Package ganeti :: Module cmdlib :: Class LUCreateInstance
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Class LUCreateInstance

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Create an instance.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Check arguments.
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ExpandNames for CreateInstance.
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Run the allocator based on input opcode.
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Build hooks env.
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Reads the export information from disk.
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_ReadExportParams(self, einfo)
Use export parameters as defaults.
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_RevertToDefaults(self, cluster)
Revert the instance parameters to the default values.
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Check prerequisites.
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Exec(self, feedback_fn)
Create and add the instance to the cluster.
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Inherited from LogicalUnit: DeclareLocks, HooksCallBack, __init__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  HPATH = "instance-add"
  _OP_PARAMS = [_PInstanceName, ("mode", ht.NoDefault, ht.TElemO...
a list of opcode attributes, their defaults values they should get if not already defined, and types they must match
  REQ_BGL = False

Inherited from LogicalUnit: ssh

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from LogicalUnit: dry_run_result

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Check arguments.

Overrides: LogicalUnit.CheckArguments


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ExpandNames for CreateInstance.

Figure out the right locks for instance creation.

Overrides: LogicalUnit.ExpandNames


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Build hooks env.

This runs on master, primary and secondary nodes of the instance.

Overrides: LogicalUnit.BuildHooksEnv


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Reads the export information from disk.

It will override the opcode source node and path with the actual information, if these two were not specified before.

the export information

_ReadExportParams(self, einfo)

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Use export parameters as defaults.

In case the opcode doesn't specify (as in override) some instance parameters, then try to use them from the export information, if that declares them.


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Check prerequisites.

Overrides: LogicalUnit.CheckPrereq

Exec(self, feedback_fn)

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Create and add the instance to the cluster.

Overrides: LogicalUnit.Exec

Class Variable Details [hide private]


a list of opcode attributes, their defaults values they should get if not already defined, and types they must match
[_PInstanceName, ("mode", ht.NoDefault, ht.TElemOf(constants.INSTANCE_\
CREATE_MODES)), ("start", True, ht.TBool), ("wait_for_sync", True, ht.\
TBool), ("ip_check", True, ht.TBool), ("name_check", True, ht.TBool), \
("disks", ht.NoDefault, ht.TListOf(ht.TDict)), ("nics", ht.NoDefault, \
ht.TListOf(ht.TDict)), ("hvparams", ht.EmptyDict, ht.TDict), ("beparam\
s", ht.EmptyDict, ht.TDict), ("osparams", ht.EmptyDict, ht.TDict), ("n\
o_install", None, ht.TMaybeBool), ("os_type", None, ht.TMaybeString), \
("force_variant", False, ht.TBool), ("source_handshake", None, ht.TOr(\