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Fake hypervisor interface.
This can be used for testing the ganeti code without having to have a real virtualisation software installed.
objects.MigrationStatus |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from |
PARAMETERS = {constants.HV_MIGRATION_MODE: hv_base.MIGRATION_M a dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing: |
boolean |
CAN_MIGRATE = True whether this hypervisor can do migration (either live or non-live) |
_ROOT_DIR = pathutils.RUN_DIR+ "/fake-hypervisor"
Inherited from |
Inherited from |
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Get the list of running instances.
Get instance properties.
Get properties of all instances.
Mark the instance as running. This does no checks, which should be done by its callers. |
Mark the instance as running. This does no checks, which should be done by its callers. |
Start an instance. For the fake hypervisor, it just creates a file in the base dir, creating an exception if it already exists. We don't actually handle race conditions properly, since these are *FAKE* instances.
Stop an instance. For the fake hypervisor, this just removes the file in the base dir, if it exist, otherwise we raise an exception.
Reboot an instance. For the fake hypervisor, this does nothing.
Balloon an instance memory to a certain value.
Return information about the node. See BaseHypervisor.GetLinuxNodeInfo.
Return information for connecting to the console of an instance.
Verify the hypervisor. For the fake hypervisor, it just checks the existence of the base dir.
Fake hypervisor powercycle, just a wrapper over Linux powercycle.
Prepare to accept an instance.
Migrate an instance.
Finalize the instance migration on the target node. For the fake hv, this just marks the instance up.
Clean-up after a migration. To be executed on the source node.
Finalize the instance migration on the source node.
Get the migration status The fake hypervisor migration always succeeds.
PARAMETERSa dict of parameter name: check type; the check type is a five-tuple containing:
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Wed Dec 30 13:42:42 2015 | |