Package ganeti :: Module cmdlib
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Module cmdlib

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Module implementing the master-side code.

Classes [hide private]
Logical Unit base class.
Simple LU which runs no hooks.
Tasklet base class.
Logical unit for running hooks after cluster initialization.
Logical unit for destroying the cluster.
Verifies the cluster status.
Verifies the cluster disks status.
Verifies the cluster disks sizes.
Rename the cluster.
Change the parameters of the cluster.
Force the redistribution of cluster configuration.
Logical unit for OS diagnose/query.
Logical unit for removing a node.
Logical unit for querying nodes.
Logical unit for getting volumes on node(s).
Logical unit for getting information on storage units on node(s).
Logical unit for modifying a storage volume on a node.
Logical unit for adding node to the cluster.
Modifies the parameters of a node.
Powercycles a node.
Query cluster configuration.
Return configuration values.
Bring up an instance's disks.
Shutdown an instance's disks.
Starts an instance.
Reboot an instance.
Shutdown an instance.
Reinstall an instance.
Recreate an instance's missing disks.
Rename an instance.
Remove an instance.
Logical unit for querying instances.
Failover an instance.
Migrate an instance.
Move an instance by data-copying.
Migrate all instances from a node.
Tasklet class for instance migration.
Create an instance.
Connect to an instance's console.
Replace the disks of an instance.
Replaces disks for an instance.
Repairs the volume group on a node.
Computes the node evacuation strategy.
Grow a disk of an instance.
Query runtime instance data.
Modifies an instances's parameters.
Query the exports list
Prepares an instance for an export and returns useful information.
Export an instance to an image in the cluster.
Remove exports related to the named instance.
Generic tags LU.
Returns the tags of a given object.
Searches the tags for a given pattern.
Sets a tag on a given object.
Delete a list of tags from a given object.
Sleep for a specified amount of time.
Utility LU to test some aspects of the job queue.
IAllocator framework.
Run allocator tests.
Functions [hide private]
_GetWantedNodes(lu, nodes)
Returns list of checked and expanded node names.
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_GetWantedInstances(lu, instances)
Returns list of checked and expanded instance names.
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_GetUpdatedParams(old_params, update_dict, use_default=True, use_none=False)
Return the new version of a parameter dictionary.
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_CheckOutputFields(static, dynamic, selected)
Checks whether all selected fields are valid.
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Validates that given hypervisor params are not global ones.
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_CheckNodeOnline(lu, node, msg=None)
Ensure that a given node is online.
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_CheckNodeNotDrained(lu, node)
Ensure that a given node is not drained.
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_CheckNodeVmCapable(lu, node)
Ensure that a given node is vm capable.
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_CheckNodeHasOS(lu, node, os_name, force_variant)
Ensure that a node supports a given OS.
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_CheckNodeHasSecondaryIP(lu, node, secondary_ip, prereq)
Ensure that a node has the given secondary ip.
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Checks that file storage is enabled.
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Ensure a given disk template is valid.
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Ensure a given storage type is valid.
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Reads the cluster domain secret.
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_CheckInstanceDown(lu, instance, reason)
Ensure that an instance is not running.
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_ExpandItemName(fn, name, kind)
Expand an item name.
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_ExpandNodeName(cfg, name)
Wrapper over _ExpandItemName for nodes.
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_ExpandInstanceName(cfg, name)
Wrapper over _ExpandItemName for instance.
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_BuildInstanceHookEnv(name, primary_node, secondary_nodes, os_type, status, memory, vcpus, nics, disk_template, disks, bep, hvp, hypervisor_name)
Builds instance related env variables for hooks
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_NICListToTuple(lu, nics)
Build a list of nic information tuples.
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_BuildInstanceHookEnvByObject(lu, instance, override=None)
Builds instance related env variables for hooks from an object.
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_AdjustCandidatePool(lu, exceptions)
Adjust the candidate pool after node operations.
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_DecideSelfPromotion(lu, exceptions=None)
Decide whether I should promote myself as a master candidate.
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_CheckNicsBridgesExist(lu, target_nics, target_node)
Check that the brigdes needed by a list of nics exist.
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_CheckInstanceBridgesExist(lu, instance, node=None)
Check that the brigdes needed by an instance exist.
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_CheckOSVariant(os_obj, name)
Check whether an OS name conforms to the os variants specification.
