Package ganeti :: Module utils
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Module utils

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Ganeti utility module.

This module holds functions that can be used in both daemons (all) and the command line scripts.

Classes [hide private]
Holds the result of running external programs.
Helper class to write scripts with indentation.
Retry helper for WaitForFdCondition.
Log handler that doesn't fallback to stderr.
Retry loop timed out.
Retry again.
Calculator for increasing delays.
Utility class for file locks.
Splits data chunks into lines separated by newline.
Generic signal handler class.
A simple field set.
Functions [hide private]
_BuildCmdEnvironment(env, reset)
Builds the environment for an external program.
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RunCmd(cmd, env=None, output=None, cwd="/", reset_env=False, interactive=False)
Execute a (shell) command.
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SetupDaemonEnv(cwd="/", umask=077)
Setup a daemon's environment.
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SetupDaemonFDs(output_file, output_fd)
Setups up a daemon's file descriptors.
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StartDaemon(cmd, env=None, cwd="/", output=None, output_fd=None, pidfile=None)
Start a daemon process after forking twice.
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_StartDaemonChild(errpipe_read, errpipe_write, pidpipe_read, pidpipe_write, args, env, cwd, output, fd_output, pidfile)
Child process for starting daemon.
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WriteErrorToFD(fd, err)
Possibly write an error message to a fd.
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_RunCmdPipe(cmd, env, via_shell, cwd, interactive)
Run a command and return its output.
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_RunCmdFile(cmd, env, via_shell, output, cwd)
Run a command and save its output to a file.
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SetCloseOnExecFlag(fd, enable)
Sets or unsets the close-on-exec flag on a file descriptor.
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SetNonblockFlag(fd, enable)
Sets or unsets the O_NONBLOCK flag on on a file descriptor.
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RetryOnSignal(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Calls a function again if it failed due to EINTR.
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list of tuples
RunParts(dir_name, env=None, reset_env=False)
Run Scripts or programs in a directory
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Remove a file ignoring some errors.
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Remove an empty directory.
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RenameFile(old, new, mkdir=False, mkdir_mode=0750)
Renames a file.
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Makedirs(path, mode=0750)
Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones.
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Resets the random name generator of the tempfile module.
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Compute the fingerprint of a file.
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Compute fingerprints for a list of files.
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ForceDictType(target, key_types, allowed_values=None)
Force the values of a dict to have certain types.
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Returns the path for a PID's proc status file.
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Check if a given pid exists on the system.
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Parse a rendered sigset_t value.
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_GetProcStatusField(pstatus, field)
Retrieves a field from the contents of a proc status file.
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IsProcessHandlingSignal(pid, signum, status_path=None)
Checks whether a process is handling a signal.
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Read a pid from a file.
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Reads a locked PID file.
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None or str
MatchNameComponent(key, name_list, case_sensitive=True)
Try to match a name against a list.
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Validate the given service name.
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List volume groups and their size
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Check whether the given bridge exists in the system
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Sort a list of strings based on digit and non-digit groupings.
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TryConvert(fn, val)
Try to convert a value ignoring errors.
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Verifies is the given word is safe from the shell's p.o.v.
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BuildShellCmd(template, *args)
Build a safe shell command line from the given arguments.
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FormatUnit(value, units)
Formats an incoming number of MiB with the appropriate unit.
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Tries to extract number and scale from the given string.
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list of int
Parse a CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.
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AddAuthorizedKey(file_obj, key)
Adds an SSH public key to an authorized_keys file.
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RemoveAuthorizedKey(file_name, key)
Removes an SSH public key from an authorized_keys file.
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SetEtcHostsEntry(file_name, ip, hostname, aliases)
Sets the name of an IP address and hostname in /etc/hosts.
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AddHostToEtcHosts(hostname, ip)
Wrapper around SetEtcHostsEntry.
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RemoveEtcHostsEntry(file_name, hostname)
Removes a hostname from /etc/hosts.
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Wrapper around RemoveEtcHostsEntry.
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Returns the current time formatted for filenames.
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Creates a backup of a file.
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Quotes shell argument according to POSIX.
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Quotes a list of shell arguments.
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Returns a list of visible files in a directory.
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GetHomeDir(user, default=None)
Try to get the homedir of the given user.
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Returns a random UUID.
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Generates a random secret.
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Make required directories, if they don't exist.
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ReadFile(file_name, size=-1)
Reads a file.
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None or int
WriteFile(file_name, fn=None, data=None, mode=None, uid=-1, gid=-1, atime=None, mtime=None, close=True, dry_run=False, backup=False, prewrite=None, postwrite=None)
(Over)write a file atomically.
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GetFileID(path=None, fd=None)
Returns the file 'id', i.e.
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VerifyFileID(fi_disk, fi_ours)
Verifies that two file IDs are matching.
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SafeWriteFile(file_name, file_id, **kwargs)
Wraper over WriteFile that locks the target file.
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ReadOneLineFile(file_name, strict=False)
