Safe Haskell | None |
Cluster space sizing
- options :: IO [OptType]
- arguments :: [ArgCompletion]
- data Phase
- data SpecType
- htsPrefix :: String
- specPrefix :: SpecType -> String
- specDescription :: SpecType -> String
- specName :: SpecType -> String
- effFn :: (CStats -> Integer) -> (CStats -> Double) -> CStats -> Double
- memEff :: CStats -> Double
- dskEff :: CStats -> Double
- cpuEff :: CStats -> Double
- spnEff :: CStats -> Double
- statsData :: [(String, CStats -> String)]
- specData :: [(String, RSpec -> String)]
- specDataSpn :: [(String, RSpec -> String)]
- clusterData :: [(String, CStats -> String)]
- clusterDataSpn :: [(String, CStats -> String)]
- printStats :: Phase -> CStats -> [(String, String)]
- printFRScores :: List -> List -> [(FailMode, Int)] -> IO ()
- printResults :: Bool -> List -> List -> Int -> Int -> [(FailMode, Int)] -> IO ()
- printFinalHTS :: Bool -> IO ()
- tieredSpecMap :: [Instance] -> [(RSpec, Int)]
- formatSpecMap :: [(RSpec, Int)] -> [String]
- formatRSpec :: String -> AllocInfo -> [(String, String)]
- printAllocationStats :: List -> List -> IO ()
- printKeysHTS :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
- printInstance :: List -> Instance -> [String]
- printAllocationMap :: Int -> String -> List -> [Instance] -> IO ()
- formatResources :: a -> [(String, a -> String)] -> String
- printCluster :: Bool -> CStats -> Int -> Bool -> IO ()
- printISpec :: Bool -> RSpec -> SpecType -> DiskTemplate -> Bool -> IO ()
- printTiered :: Bool -> [(RSpec, Int)] -> List -> List -> [(FailMode, Int)] -> IO ()
- printClusterScores :: List -> List -> IO ()
- printClusterEff :: CStats -> Bool -> IO ()
- failureReason :: [(FailMode, Int)] -> String
- sortReasons :: [(FailMode, Int)] -> [(FailMode, Int)]
- runAllocation :: ClusterData -> Maybe AllocResult -> Result AllocResult -> RSpec -> DiskTemplate -> SpecType -> Options -> IO (FailStats, List, Int, [(RSpec, Int)])
- instFromSpec :: RSpec -> DiskTemplate -> Int -> Instance
- combineTiered :: AlgorithmOptions -> Maybe Int -> AllocNodes -> AllocResult -> Instance -> Result AllocResult
- main :: Options -> [String] -> IO ()
arguments :: [ArgCompletion] Source #
The list of arguments supported by the program.
The allocation phase we're in (initial, after tiered allocs, or after regular allocation).
specPrefix :: SpecType -> String Source #
What we prefix a spec with.
specDescription :: SpecType -> String Source #
The description of a spec.
effFn :: (CStats -> Integer) -> (CStats -> Double) -> CStats -> Double Source #
Efficiency generic function.
statsData :: [(String, CStats -> String)] Source #
Holds data for converting a CStats
structure into
detailed statistics.
specDataSpn :: [(String, RSpec -> String)] Source #
formatting information including spindles.
clusterData :: [(String, CStats -> String)] Source #
List holding CStats
formatting information.
clusterDataSpn :: [(String, CStats -> String)] Source #
formatting information including spindles
printStats :: Phase -> CStats -> [(String, String)] Source #
Function to print stats for a given phase.
printResults :: Bool -> List -> List -> Int -> Int -> [(FailMode, Int)] -> IO () Source #
Print final stats and related metrics.
printFinalHTS :: Bool -> IO () Source #
Prints the final OK
marker in machine readable output.
tieredSpecMap :: [Instance] -> [(RSpec, Int)] Source #
Compute the tiered spec counts from a list of allocated instances.
formatSpecMap :: [(RSpec, Int)] -> [String] Source #
Formats a spec map to strings.
formatRSpec :: String -> AllocInfo -> [(String, String)] Source #
Formats "key-metrics" values.
printAllocationStats :: List -> List -> IO () Source #
Shows allocations stats.
printKeysHTS :: [(String, String)] -> IO () Source #
Format a list of key/values as a shell fragment.
printInstance :: List -> Instance -> [String] Source #
Converts instance data to a list of strings.
printAllocationMap :: Int -> String -> List -> [Instance] -> IO () Source #
Optionally print the allocation map.
formatResources :: a -> [(String, a -> String)] -> String Source #
Formats nicely a list of resources.
printCluster :: Bool -> CStats -> Int -> Bool -> IO () Source #
Print the cluster resources.
printISpec :: Bool -> RSpec -> SpecType -> DiskTemplate -> Bool -> IO () Source #
Prints the normal instance spec.
printTiered :: Bool -> [(RSpec, Int)] -> List -> List -> [(FailMode, Int)] -> IO () Source #
Prints the tiered results.
printClusterScores :: List -> List -> IO () Source #
Displays the initial/final cluster scores.
printClusterEff :: CStats -> Bool -> IO () Source #
Displays the cluster efficiency.
failureReason :: [(FailMode, Int)] -> String Source #
Computes the most likely failure reason.
sortReasons :: [(FailMode, Int)] -> [(FailMode, Int)] Source #
Sorts the failure reasons.
:: ClusterData | Cluster data |
-> Maybe AllocResult | Optional stop-allocation |
-> Result AllocResult | Allocation result |
-> RSpec | Requested instance spec |
-> DiskTemplate | Requested disk template |
-> SpecType | Allocation type |
-> Options | CLI options |
-> IO (FailStats, List, Int, [(RSpec, Int)]) |
Runs an allocation algorithm and saves cluster state.
instFromSpec :: RSpec -> DiskTemplate -> Int -> Instance Source #
Create an instance from a given spec. For values not implied by the resorce specification (like distribution of of the disk space to individual disks), sensible defaults are guessed (e.g., having a single disk).
combineTiered :: AlgorithmOptions -> Maybe Int -> AllocNodes -> AllocResult -> Instance -> Result AllocResult Source #