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_GetNodeInstancesInner(cfg, fn) source code
_GetNodeInstances(cfg, node_name)
Returns a list of all primary and secondary instances on a node.
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_GetNodePrimaryInstances(cfg, node_name)
Returns primary instances on a node.
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_GetNodeSecondaryInstances(cfg, node_name)
Returns secondary instances on a node.
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_GetStorageTypeArgs(cfg, storage_type)
Returns the arguments for a storage type.
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_FindFaultyInstanceDisks(cfg, rpc, instance, node_name, prereq) source code
_CheckIAllocatorOrNode(lu, iallocator_slot, node_slot)
Check the sanity of iallocator and node arguments and use the cluster-wide iallocator if appropriate.
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Verifies a certificate for LUVerifyCluster.
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_UploadHelper(lu, nodes, fname)
Helper for uploading a file and showing warnings.
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_RedistributeAncillaryFiles(lu, additional_nodes=None, additional_vm=True)
Distribute additional files which are part of the cluster configuration.
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_WaitForSync(lu, instance, disks=None, oneshot=False)
Sleep and poll for an instance's disk to sync.
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_CheckDiskConsistency(lu, dev, node, on_primary, ldisk=False)
Check that mirrors are not degraded.
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_AssembleInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_secondaries=False, ignore_size=False)
Prepare the block devices for an instance.
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_StartInstanceDisks(lu, instance, force)
Start the disks of an instance.
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_SafeShutdownInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None)
Shutdown block devices of an instance.
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list of objects.Disk
_ExpandCheckDisks(instance, disks)
Return the instance disks selected by the disks list
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_ShutdownInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_primary=False)
Shutdown block devices of an instance.
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_CheckNodeFreeMemory(lu, node, reason, requested, hypervisor_name)
Checks if a node has enough free memory.
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_CheckNodesFreeDisk(lu, nodenames, requested)
Checks if nodes have enough free disk space in the default VG.
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_RemoveInstance(lu, feedback_fn, instance, ignore_failures)
Utility function to remove an instance.
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_CreateBlockDev(lu, node, instance, device, force_create, info, force_open)
Create a tree of block devices on a given node.
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_CreateSingleBlockDev(lu, node, instance, device, info, force_open)
Create a single block device on a given node.
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_GenerateUniqueNames(lu, exts)
Generate a suitable LV name.
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_GenerateDRBD8Branch(lu, primary, secondary, size, names, iv_name, p_minor, s_minor)
Generate a drbd8 device complete with its children.
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_GenerateDiskTemplate(lu, template_name, instance_name, primary_node, secondary_nodes, disk_info, file_storage_dir, file_driver, base_index)
Generate the entire disk layout for a given template type.
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Compute that text that should be added to the disk's metadata.
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_CalcEta(time_taken, written, total_size)
Calculates the ETA based on size written and total size.
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_WipeDisks(lu, instance)
Wipes instance disks.
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_CreateDisks(lu, instance, to_skip=None, target_node=None)
Create all disks for an instance.
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_RemoveDisks(lu, instance, target_node=None)
Remove all disks for an instance.
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_ComputeDiskSize(disk_template, disks)
Compute disk size requirements in the volume group
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_CheckHVParams(lu, nodenames, hvname, hvparams)
Hypervisor parameter validation.
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_CheckOSParams(lu, required, nodenames, osname, osparams)
OS parameters validation.
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Variables [hide private]
  _POutputFields = "output_fields", ht.NoDefault, ht.TListOf(ht....
output fields for a query operation
  _PShutdownTimeout = "shutdown_timeout", constants.DEFAULT_SHUT...
the shutdown timeout
  _PForce = "force", False, ht.TBool
the force parameter
  _PInstanceName = "instance_name", ht.NoDefault, ht.TNonEmptySt...
a required instance name (for single-instance LUs)
  _PIgnoreOfflineNodes = "ignore_offline_nodes", False, ht.TBool
Whether to ignore offline nodes
  _PNodeName = "node_name", ht.NoDefault, ht.TNonEmptyString
a required node name (for single-node LUs)
  _PMigrationMode = "mode", None, ht.TOr(ht.TNone, ht.TElemOf(co...
the migration type (live/non-live)
  _PMigrationLive = "live", None, ht.TMaybeBool
the obsolete 'live' mode (boolean)