Return the first non-empty line from a file.
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FirstFree(seq, base=0)
Returns the first non-existing integer from seq.
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int or None
SingleWaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)
Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.
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int or None
WaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)
Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.
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Returns a list with unique elements.
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Normalizes and check if a MAC address is valid.
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Sleep for a fixed amount of time.
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_CloseFDNoErr(fd, retries=5)
Close a file descriptor ignoring errors.
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Close file descriptors.
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Lock current process' virtual address space into RAM.
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Daemonize the current process.
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Compute a ganeti pid file absolute path
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Check for and start daemon if not alive.
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Stop daemon
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Write the current process pidfile.
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Remove the current process pidfile.
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KillProcess(pid, signal_=signal.SIGTERM, timeout=30, waitpid=False)
Kill a process given by its pid.
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str or None
FindFile(name, search_path, test=os.path.exists)
Look for a filesystem object in a given path.
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None or str
CheckVolumeGroupSize(vglist, vgname, minsize)
Checks if the volume group list is valid.
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Splits time as floating point number into a tuple.
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Merges a tuple into time as a floating point number.
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SetupLogging(logfile, debug=0, stderr_logging=False, program="", multithreaded=False, syslog=constants.SYSLOG_USAGE, console_logging=False)
Configures the logging module.
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Check whether a path is absolute and also normalized
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Safe-join a list of path components.
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TailFile(fname, lines=20)
Return the last lines from a file.
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Formats a Unix timestamp with the local timezone.
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Parses an ASN1 GENERALIZEDTIME timestamp as used by pyOpenSSL.
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Returns the validity period of the certificate.
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_VerifyCertificateInner(expired, not_before, not_after, now, warn_days, error_days)
Verifies certificate validity.
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VerifyX509Certificate(cert, warn_days, error_days)
Verifies a certificate for LUVerifyCluster.
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SignX509Certificate(cert, key, salt)
Sign a X509 certificate.
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Helper function to extract signature from X509 certificate.
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tuple; (OpenSSL.crypto.X509, string)
LoadSignedX509Certificate(cert_pem, key)
Verifies a signed X509 certificate.
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Sha1Hmac(key, text, salt=None)
Calculates the HMAC-SHA1 digest of a text.
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VerifySha1Hmac(key, text, digest, salt=None)
Verifies the HMAC-SHA1 digest of a text.
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Return a 'safe' version of a source string.
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UnescapeAndSplit(text, sep=",")
Split and unescape a string based on a given separator.
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Nicely join a set of identifiers.
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tuple; (value in dictionary, matched groups as list)
FindMatch(data, name)
Tries to find an item in a dictionary matching a name.
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Converts bytes to mebibytes.
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Calculates the size of a directory recursively.
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list of tuples
Returns the list of mounted filesystems.
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Returns the total and free space on a filesystem.
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RunInSeparateProcess(fn, *args)
Runs a function in a separate process.
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IgnoreProcessNotFound(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Ignores ESRCH when calling a process-related function.
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IgnoreSignals(fn, *args, **kwargs)
Tries to call a function ignoring failures due to EINTR.
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Locks a file using POSIX locks.
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Formats a time value.
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Formats seconds for easier reading.
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ReadWatcherPauseFile(filename, now=None, remove_after=3600)
Reads the watcher pause file.
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Retry(fn, delay, timeout, args=None, wait_fn=time.sleep, _time_fn=time.time)
Call a function repeatedly until it succeeds.
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GetClosedTempfile(*args, **kwargs)
Creates a temporary file and returns its path.
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GenerateSelfSignedX509Cert(common_name, validity)
Generates a self-signed X509 certificate.
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GenerateSelfSignedSslCert(filename, common_name=constants.X509_CERT_CN, validity=constants.X509_CERT_DEFAULT_VALIDITY)
Legacy function to generate self-signed X509 certificate.
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Signal Handled decoration.
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Variables [hide private]
  ctypes = None
  _locksheld = []
  _re_shell_unquoted = re.compile('^[-.,=:/_+@A-Za-z0-9]+$')
  debug_locks = False
  no_fork = False
when set to True, RunCmd is disabled
  _RANDOM_UUID_FILE = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid"
  HEX_CHAR_RE = r"[a-zA-Z0-9]"
  VALID_X509_SIGNATURE_SALT = re.compile("^%s+$" % HEX_CHAR_RE, ...
  X509_SIGNATURE = re.compile(r"^%s:\s*(?P<salt>%s+)/(?P<sign>%s...
  _VALID_SERVICE_NAME_RE = re.compile("^[-_.a-zA-Z0-9]{1,128}$")
  UUID_RE = re.compile('^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-' '...
  _MAC_CHECK = re.compile("^([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2}$", re.I)
MAC checker regexp
Special delay to specify whole remaining timeout

Imports: os, sys, time, subprocess, re, socket, tempfile, shutil, errno, pwd, itertools, select, fcntl, resource, logging, signal, OpenSSL, datetime, calendar, hmac, collections, StringIO, errors, constants, compat

Function Details [hide private]

RunCmd(cmd, env=None, output=None, cwd="/", reset_env=False, interactive=False)

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Execute a (shell) command.

