Safe HaskellNone



Implementation of handling of Allocation Solutions



type GenericAllocElement a = (List, Instance, [Node], a) Source #

A simple name for an allocation element (here just for logistic reasons), generic in the type of the metric.

allocMetric :: GenericAllocElement a -> a Source #

Obtain the metric of a GenericAllocElement.

type AllocElement = GenericAllocElement Score Source #

A simple name for an allocation element (here just for logistic reasons).

data GenericAllocSolution a Source #

Allocation/relocation solution.




emptyAllocSolution :: GenericAllocSolution a Source #

The empty solution we start with when computing allocations.

updateIl Source #


:: List

The original instance list

-> Maybe (GenericAllocElement a)

The result of the allocation attempt

-> List

The updated instance list

Calculate the new instance list after allocation solution.

extractNl Source #


:: List

The original node list

-> List

The original instance list

-> Maybe (GenericAllocElement a)

The result of the allocation attempt

-> List

The new node list

Extract the the new node list from the allocation solution.

bestAllocElement :: Ord a => Maybe (GenericAllocElement a) -> Maybe (GenericAllocElement a) -> Maybe (GenericAllocElement a) Source #

Compares two Maybe AllocElement and chooses the best score.

concatAllocs :: Ord a => GenericAllocSolution a -> OpResult (GenericAllocElement a) -> GenericAllocSolution a Source #

Update current Allocation solution and failure stats with new elements.

collapseFailures :: [FailMode] -> FailStats Source #

Build failure stats out of a list of failures.

genericDescribeSolution :: (a -> String) -> GenericAllocSolution a -> String Source #

Given a solution, generates a reasonable description for it.

genericAnnotateSolution :: (a -> String) -> GenericAllocSolution a -> GenericAllocSolution a Source #

Annotates a solution with the appropriate string.

annotateSolution :: AllocSolution -> AllocSolution Source #

Annotate a solution based on the standard metrics

solutionDescription :: (Group, Result (GenericAllocSolution a)) -> [String] Source #

Given a group/result, describe it as a nice (list of) messages.

Collection of Allocation Solutions for later filtering

data AllocSolutionCollection a Source #

Collection of Allocation Solution




emptyAllocCollection :: AllocSolutionCollection a Source #

Empty collection of allocation solutions.

concatAllocCollections :: Ord a => AllocSolutionCollection a -> OpResult (GenericAllocElement a) -> AllocSolutionCollection a Source #

Update current collection of solution and failure stats with new elements.

collectionToSolution Source #


:: Ord a 
=> FailMode

Failure mode to assign to solutions filtered out in this step

-> (GenericAllocElement a -> Bool)

predicate to restrict to

-> AllocSolutionCollection a 
-> GenericAllocSolution a 

From a collection of solutions collapse to a single one by chosing the best that fulfills a given predicate.