Package ganeti :: Package cmdlib :: Module node :: Class LUNodeAdd
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Class LUNodeAdd

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Logical unit for adding node to the cluster.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Check syntactic validity for the opcode arguments.
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Build hooks env.
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tuple; (list, list)
Build hooks nodes.
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Check prerequisites.
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Exec(self, feedback_fn)
Adds the new node to the cluster.
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Inherited from base.LogicalUnit: DeclareLocks, ExpandNames, HooksCallBack, __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  HPATH = "node-add"
  _NFLAGS = ["master_capable", "vm_capable"]

Inherited from base.LogicalUnit: REQ_BGL

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from base.LogicalUnit: dry_run_result

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Check syntactic validity for the opcode arguments.

This method is for doing a simple syntactic check and ensure validity of opcode parameters, without any cluster-related checks. While the same can be accomplished in ExpandNames and/or CheckPrereq, doing these separate is better because:

  • ExpandNames is left as as purely a lock-related function
  • CheckPrereq is run after we have acquired locks (and possible waited for them)

The function is allowed to change the self.op attribute so that later methods can no longer worry about missing parameters.

Overrides: base.LogicalUnit.CheckArguments
(inherited documentation)


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Build hooks env.

This will run on all nodes before, and on all nodes + the new node after.

Returns: dict
Dictionary containing the environment that will be used for running the hooks for this LU. The keys of the dict must not be prefixed with "GANETI_"--that'll be added by the hooks runner. The hooks runner will extend the environment with additional variables. If no environment should be defined, an empty dictionary should be returned (not None).
Overrides: base.LogicalUnit.BuildHooksEnv


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Build hooks nodes.

Returns: tuple; (list, list)
Tuple containing a list of node names on which the hook should run before the execution and a list of node names on which the hook should run after the execution. No nodes should be returned as an empty list (and not None).
Overrides: base.LogicalUnit.BuildHooksNodes


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Check prerequisites.

This checks:

  • the new node is not already in the config
  • it is resolvable
  • its parameters (single/dual homed) matches the cluster

Any errors are signaled by raising errors.OpPrereqError.

Overrides: base.LogicalUnit.CheckPrereq

Exec(self, feedback_fn)

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Adds the new node to the cluster.

Overrides: base.LogicalUnit.Exec