The command should not read from its standard input, as it will be closed.

  • cmd (string or list) - Command to run
  • env (dict) - Additional environment variables
  • output (str) - if desired, the output of the command can be saved in a file instead of the RunResult instance; this parameter denotes the file name (if not None)
  • cwd (string) - if specified, will be used as the working directory for the command; the default will be /
  • reset_env (boolean) - whether to reset or keep the default os environment
  • interactive (boolean) - weather we pipe stdin, stdout and stderr (default behaviour) or run the command interactive
Returns: RunResult
RunResult instance

SetupDaemonEnv(cwd="/", umask=077)

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Setup a daemon's environment.

This should be called between the first and second fork, due to setsid usage.

  • cwd - the directory to which to chdir
  • umask - the umask to setup

SetupDaemonFDs(output_file, output_fd)

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Setups up a daemon's file descriptors.

  • output_file - if not None, the file to which to redirect stdout/stderr
  • output_fd - if not None, the file descriptor for stdout/stderr

StartDaemon(cmd, env=None, cwd="/", output=None, output_fd=None, pidfile=None)

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Start a daemon process after forking twice.

  • cmd (string or list) - Command to run
  • env (dict) - Additional environment variables
  • cwd (string) - Working directory for the program
  • output (string) - Path to file in which to save the output
  • output_fd (int) - File descriptor for output
  • pidfile (string) - Process ID file
Returns: int
Daemon process ID

WriteErrorToFD(fd, err)

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Possibly write an error message to a fd.

  • fd (None or int (file descriptor)) - if not None, the error will be written to this fd
  • err - string, the error message

_RunCmdPipe(cmd, env, via_shell, cwd, interactive)

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Run a command and return its output.

  • cmd (string or list) - Command to run
  • env (dict) - The environment to use
  • via_shell (bool) - if we should run via the shell
  • cwd (string) - the working directory for the program
  • interactive (boolean) - Run command interactive (without piping)
Returns: tuple
(out, err, status)

_RunCmdFile(cmd, env, via_shell, output, cwd)

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Run a command and save its output to a file.

  • cmd (string or list) - Command to run
  • env (dict) - The environment to use
  • via_shell (bool) - if we should run via the shell
  • output (str) - the filename in which to save the output
  • cwd (string) - the working directory for the program
Returns: int
the exit status

SetCloseOnExecFlag(fd, enable)

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Sets or unsets the close-on-exec flag on a file descriptor.

  • fd (int) - File descriptor
  • enable (bool) - Whether to set or unset it.

SetNonblockFlag(fd, enable)

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Sets or unsets the O_NONBLOCK flag on on a file descriptor.

  • fd (int) - File descriptor
  • enable (bool) - Whether to set or unset it

RunParts(dir_name, env=None, reset_env=False)

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Run Scripts or programs in a directory

  • dir_name (string) - absolute path to a directory
  • env (dict) - The environment to use
  • reset_env (boolean) - whether to reset or keep the default os environment
Returns: list of tuples
list of (name, (one of RUNDIR_STATUS), RunResult)


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Remove a file ignoring some errors.

Remove a file, ignoring non-existing ones or directories. Other errors are passed.

  • filename (str) - the file to be removed


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Remove an empty directory.

Remove a directory, ignoring non-existing ones. Other errors are passed. This includes the case, where the directory is not empty, so it can't be removed.

  • dirname (str) - the empty directory to be removed

RenameFile(old, new, mkdir=False, mkdir_mode=0750)

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Renames a file.

  • old (string) - Original path
  • new (string) - New path
  • mkdir (bool) - Whether to create target directory if it doesn't exist
  • mkdir_mode (int) - Mode for newly created directories

Makedirs(path, mode=0750)

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Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones.

This is a wrapper around os.makedirs adding error handling not implemented before Python 2.5.


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Resets the random name generator of the tempfile module.

This function should be called after os.fork in the child process to ensure it creates a newly seeded random generator. Otherwise it would generate the same random parts as the parent process. If several processes race for the creation of a temporary file, this could lead to one not getting a temporary name.


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Compute the fingerprint of a file.

