class documentation

Base class for DRBD command generators.

This class defines the interface for the command generators and holds shared code.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method GenDetachCmd Undocumented
Method GenDisconnectCmd Undocumented
Method GenDownCmd Undocumented
Method GenInitMetaCmd Undocumented
Method GenLocalInitCmds Undocumented
Method GenNetInitCmds Undocumented
Method GenPauseSyncCmd Undocumented
Method GenPrimaryCmd Undocumented
Method GenResizeCmd Undocumented
Method GenResumeSyncCmd Undocumented
Method GenSecondaryCmd Undocumented
Method GenShowCmd Undocumented
Method GenSyncParamsCmd Undocumented
Static Method _DevPath Return the path to a drbd device for a given minor.
Instance Variable _version Undocumented
def GenDisconnectCmd(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport):
def GenInitMetaCmd(self, minor, meta_dev):
def GenLocalInitCmds(self, minor, data_dev, meta_dev, size_mb, params):
def GenNetInitCmds(self, minor, family, lhost, lport, rhost, rport, protocol, dual_pri, hmac, secret, params):
def GenPrimaryCmd(self, minor, force):
def GenResizeCmd(self, minor, size_mb):
def GenSyncParamsCmd(self, minor, params):
def _DevPath(minor):

Return the path to a drbd device for a given minor.

_version =
