Package ganeti :: Package cmdlib :: Module instance
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Module instance

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Logical units dealing with instances.

Classes [hide private]
Create an instance.
Rename an instance.
Remove an instance.
Move an instance by data-copying.
Allocates multiple instances at the same time.
Data structure for network interface modifications.
Modifies an instances's parameters.
Functions [hide private]
_CheckHostnameSane(lu, name)
Ensures that a given hostname resolves to a 'sane' name.
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Generate error if opportunistic locking is not possible.
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_CreateInstanceAllocRequest(op, disks, nics, beparams, node_name_whitelist)
Wrapper around IAReqInstanceAlloc.
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_ComputeFullBeParams(op, cluster)
Computes the full beparams.
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_ComputeNics(op, cluster, default_ip, cfg, ec_id)
Computes the nics.
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_CheckForConflictingIp(lu, ip, node_uuid)
In case of conflicting IP address raise error.
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_ComputeIPolicyInstanceSpecViolation(ipolicy, instance_spec, disk_template, _compute_fn=ComputeIPolicySpecViolation)
Compute if instance specs meets the specs of ipolicy.
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_CheckOSVariant(os_obj, name)
Check whether an OS name conforms to the os variants specification.
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_PrepareContainerMods(mods, private_fn)
Prepares a list of container modifications by adding a private data field.
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_CheckNodesPhysicalCPUs(lu, node_uuids, requested, hypervisor_specs)
Checks if nodes have enough physical CPUs
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GetItemFromContainer(identifier, kind, container)
Return the item refered by the identifier.
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_ApplyContainerMods(kind, container, chgdesc, mods, create_fn, modify_fn, remove_fn)
Applies descriptions in mods to container.
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_UpdateIvNames(base_index, disks)
Updates the iv_name attribute of disks.
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Variables [hide private]
  _TApplyContModsCbChanges = ht.TMaybeListOf(ht.TAnd(ht.TIsLengt...
Type description for changes as returned by _ApplyContainerMods's callbacks

Imports: OpenSSL, copy, logging, os, compat, constants, errors, ht, hypervisor, locking, iallocator, masterd, netutils, objects, opcodes, pathutils, rpc, utils, NoHooksLU, LogicalUnit, ResultWithJobs, INSTANCE_DOWN, INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING, CAN_CHANGE_INSTANCE_OFFLINE, CheckNodeOnline, ShareAll, GetDefaultIAllocator, CheckInstanceNodeGroups, LoadNodeEvacResult, CheckIAllocatorOrNode, CheckParamsNotGlobal, IsExclusiveStorageEnabledNode, CheckHVParams, CheckOSParams, AnnotateDiskParams, GetUpdatedParams, ExpandInstanceUuidAndName, ComputeIPolicySpecViolation, CheckInstanceState, ExpandNodeUuidAndName, CheckDiskTemplateEnabled, CreateDisks, CheckNodesFreeDiskPerVG, WipeDisks, WipeOrCleanupDisks, WaitForSync, IsExclusiveStorageEnabledNodeUuid, CreateSingleBlockDev, ComputeDisks, CheckRADOSFreeSpace, ComputeDiskSizePerVG, GenerateDiskTemplate, StartInstanceDisks, ShutdownInstanceDisks, AssembleInstanceDisks, CheckSpindlesExclusiveStorage, BuildInstanceHookEnvByObject, GetClusterDomainSecret, BuildInstanceHookEnv, NICListToTuple, NICToTuple, CheckNodeNotDrained, RemoveInstance, CopyLockList, ReleaseLocks, CheckNodeVmCapable, CheckTargetNodeIPolicy, GetInstanceInfoText, RemoveDisks, CheckNodeFreeMemory, CheckInstanceBridgesExist, CheckNicsBridgesExist, CheckNodeHasOS, ganeti

Function Details [hide private]

_CheckHostnameSane(lu, name)

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Ensures that a given hostname resolves to a 'sane' name.

The given name is required to be a prefix of the resolved hostname, to prevent accidental mismatches.

