Package ganeti :: Module rpc
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Module rpc

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Inter-node RPC library.

Classes [hide private]
RPC Result class.
RPC runner class.
RPC wrappers for job queue.
RPC wrappers for bootstrapping.
RPC wrappers for calls using only DNS.
RPC wrappers for config.
Functions [hide private]
Initializes the module-global HTTP client manager.
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Stops the module-global HTTP client manager.
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_ConfigRpcCurl(curl) source code
RPC-wrapper decorator.
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Compresses a string for transport over RPC.
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list of tuple; (string, string)
_SsconfResolver(ssconf_ips, node_list, _, ssc=ssconf.SimpleStore, nslookup_fn=netutils.Hostname.GetIP)
Return addresses for given node names.
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_CheckConfigNode(name, node, accept_offline_node)
Checks if a node is online.
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_NodeConfigResolver(single_node_fn, all_nodes_fn, hosts, opts)
Calculate node addresses using configuration.
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Converts an object to a dictionary.
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Converts a list of objects to dictionaries.
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Encodes a dictionary with node name as key and disk objects as values.
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_PrepareFileUpload(getents_fn, filename)
Loads a file and prepares it for an upload to nodes.
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Encodes disks for finalizing export.
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_EncodeImportExportIO((ieio, ieioargs))
Encodes import/export I/O information.
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Encodes information for renaming block devices.
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MakeLegacyNodeInfo(data, require_vg_info=True)
Formats the data returned by rpc.RpcRunner.call_node_info.
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_AnnotateDParamsDRBD(disk, (drbd_params, data_params, meta_params))
Annotates just DRBD disks layouts.
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_AnnotateDParamsGeneric(disk, (params,))
Generic disk parameter annotation routine.
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AnnotateDiskParams(template, disks, disk_params)
Annotates the disk objects with the disk parameters.
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_GetESFlag(cfg, nodename) source code
GetExclusiveStorageForNodeNames(cfg, nodelist)
Return the exclusive storage flag for all the given nodes.
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Variables [hide private]
  _RPC_CLIENT_HEADERS = ["Content-type: %s" % http.HTTP_APP_JSON...
  _OFFLINE = object()
Special value to describe an offline host
  _ENCODERS = {rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT: _ObjectToDict, rpc_defs....
Generic encoders

Imports: logging, zlib, base64, pycurl, threading, copy, utils, objects, http, serializer, constants, errors, netutils, ssconf, runtime, compat, rpc_defs, pathutils, vcluster, _generated_rpc, ganeti

Function Details [hide private]


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Initializes the module-global HTTP client manager.

Must be called before using any RPC function and while exactly one thread is running.


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Stops the module-global HTTP client manager.

Must be called before quitting the program and while exactly one thread is running.


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RPC-wrapper decorator.

When applied to a function, it runs it with the RPC system initialized, and it shutsdown the system afterwards. This means the function must be called without RPC being initialized.


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Compresses a string for transport over RPC.

Small amounts of data are not compressed.

  • data (str) - Data
Returns: tuple
Encoded data to send

_SsconfResolver(ssconf_ips, node_list, _, ssc=ssconf.SimpleStore, nslookup_fn=netutils.Hostname.GetIP)

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Return addresses for given node names.

  • ssconf_ips (bool) - Use the ssconf IPs
  • node_list (list) - List of node names
  • ssc (class) - SimpleStore class that is used to obtain node->ip mappings
  • nslookup_fn (callable) - function use to do NS lookup
Returns: list of tuple; (string, string)
List of tuples containing node name and IP address

_CheckConfigNode(name, node, accept_offline_node)

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Checks if a node is online.

  • name (string) - Node name
  • node (objects.Node or None) - Node object


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Converts an object to a dictionary.

Note: See objects.

MakeLegacyNodeInfo(data, require_vg_info=True)

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Formats the data returned by rpc.RpcRunner.call_node_info.

Converts the data into a single dictionary. This is fine for most use cases, but some require information from more than one volume group or hypervisor.

  • require_vg_info - raise an error if the returnd vg_info doesn't have any values

AnnotateDiskParams(template, disks, disk_params)

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Annotates the disk objects with the disk parameters.

  • template - The disk template used
  • disks - The list of disks objects to annotate
  • disk_params - The disk paramaters for annotation
A list of disk objects annotated

GetExclusiveStorageForNodeNames(cfg, nodelist)

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Return the exclusive storage flag for all the given nodes.

  • cfg (config.ConfigWriter) - cluster configuration
  • nodelist (list or tuple) - node names for which to read the flag
Returns: dict
mapping from node names to exclusive storage flags

Variables Details [hide private]


["Content-type: %s" % http.HTTP_APP_JSON, "Expect:",]


Generic encoders

{rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT: _ObjectToDict, rpc_defs.ED_OBJECT_DICT_LIST:\
 _ObjectListToDict, rpc_defs.ED_NODE_TO_DISK_DICT: _EncodeNodeToDiskDi\
ct, rpc_defs.ED_COMPRESS: _Compress, rpc_defs.ED_FINALIZE_EXPORT_DISKS\
: _PrepareFinalizeExportDisks, rpc_defs.ED_IMPEXP_IO: _EncodeImportExp\
ortIO, rpc_defs.ED_BLOCKDEV_RENAME: _EncodeBlockdevRename,}