If the file does not exist, a None will be returned instead.

  • filename (str) - the filename to checksum
Returns: str
the hex digest of the sha checksum of the contents of the file


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Compute fingerprints for a list of files.

  • files (list) - the list of filename to fingerprint
Returns: dict
a dictionary filename: fingerprint, holding only existing files

ForceDictType(target, key_types, allowed_values=None)

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Force the values of a dict to have certain types.

  • target (dict) - the dict to update
  • key_types (dict) - dict mapping target dict keys to types in constants.ENFORCEABLE_TYPES
  • allowed_values (list) - list of specially allowed values


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Returns the path for a PID's proc status file.

  • pid (int) - Process ID
Returns: string


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Check if a given pid exists on the system.

  • pid (int) - the process ID to check
Returns: boolean
True if the process exists

Note: zombie status is not handled, so zombie processes will be returned as alive


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Parse a rendered sigset_t value.

This is the opposite of the Linux kernel's fs/proc/array.c:render_sigset_t function.

  • sigset (string) - Rendered signal set from /proc/$pid/status
Returns: set
Set of all enabled signal numbers

_GetProcStatusField(pstatus, field)

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Retrieves a field from the contents of a proc status file.

  • pstatus (string) - Contents of /proc/$pid/status
  • field (string) - Name of field whose value should be returned
Returns: string

IsProcessHandlingSignal(pid, signum, status_path=None)

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Checks whether a process is handling a signal.

  • pid (int) - Process ID
  • signum (int) - Signal number
Returns: bool


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Read a pid from a file.

  • pidfile (string) - path to the file containing the pid
Returns: int
The process id, if the file exists and contains a valid PID, otherwise 0


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Reads a locked PID file.

This can be used together with StartDaemon.

  • path (string) - Path to PID file
PID as integer or, if file was unlocked or couldn't be opened, None

MatchNameComponent(key, name_list, case_sensitive=True)

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Try to match a name against a list.

This function will try to match a name like test1 against a list like ['', '', ...]. Against this list, 'test1' as well as 'test1.example' will match, but not 'test1.ex'. A multiple match will be considered as no match at all (e.g. 'test1' against ['', '']), except when the key fully matches an entry (e.g. 'test1' against ['test1', '']).

  • key (str) - the name to be searched
  • name_list (list) - the list of strings against which to search the key
  • case_sensitive (boolean) - whether to provide a case-sensitive match
Returns: None or str
None if there is no match or if there are multiple matches, otherwise the element from the list which matches


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Validate the given service name.

  • name (number or string) - Service name or port specification


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List volume groups and their size

Returns: dict
Dictionary with keys volume name and values the size of the volume


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Check whether the given bridge exists in the system

  • bridge (str) - the bridge name to check
Returns: boolean
True if it does


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Sort a list of strings based on digit and non-digit groupings.

Given a list of names ['a1', 'a10', 'a11', 'a2'] this function will sort the list in the logical order ['a1', 'a2', 'a10', 'a11'].

The sort algorithm breaks each name in groups of either only-digits or no-digits. Only the first eight such groups are considered, and after that we just use what's left of the string.

  • name_list (list) - the names to be sorted
Returns: list
a copy of the name list sorted with our algorithm

TryConvert(fn, val)

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Try to convert a value ignoring errors.

This function tries to apply function fn to val. If no ValueError or TypeError exceptions are raised, it will return the result, else it will return the original value. Any other exceptions are propagated to the caller.

  • fn (callable) - function to apply to the value
  • val - the value to be converted
The converted value if the conversion was successful, otherwise the original value.


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Verifies is the given word is safe from the shell's p.o.v.

This means that we can pass this to a command via the shell and be sure that it doesn't alter the command line and is passed as such to the actual command.

Note that we are overly restrictive here, in order to be on the safe side.

  • word (str) - the word to check
Returns: boolean
True if the word is 'safe'

BuildShellCmd(template, *args)

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Build a safe shell command line from the given arguments.

This function will check all arguments in the args list so that they are valid shell parameters (i.e. they don't contain shell metacharacters). If everything is ok, it will return the result of template % args.

  • template (str) - the string holding the template for the string formatting
Returns: str
the expanded command line

FormatUnit(value, units)

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Formats an incoming number of MiB with the appropriate unit.

  • value (int) - integer representing the value in MiB (1048576)
  • units (char) - the type of formatting we should do:
    • 'h' for automatic scaling
    • 'm' for MiBs
    • 'g' for GiBs
    • 't' for TiBs
Returns: str
the formatted value (with suffix)


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Tries to extract number and scale from the given string.

Input must be in the format NUMBER+ [DOT NUMBER+] SPACE* [UNIT]. If no unit is specified, it defaults to MiB. Return value is always an int in MiB.


