module documentation

Utility functions for LVM.

Function CheckVolumeGroupSize Checks if the volume group list is valid.
Function LvmExclusiveCheckNodePvs Check consistency of PV sizes in a node for exclusive storage.
Function LvmExclusiveTestBadPvSizes Test if the given PV sizes are permitted with exclusive storage.
def CheckVolumeGroupSize(vglist, vgname, minsize):

Checks if the volume group list is valid.

The function will check if a given volume group is in the list of volume groups and has a minimum size.

vglist:dictdictionary of volume group names and their size
vgname:strthe volume group we should check
minsize:intthe minimum size we accept
None or strNone for success, otherwise the error message
def LvmExclusiveCheckNodePvs(pvs_info):

Check consistency of PV sizes in a node for exclusive storage.

pvs_info:listlist of LvmPvInfo objects
tupleA pair composed of: 1. a list of error strings describing the violations found, or an empty list if everything is ok; 2. a pair containing the sizes of the smallest and biggest PVs, in MiB.
def LvmExclusiveTestBadPvSizes(small, big):

Test if the given PV sizes are permitted with exclusive storage.

smallsize of the smallest PV
bigsize of the biggest PV
True when the given sizes are bad, False otherwise