Imports: os, time, re, platform, logging, copy, OpenSSL, socket, tempfile, shutil, ssh, utils, errors, hypervisor, locking, constants, objects, serializer, ssconf, uidpool, compat, masterd, netutils, ht, ganeti

Function Details [hide private]

_GetWantedNodes(lu, nodes)

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Returns list of checked and expanded node names.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • nodes (list) - list of node names or None for all nodes
Returns: list
the list of nodes, sorted

_GetWantedInstances(lu, instances)

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Returns list of checked and expanded instance names.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instances (list) - list of instance names or None for all instances
Returns: list
the list of instances, sorted

_GetUpdatedParams(old_params, update_dict, use_default=True, use_none=False)

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Return the new version of a parameter dictionary.

  • old_params (dict) - old parameters
  • update_dict (dict) - dict containing new parameter values, or constants.VALUE_DEFAULT to reset the parameter to its default value
  • use_default (whether to recognise constants.VALUE_DEFAULT values as 'to be deleted' values) - boolean
  • use_none (whether to recognise None values as 'to be deleted' values) - boolean
Returns: dict
the new parameter dictionary

_CheckOutputFields(static, dynamic, selected)

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Checks whether all selected fields are valid.



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Validates that given hypervisor params are not global ones.

This will ensure that instances don't get customised versions of global params.

_CheckNodeOnline(lu, node, msg=None)

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Ensure that a given node is online.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node - the node to check
  • msg - if passed, should be a message to replace the default one

_CheckNodeNotDrained(lu, node)

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Ensure that a given node is not drained.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node - the node to check

_CheckNodeVmCapable(lu, node)

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Ensure that a given node is vm capable.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node - the node to check

_CheckNodeHasOS(lu, node, os_name, force_variant)

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Ensure that a node supports a given OS.

  • lu - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node - the node to check
  • os_name - the OS to query about
  • force_variant - whether to ignore variant errors

_CheckNodeHasSecondaryIP(lu, node, secondary_ip, prereq)

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Ensure that a node has the given secondary ip.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the LU on behalf of which we make the check
  • node (string) - the node to check
  • secondary_ip (string) - the ip to check
  • prereq (boolean) - whether to throw a prerequisite or an execute error


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Checks that file storage is enabled.


_ExpandItemName(fn, name, kind)

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Expand an item name.

  • fn - the function to use for expansion
  • name - requested item name
  • kind - text description ('Node' or 'Instance')
the resolved (full) name

_BuildInstanceHookEnv(name, primary_node, secondary_nodes, os_type, status, memory, vcpus, nics, disk_template, disks, bep, hvp, hypervisor_name)

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Builds instance related env variables for hooks

This builds the hook environment from individual variables.

  • name (string) - the name of the instance
  • primary_node (string) - the name of the instance's primary node
  • secondary_nodes (list) - list of secondary nodes as strings
  • os_type (string) - the name of the instance's OS
  • status (boolean) - the should_run status of the instance
  • memory (string) - the memory size of the instance
  • vcpus (string) - the count of VCPUs the instance has
  • nics (list) - list of tuples (ip, mac, mode, link) representing the NICs the instance has
  • disk_template (string) - the disk template of the instance
  • disks (list) - the list of (size, mode) pairs
  • bep (dict) - the backend parameters for the instance
  • hvp (dict) - the hypervisor parameters for the instance
  • hypervisor_name (string) - the hypervisor for the instance
Returns: dict
the hook environment for this instance

_NICListToTuple(lu, nics)

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Build a list of nic information tuples.