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Parse a CPU mask definition and return the list of CPU IDs.

CPU mask format: comma-separated list of CPU IDs or dash-separated ID ranges Example: "0-2,5" -> "0,1,2,5"

  • cpu_mask (str) - CPU mask definition
Returns: list of int
list of CPU IDs

AddAuthorizedKey(file_obj, key)

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Adds an SSH public key to an authorized_keys file.

  • file_obj (str or file handle) - path to authorized_keys file
  • key (str) - string containing key

RemoveAuthorizedKey(file_name, key)

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Removes an SSH public key from an authorized_keys file.

  • file_name (str) - path to authorized_keys file
  • key (str) - string containing key

SetEtcHostsEntry(file_name, ip, hostname, aliases)

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Sets the name of an IP address and hostname in /etc/hosts.

  • file_name (str) - path to the file to modify (usually /etc/hosts)
  • ip (str) - the IP address
  • hostname (str) - the hostname to be added
  • aliases (list) - the list of aliases to add for the hostname

AddHostToEtcHosts(hostname, ip)

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Wrapper around SetEtcHostsEntry.

  • hostname (str) - a hostname that will be resolved and added to constants.ETC_HOSTS
  • ip (str) - The ip address of the host

RemoveEtcHostsEntry(file_name, hostname)

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Removes a hostname from /etc/hosts.

IP addresses without names are removed from the file.

  • file_name (str) - path to the file to modify (usually /etc/hosts)
  • hostname (str) - the hostname to be removed


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Wrapper around RemoveEtcHostsEntry.

  • hostname (str) - hostname that will be resolved and its full and shot name will be removed from constants.ETC_HOSTS


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Returns the current time formatted for filenames.

The format doesn't contain colons as some shells and applications them as separators.


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Creates a backup of a file.

  • file_name (str) - file to be backed up
Returns: str
the path to the newly created backup


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Quotes shell argument according to POSIX.

  • value (str) - the argument to be quoted
Returns: str
the quoted value


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Quotes a list of shell arguments.

  • args (list) - list of arguments to be quoted
Returns: str
the quoted arguments concatenated with spaces


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Returns a list of visible files in a directory.

  • path (str) - the directory to enumerate
Returns: list
the list of all files not starting with a dot

GetHomeDir(user, default=None)

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Try to get the homedir of the given user.

The user can be passed either as a string (denoting the name) or as an integer (denoting the user id). If the user is not found, the 'default' argument is returned, which defaults to None.


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Returns a random UUID.

Returns: str

Note: This is a Linux-specific method as it uses the /proc filesystem.


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Generates a random secret.

This will generate a pseudo-random secret returning an hex string (so that it can be used where an ASCII string is needed).

  • numbytes - the number of bytes which will be represented by the returned string (defaulting to 20, the length of a SHA1 hash)
Returns: str
an hex representation of the pseudo-random sequence


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Make required directories, if they don't exist.

  • dirs (list of (string, integer)) - list of tuples (dir_name, dir_mode)

ReadFile(file_name, size=-1)

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Reads a file.

  • size (int) - Read at most size bytes (if negative, entire file)
Returns: str
the (possibly partial) content of the file

WriteFile(file_name, fn=None, data=None, mode=None, uid=-1, gid=-1, atime=None, mtime=None, close=True, dry_run=False, backup=False, prewrite=None, postwrite=None)

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(Over)write a file atomically.

The file_name and either fn (a function taking one argument, the file descriptor, and which should write the data to it) or data (the contents of the file) must be passed. The other arguments are optional and allow setting the file mode, owner and group, and the mtime/atime of the file.

If the function doesn't raise an exception, it has succeeded and the target file has the new contents. If the function has raised an exception, an existing target file should be unmodified and the temporary file should be removed.

  • file_name (str) - the target filename
  • fn (callable) - content writing function, called with file descriptor as parameter
  • data (str) - contents of the file
  • mode (int) - file mode
  • uid (int) - the owner of the file
  • gid (int) - the group of the file
  • atime (int) - a custom access time to be set on the file
  • mtime (int) - a custom modification time to be set on the file
  • close (boolean) - whether to close file after writing it
  • prewrite (callable) - function to be called before writing content
  • postwrite (callable) - function to be called after writing content
Returns: None or int
None if the 'close' parameter evaluates to True, otherwise the file descriptor

GetFileID(path=None, fd=None)

source code 

Returns the file 'id', i.e. the dev/inode and mtime information.

Either the path to the file or the fd must be given.

  • path - the file path
  • fd - a file descriptor
a tuple of (device number, inode number, mtime)

VerifyFileID(fi_disk, fi_ours)

source code 

Verifies that two file IDs are matching.

Differences in the inode/device are not accepted, but and older timestamp for fi_disk is accepted.

