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Script to generate bash_completion script for Ganeti.
CompletionWriter Command completion writer class. |
_OPT_NAME_RE = re.compile(r"^-[a-zA-Z0-9]|--[a-z][-a-z0-9]+$") Regular expression describing desired format of option names. |
_ARG_MAP = {"choices": cli.ArgChoice, "command": cli.ArgComman serialised kind to arg type |
Imports: os, re, itertools, optparse, StringIO, _constants, constants, cli, utils, build, pathutils, burnin
Writes the script preamble. Helper functions should be written here. |
Writes the completion code for one command.
Returns the commands defined in a module. Aliases are also added as commands. |
Converts a Haskell options to Python cli_options.
Converts a Haskell options to Python _Argument.
Generates completion information for a Haskell program. This converts completion info from a Haskell program into 'fake' cli_opts and then builds completion for them. |
Generates completion information for a Haskell multi-command program. This gathers the list of commands from a Haskell program and computes the list of commands available, then builds the sub-command list of options/arguments for each command, using that for building a unified help output. |
_OPT_NAME_RERegular expression describing desired format of option names. Long names can contain lowercase characters, numbers and dashes only.
_ARG_MAPserialised kind to arg type
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Mon Aug 22 10:43:33 2016 | |