  • lu - the logical unit on behalf of which we're checking
  • name - the name we should resolve and check
the resolved hostname object

_CreateInstanceAllocRequest(op, disks, nics, beparams, node_name_whitelist)

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Wrapper around IAReqInstanceAlloc.

  • op - The instance opcode
  • disks - The computed disks
  • nics - The computed nics
  • beparams - The full filled beparams
  • node_name_whitelist - List of nodes which should appear as online to the allocator (unless the node is already marked offline)
A filled iallocator.IAReqInstanceAlloc

_ComputeFullBeParams(op, cluster)

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Computes the full beparams.

  • op - The instance opcode
  • cluster - The cluster config object
The fully filled beparams

_ComputeNics(op, cluster, default_ip, cfg, ec_id)

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Computes the nics.

  • op - The instance opcode
  • cluster - Cluster configuration object
  • default_ip - The default ip to assign
  • cfg - An instance of the configuration object
  • ec_id - Execution context ID
The build up nics

_CheckForConflictingIp(lu, ip, node_uuid)

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In case of conflicting IP address raise error.

  • ip (string) - IP address
  • node_uuid (string) - node UUID

_ComputeIPolicyInstanceSpecViolation(ipolicy, instance_spec, disk_template, _compute_fn=ComputeIPolicySpecViolation)

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Compute if instance specs meets the specs of ipolicy.

  • ipolicy (dict) - The ipolicy to verify against
  • instance_spec - dict
  • instance_spec - The instance spec to verify
  • disk_template (string) - the disk template of the instance
  • _compute_fn - The function to verify ipolicy (unittest only)

_CheckOSVariant(os_obj, name)

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Check whether an OS name conforms to the os variants specification.

  • os_obj (objects.OS) - OS object to check
  • name (string) - OS name passed by the user, to check for validity

_PrepareContainerMods(mods, private_fn)

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Prepares a list of container modifications by adding a private data field.

  • mods (list of tuples; (operation, index, parameters)) - List of modifications
  • private_fn (callable or None) - Callable for constructing a private data field for a modification
Returns: list

_CheckNodesPhysicalCPUs(lu, node_uuids, requested, hypervisor_specs)

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Checks if nodes have enough physical CPUs

This function checks if all given nodes have the needed number of physical CPUs. In case any node has less CPUs or we cannot get the information from the node, this function raises an OpPrereqError exception.

  • lu (LogicalUnit) - a logical unit from which we get configuration data
  • node_uuids (list) - the list of node UUIDs to check
  • requested (int) - the minimum acceptable number of physical CPUs
  • hypervisor_specs (list of pairs (string, dict of strings)) - list of hypervisor specifications in pairs (hypervisor_name, hvparams)

GetItemFromContainer(identifier, kind, container)

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Return the item refered by the identifier.

  • identifier (string) - Item index or name or UUID
  • kind (string) - One-word item description
  • container (list) - Container to get the item from

_ApplyContainerMods(kind, container, chgdesc, mods, create_fn, modify_fn, remove_fn)

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Applies descriptions in mods to container.

  • kind (string) - One-word item description
  • container (list) - Container to modify
  • chgdesc (None or list) - List of applied changes
  • mods (list) - Modifications as returned by _PrepareContainerMods
  • create_fn (callable) - Callback for creating a new item (constants.DDM_ADD); receives absolute item index, parameters and private data object as added by _PrepareContainerMods, returns tuple containing new item and changes as list
  • modify_fn (callable) - Callback for modifying an existing item (constants.DDM_MODIFY); receives absolute item index, item, parameters and private data object as added by _PrepareContainerMods, returns changes as list
  • remove_fn (callable) - Callback on removing item; receives absolute item index, item and private data object as added by _PrepareContainerMods

_UpdateIvNames(base_index, disks)

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Updates the iv_name attribute of disks.


Variables Details [hide private]


Type description for changes as returned by _ApplyContainerMods's callbacks

ht.TMaybeListOf(ht.TAnd(ht.TIsLength(2), ht.TItems([ht.TNonEmptyString\
, ht.TAny,])))