  • fi_disk - tuple (dev, inode, mtime) representing the actual file data
  • fi_ours - tuple (dev, inode, mtime) representing the last written file data
Returns: boolean

SafeWriteFile(file_name, file_id, **kwargs)

source code 

Wraper over WriteFile that locks the target file.

By keeping the target file locked during WriteFile, we ensure that cooperating writers will safely serialise access to the file.

  • file_name (str) - the target filename
  • file_id (tuple) - a result from GetFileID

ReadOneLineFile(file_name, strict=False)

source code 

Return the first non-empty line from a file.

  • strict (boolean) - if True, abort if the file has more than one non-empty line

FirstFree(seq, base=0)

source code 

Returns the first non-existing integer from seq.

The seq argument should be a sorted list of positive integers. The first time the index of an element is smaller than the element value, the index will be returned.

The base argument is used to start at a different offset, i.e. [3, 4, 6] with offset=3 will return 5.

Example: [0, 1, 3] will return 2.

  • seq (sequence) - the sequence to be analyzed.
  • base (int) - use this value as the base index of the sequence
Returns: int
the first non-used index in the sequence

SingleWaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)

source code 

Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.

Immediately returns at the first interruption.

  • fdobj (integer or object supporting a fileno() method) - entity to wait for events on
  • event (integer) - ORed condition (see select module)
  • timeout (float or None) - Timeout in seconds
Returns: int or None
None for timeout, otherwise occured conditions

WaitForFdCondition(fdobj, event, timeout)

source code 

Waits for a condition to occur on the socket.

Retries until the timeout is expired, even if interrupted.

  • fdobj (integer or object supporting a fileno() method) - entity to wait for events on
  • event (integer) - ORed condition (see select module)
  • timeout (float or None) - Timeout in seconds
Returns: int or None
None for timeout, otherwise occured conditions


source code 

Returns a list with unique elements.

Element order is preserved.

  • seq (sequence) - the sequence with the source elements
Returns: list
list of unique elements from seq


source code 

Normalizes and check if a MAC address is valid.

Checks whether the supplied MAC address is formally correct, only accepts colon separated format. Normalize it to all lower.

  • mac (str) - the MAC to be validated
Returns: str
returns the normalized and validated MAC.


source code 

Sleep for a fixed amount of time.

  • duration (float) - the sleep duration
Returns: boolean
False for negative value, True otherwise

_CloseFDNoErr(fd, retries=5)

source code 

Close a file descriptor ignoring errors.

  • fd (int) - the file descriptor
  • retries (int) - how many retries to make, in case we get any other error than EBADF


source code 

Close file descriptors.

This closes all file descriptors above 2 (i.e. except stdin/out/err).

  • noclose_fds (list or None) - if given, it denotes a list of file descriptor that should not be closed


source code 

Lock current process' virtual address space into RAM.

This is equivalent to the C call mlockall(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE), see mlock(2) for more details. This function requires ctypes module.



source code 

Daemonize the current process.

This detaches the current process from the controlling terminal and runs it in the background as a daemon.

  • logfile (str) - the logfile to which we should redirect stdout/stderr
Returns: int
the value zero


source code 

Compute a ganeti pid file absolute path

  • name (str) - the daemon name
Returns: str
the full path to the pidfile corresponding to the given daemon name


source code 

Write the current process pidfile.

  • pidfile (sting) - the path to the file to be written
Returns: int
the file descriptor of the lock file; do not close this unless you want to unlock the pid file
  • errors.LockError - if the pid file already exists and points to a live process


source code 

Remove the current process pidfile.

Any errors are ignored.

  • name (str) - the daemon name used to derive the pidfile name

KillProcess(pid, signal_=signal.SIGTERM, timeout=30, waitpid=False)

source code 

Kill a process given by its pid.

  • pid (int) - The PID to terminate.
  • signal_ (int) - The signal to send, by default SIGTERM
  • timeout (int) - The timeout after which, if the process is still alive, a SIGKILL will be sent. If not positive, no such checking will be done
  • waitpid (boolean) - If true, we should waitpid on this process after sending signals, since it's our own child and otherwise it would remain as zombie

FindFile(name, search_path, test=os.path.exists)

source code 

Look for a filesystem object in a given path.

This is an abstract method to search for filesystem object (files, dirs) under a given search path.

  • name (str) - the name to look for
  • search_path (str) - location to start at
  • test (callable) - a function taking one argument that should return True if the a given object is valid; the default value is os.path.exists, causing only existing files to be returned
Returns: str or None
full path to the object if found, None otherwise

CheckVolumeGroupSize(vglist, vgname, minsize)

source code 

Checks if the volume group list is valid.

The function will check if a given volume group is in the list of volume groups and has a minimum size.