This list is suitable to be passed to _BuildInstanceHookEnv or as a return value in LUQueryInstanceData.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • nics (list of objects.NIC) - list of nics to convert to hooks tuples

_BuildInstanceHookEnvByObject(lu, instance, override=None)

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Builds instance related env variables for hooks from an object.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance for which we should build the environment
  • override (dict) - dictionary with key/values that will override our values
Returns: dict
the hook environment dictionary

_CheckOSVariant(os_obj, name)

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Check whether an OS name conforms to the os variants specification.

  • os_obj (objects.OS) - OS object to check
  • name (string) - OS name passed by the user, to check for validity

_CheckIAllocatorOrNode(lu, iallocator_slot, node_slot)

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Check the sanity of iallocator and node arguments and use the cluster-wide iallocator if appropriate.

Check that at most one of (iallocator, node) is specified. If none is specified, then the LU's opcode's iallocator slot is filled with the cluster-wide default iallocator.

  • iallocator_slot (string) - the name of the opcode iallocator slot
  • node_slot (string) - the name of the opcode target node slot


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Verifies a certificate for LUVerifyCluster.

  • filename (string) - Path to PEM file

_RedistributeAncillaryFiles(lu, additional_nodes=None, additional_vm=True)

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Distribute additional files which are part of the cluster configuration.

ConfigWriter takes care of distributing the config and ssconf files, but there are more files which should be distributed to all nodes. This function makes sure those are copied.

  • lu - calling logical unit
  • additional_nodes - list of nodes not in the config to distribute to
  • additional_vm (boolean) - whether the additional nodes are vm-capable or not

_CheckDiskConsistency(lu, dev, node, on_primary, ldisk=False)

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Check that mirrors are not degraded.

The ldisk parameter, if True, will change the test from the is_degraded attribute (which represents overall non-ok status for the device(s)) to the ldisk (representing the local storage status).

_AssembleInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_secondaries=False, ignore_size=False)

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Prepare the block devices for an instance.

This sets up the block devices on all nodes.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance for whose disks we assemble
  • disks (list of objects.Disk or None) - which disks to assemble (or all, if None)
  • ignore_secondaries (boolean) - if true, errors on secondary nodes won't result in an error return from the function
  • ignore_size (boolean) - if true, the current known size of the disk will not be used during the disk activation, useful for cases when the size is wrong
False if the operation failed, otherwise a list of (host, instance_visible_name, node_visible_name) with the mapping from node devices to instance devices

_SafeShutdownInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None)

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Shutdown block devices of an instance.

This function checks if an instance is running, before calling _ShutdownInstanceDisks.

_ExpandCheckDisks(instance, disks)

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Return the instance disks selected by the disks list

Returns: list of objects.Disk
selected instance disks to act on

_ShutdownInstanceDisks(lu, instance, disks=None, ignore_primary=False)

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Shutdown block devices of an instance.

This does the shutdown on all nodes of the instance.

If the ignore_primary is false, errors on the primary node are ignored.

_CheckNodeFreeMemory(lu, node, reason, requested, hypervisor_name)

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Checks if a node has enough free memory.

This function check if a given node has the needed amount of free memory. In case the node has less memory or we cannot get the information from the node, this function raise an OpPrereqError exception.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - a logical unit from which we get configuration data
  • node (str) - the node to check
  • reason (str) - string to use in the error message
  • requested (int) - the amount of memory in MiB to check for
  • hypervisor_name (str) - the hypervisor to ask for memory stats

_CheckNodesFreeDisk(lu, nodenames, requested)

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Checks if nodes have enough free disk space in the default VG.

