number, with SignalHandler objects as values.

The decorator can be safely stacked with iself, to handle multiple signals with different handlers.

  • signums (list) - signals to intercept