Package ganeti :: Package server :: Module rapi
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Module rapi

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Ganeti Remote API master script.

Classes [hide private]
Data structure for Remote API requests.
REST Request Handler Class.
Functions [hide private]
SetupFileWatcher(filename, cb)
Configures an inotify watcher for a file.
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CheckRapi(options, args)
Initial checks whether to run or exit with a failure.
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PrepRapi(options, _)
Prep remote API function, executed with the PID file held.
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ExecRapi(options, args, prep_data)
Main remote API function, executed with the PID file held.
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Main function.
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Imports: logging, optparse, sys, os, errno, pyinotify, asyncnotifier, constants, http, daemon, ssconf, luxi, serializer, compat, utils, pathutils, connector, ganeti

Function Details [hide private]

SetupFileWatcher(filename, cb)

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Configures an inotify watcher for a file.

  • filename (string) - File to watch
  • cb (callable) - Function called on file change