Trees | Indices | Help |
Burnin program
InstanceDown The checked instance was not up |
BurninFailure Failure detected during burning |
SimpleOpener A simple url opener |
Burner Burner class. |
USAGE = "\tburnin -o OS_NAME [options...] instance_name ..."
LOG_HEADERS = {0: "- ", 1: "* ", 2: "",}
_SINGLE_NODE_DISK_TEMPLATES = compat.UniqueFrozenset([constant Disk templates supporting a single node |
_SUPPORTED_DISK_TEMPLATES = compat.UniqueFrozenset([constants.
_IMPEXP_DISK_TEMPLATES = _SUPPORTED_DISK_TEMPLATES-frozenset([ Disk templates for which import/export is tested |
OPTIONS = [cli.cli_option("-o", "--os", dest= "os", default= N
ARGUMENTS = [cli.ArgInstance(min= 1)]
Imports: sys, optparse, time, socket, urllib, izip, islice, cycle, StringIO, opcodes, constants, cli, errors, utils, hypervisor, compat, pathutils, confd_client, GetClient
Decorator for possible batch operations. Must come after the _DoCheckInstances decorator (if any).
_SINGLE_NODE_DISK_TEMPLATESDisk templates supporting a single node
_IMPEXP_DISK_TEMPLATESDisk templates for which import/export is tested
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Aug 22 10:43:33 2016 | |