  • vglist (dict) - dictionary of volume group names and their size
  • vgname (str) - the volume group we should check
  • minsize (int) - the minimum size we accept
Returns: None or str
None for success, otherwise the error message


source code 

Splits time as floating point number into a tuple.

  • value (int or float) - Time in seconds
Tuple containing (seconds, microseconds)


source code 

Merges a tuple into time as a floating point number.

  • timetuple (tuple) - Time as tuple, (seconds, microseconds)
Time as a floating point number expressed in seconds

SetupLogging(logfile, debug=0, stderr_logging=False, program="", multithreaded=False, syslog=constants.SYSLOG_USAGE, console_logging=False)

source code 

Configures the logging module.

  • logfile (str) - the filename to which we should log
  • debug (integer) - if greater than zero, enable debug messages, otherwise only those at INFO and above level
  • stderr_logging (boolean) - whether we should also log to the standard error
  • program (str) - the name under which we should log messages
  • multithreaded (boolean) - if True, will add the thread name to the log file
  • syslog (string) - one of 'no', 'yes', 'only':
    • if no, syslog is not used
    • if yes, syslog is used (in addition to file-logging)
    • if only, only syslog is used
  • console_logging (boolean) - if True, will use a FileHandler which falls back to the system console if logging fails
  • EnvironmentError - if we can't open the log file and syslog/stderr logging is disabled


source code 

Check whether a path is absolute and also normalized

This avoids things like /dir/../../other/path to be valid.


source code 

Safe-join a list of path components.


  • the first argument must be an absolute path
  • no component in the path must have backtracking (e.g. /../), since we check for normalization at the end
  • args - the path components to be joined
  • ValueError - for invalid paths

TailFile(fname, lines=20)

source code 

Return the last lines from a file.

  • fname - the file name
  • lines (int) - the (maximum) number of lines to return

Note: this function will only read and parse the last 4KB of the file; if the lines are very long, it could be that less than the requested number of lines are returned


source code 

Parses an ASN1 GENERALIZEDTIME timestamp as used by pyOpenSSL.

  • value (string) - ASN1 GENERALIZEDTIME timestamp


source code 

Returns the validity period of the certificate.

  • cert (OpenSSL.crypto.X509) - X509 certificate object

_VerifyCertificateInner(expired, not_before, not_after, now, warn_days, error_days)

source code 

Verifies certificate validity.

  • expired (bool) - Whether pyOpenSSL considers the certificate as expired
  • not_before (number or None) - Unix timestamp before which certificate is not valid
  • not_after (number or None) - Unix timestamp after which certificate is invalid
  • now (number) - Current time as Unix timestamp
  • warn_days (number or None) - How many days before expiration a warning should be reported
  • error_days (number or None) - How many days before expiration an error should be reported

VerifyX509Certificate(cert, warn_days, error_days)

source code 

Verifies a certificate for LUVerifyCluster.

  • cert (OpenSSL.crypto.X509) - X509 certificate object
  • warn_days (number or None) - How many days before expiration a warning should be reported
  • error_days (number or None) - How many days before expiration an error should be reported

SignX509Certificate(cert, key, salt)

source code 

Sign a X509 certificate.

An RFC822-like signature header is added in front of the certificate.

  • cert (OpenSSL.crypto.X509) - X509 certificate object
  • key (string) - Key for HMAC
  • salt (string) - Salt for HMAC
Returns: string
Serialized and signed certificate in PEM format

LoadSignedX509Certificate(cert_pem, key)

source code 

Verifies a signed X509 certificate.

  • cert_pem (string) - Certificate in PEM format and with signature header
  • key (string) - Key for HMAC
Returns: tuple; (OpenSSL.crypto.X509, string)
X509 certificate object and salt

Sha1Hmac(key, text, salt=None)

source code 

Calculates the HMAC-SHA1 digest of a text.

HMAC is defined in RFC2104.

  • key (string) - Secret key
  • text (string)

VerifySha1Hmac(key, text, digest, salt=None)

source code 

Verifies the HMAC-SHA1 digest of a text.

HMAC is defined in RFC2104.

  • key (string) - Secret key
  • digest (string) - Expected digest
  • text (string)
Returns: bool
Whether HMAC-SHA1 digest matches


source code 

Return a 'safe' version of a source string.

This function mangles the input string and returns a version that should be safe to display/encode as ASCII. To this end, we first convert it to ASCII using the 'backslashreplace' encoding which should get rid of any non-ASCII chars, and then we process it through a loop copied from the string repr sources in the python; we don't use string_escape anymore since that escape single quotes and backslashes too, and that is too much; and that escaping is not stable, i.e. string_escape(string_escape(x)) != string_escape(x).

