module documentation

Logical units dealing with nodes.

Class LUNodeAdd Logical unit for adding node to the cluster.
Class LUNodeEvacuate Evacuates instances off a list of nodes.
Class LUNodeMigrate Migrate all instances from a node.
Class LUNodeModifyStorage Logical unit for modifying a storage volume on a node.
Class LUNodePowercycle Powercycles a node.
Class LUNodeQueryStorage Logical unit for getting information on storage units on node(s).
Class LUNodeQueryvols Logical unit for getting volumes on node(s).
Class LUNodeRemove Logical unit for removing a node.
Class LUNodeSetParams Modifies the parameters of a node.
Class LURepairNodeStorage Repairs the volume group on a node.
Function _CheckNodeHasSecondaryIP Ensure that a node has the given secondary ip.
Function _CheckOutputFields Checks whether all selected fields are valid according to fields.
Function _DecideSelfPromotion Decide whether I should promote myself as a master candidate.
Function _GetNodeInstances Returns a list of all primary and secondary instances on a node.
Function _GetNodeInstancesInner Undocumented
Function _GetNodePrimaryInstances Returns primary instances on a node.
Function _GetNodeSecondaryInstances Returns secondary instances on a node.
Function _GetStorageTypeArgs Returns the arguments for a storage type.
def _CheckNodeHasSecondaryIP(lu, node, secondary_ip, prereq):

Ensure that a node has the given secondary ip.

lu:LogicalUnitthe LU on behalf of which we make the check
node:objects.Nodethe node to check
secondary_ip:stringthe ip to check
prereq:booleanwhether to throw a prerequisite or an execute error
errors.OpPrereqErrorif the node doesn't have the ip, and prereq=True
errors.OpExecErrorif the node doesn't have the ip, and prereq=False
def _CheckOutputFields(fields, selected):

Checks whether all selected fields are valid according to fields.

fields:utils.FieldSetfields set
selected:utils.FieldSetfields set
def _DecideSelfPromotion(lu, exceptions=None):

Decide whether I should promote myself as a master candidate.

def _GetNodeInstances(cfg, node_uuid):

Returns a list of all primary and secondary instances on a node.

def _GetNodeInstancesInner(cfg, fn):


def _GetNodePrimaryInstances(cfg, node_uuid):

Returns primary instances on a node.

def _GetNodeSecondaryInstances(cfg, node_uuid):

Returns secondary instances on a node.

def _GetStorageTypeArgs(cfg, storage_type):

Returns the arguments for a storage type.