This function check if all given nodes have the needed amount of free disk. In case any node has less disk or we cannot get the information from the node, this function raise an OpPrereqError exception.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - a logical unit from which we get configuration data
  • nodenames (list) - the list of node names to check
  • requested (int) - the amount of disk in MiB to check for

_CreateBlockDev(lu, node, instance, device, force_create, info, force_open)

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Create a tree of block devices on a given node.

If this device type has to be created on secondaries, create it and all its children.

If not, just recurse to children keeping the same 'force' value.

  • lu - the lu on whose behalf we execute
  • node - the node on which to create the device
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance which owns the device
  • device (objects.Disk) - the device to create
  • force_create (boolean) - whether to force creation of this device; this will be change to True whenever we find a device which has CreateOnSecondary() attribute
  • info - the extra 'metadata' we should attach to the device (this will be represented as a LVM tag)
  • force_open (boolean) - this parameter will be passes to the backend.BlockdevCreate function where it specifies whether we run on primary or not, and it affects both the child assembly and the device own Open() execution

_CreateSingleBlockDev(lu, node, instance, device, info, force_open)

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Create a single block device on a given node.

This will not recurse over children of the device, so they must be created in advance.

  • lu - the lu on whose behalf we execute
  • node - the node on which to create the device
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance which owns the device
  • device (objects.Disk) - the device to create
  • info - the extra 'metadata' we should attach to the device (this will be represented as a LVM tag)
  • force_open (boolean) - this parameter will be passes to the backend.BlockdevCreate function where it specifies whether we run on primary or not, and it affects both the child assembly and the device own Open() execution

_GenerateUniqueNames(lu, exts)

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Generate a suitable LV name.

This will generate a logical volume name for the given instance.

_CalcEta(time_taken, written, total_size)

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Calculates the ETA based on size written and total size.

  • time_taken - The time taken so far
  • written - amount written so far
  • total_size - The total size of data to be written
The remaining time in seconds

_WipeDisks(lu, instance)

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Wipes instance disks.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance whose disks we should create
the success of the wipe

_CreateDisks(lu, instance, to_skip=None, target_node=None)

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Create all disks for an instance.

This abstracts away some work from AddInstance.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance whose disks we should create
  • to_skip (list) - list of indices to skip
  • target_node (string) - if passed, overrides the target node for creation
Returns: boolean
the success of the creation

_RemoveDisks(lu, instance, target_node=None)

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Remove all disks for an instance.

This abstracts away some work from `AddInstance()` and `RemoveInstance()`. Note that in case some of the devices couldn't be removed, the removal will continue with the other ones (compare with `_CreateDisks()`).

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit on whose behalf we execute
  • instance (objects.Instance) - the instance whose disks we should remove
  • target_node (string) - used to override the node on which to remove the disks
Returns: boolean
the success of the removal

_CheckHVParams(lu, nodenames, hvname, hvparams)

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Hypervisor parameter validation.

This function abstract the hypervisor parameter validation to be used in both instance create and instance modify.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit for which we check
  • nodenames (list) - the list of nodes on which we should check
  • hvname (string) - the name of the hypervisor we should use
  • hvparams (dict) - the parameters which we need to check

_CheckOSParams(lu, required, nodenames, osname, osparams)

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OS parameters validation.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - the logical unit for which we check
  • required (boolean) - whether the validation should fail if the OS is not found
  • nodenames (list) - the list of nodes on which we should check
  • osname (string) - the name of the hypervisor we should use
  • osparams (dict) - the parameters which we need to check

Variables Details [hide private]


output fields for a query operation

"output_fields", ht.NoDefault, ht.TListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString)


the shutdown timeout

"shutdown_timeout", constants.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, ht.TPositiveIn\


a required instance name (for single-instance LUs)

"instance_name", ht.NoDefault, ht.TNonEmptyString


the migration type (live/non-live)

"mode", None, ht.TOr(ht.TNone, ht.TElemOf(constants.HT_MIGRATION_MODES\