  • text (str or unicode) - input data
Returns: str
a safe version of text

UnescapeAndSplit(text, sep=",")

source code 

Split and unescape a string based on a given separator.

This function splits a string based on a separator where the separator itself can be escape in order to be an element of the elements. The escaping rules are (assuming coma being the separator):

  • a plain , separates the elements
  • a sequence \\, (double backslash plus comma) is handled as a backslash plus a separator comma
  • a sequence \, (backslash plus comma) is handled as a non-separator comma
  • text (string) - the string to split
  • text (string) - the separator
  • sep (string)
Returns: string
a list of strings


source code 

Nicely join a set of identifiers.

  • names - set, list or tuple
a string with the formatted results

FindMatch(data, name)

source code 

Tries to find an item in a dictionary matching a name.

Callers have to ensure the data names aren't contradictory (e.g. a regexp that matches a string). If the name isn't a direct key, all regular expression objects in the dictionary are matched against it.

  • data (dict) - Dictionary containing data
  • name (string) - Name to look for
Returns: tuple; (value in dictionary, matched groups as list)


source code 

Converts bytes to mebibytes.

  • value (int) - Value in bytes
Returns: int
Value in mebibytes


source code 

Calculates the size of a directory recursively.

  • path (string) - Path to directory
Returns: int
Size in mebibytes


source code 

Returns the list of mounted filesystems.

This function is Linux-specific.

  • filename - path of mounts file (/proc/mounts by default)
Returns: list of tuples
list of mount entries (device, mountpoint, fstype, options)


source code 

Returns the total and free space on a filesystem.

  • path (string) - Path on filesystem to be examined
Returns: int
tuple of (Total space, Free space) in mebibytes

RunInSeparateProcess(fn, *args)

source code 

Runs a function in a separate process.

Note: Only boolean return values are supported.

  • fn (callable) - Function to be called
Returns: bool
Function's result

IgnoreProcessNotFound(fn, *args, **kwargs)

source code 

Ignores ESRCH when calling a process-related function.

ESRCH is raised when a process is not found.

Returns: bool
Whether process was found


source code 

Locks a file using POSIX locks.

  • fd (int) - the file descriptor we need to lock


source code 

Formats a time value.

  • val (float or None) - the timestamp as returned by time.time()
a string value or N/A if we don't have a valid timestamp


source code 

Formats seconds for easier reading.

  • secs (number) - Number of seconds
Returns: string
Formatted seconds (e.g. "2d 9h 19m 49s")

ReadWatcherPauseFile(filename, now=None, remove_after=3600)

source code 

Reads the watcher pause file.

  • filename (string) - Path to watcher pause file
  • now (None, float or int) - Current time as Unix timestamp
  • remove_after (int) - Remove watcher pause file after specified amount of seconds past the pause end time

Retry(fn, delay, timeout, args=None, wait_fn=time.sleep, _time_fn=time.time)

source code 

Call a function repeatedly until it succeeds.

The function fn is called repeatedly until it doesn't throw RetryAgain anymore. Between calls a delay, specified by delay, is inserted. After a total of timeout seconds, this function throws RetryTimeout.

delay can be one of the following:

  • callable returning the delay length as a float
  • Tuple of (start, factor, limit)
  • RETRY_REMAINING_TIME to sleep until the timeout expires (this is useful when overriding wait_fn to wait for an external event)
  • A static delay as a number (int or float)
  • fn (callable) - Function to be called
  • delay - Either a callable (returning the delay), a tuple of (start, factor, limit) (see _RetryDelayCalculator), RETRY_REMAINING_TIME or a number (int or float)
  • timeout (float) - Total timeout
  • wait_fn (callable) - Waiting function
Return value of function

GenerateSelfSignedX509Cert(common_name, validity)

source code 

Generates a self-signed X509 certificate.

  • common_name (string) - commonName value
  • validity (int) - Validity for certificate in seconds

GenerateSelfSignedSslCert(filename, common_name=constants.X509_CERT_CN, validity=constants.X509_CERT_DEFAULT_VALIDITY)

source code 

Legacy function to generate self-signed X509 certificate.

  • filename (str) - path to write certificate to
  • common_name (string) - commonName value
  • validity (int) - validity of certificate in number of days


source code 

Signal Handled decoration.

This special decorator installs a signal handler and then calls the target function. The function must accept a 'signal_handlers' keyword argument, which will contain a dict indexed by signal number, with SignalHandler objects as values.

The decorator can be safely stacked with iself, to handle multiple signals with different handlers.

  • signums (list) - signals to intercept

Variables Details [hide private]


re.compile("^%s+$" % HEX_CHAR_RE, re.S)


re.compile(r"^%s:\s*(?P<salt>%s+)/(?P<sign>%s+)$" %(re.escape(constant\


re.compile('^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-' '[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-\