[_PInstanceName, _PInstanceUuid, ("disks", ht.EmptyList, ht.TOr(ht.TLi
stOf(ht.TNonNegativeInt), ht.TListOf(_TDiskChanges)), "List of disk in
dexes (deprecated) or a list of tuples containing a disk" " index and
a possibly empty dictionary with disk parameter changes"), ("nodes", h
t.EmptyList, ht.TListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString), "New instance nodes, if r
elocation is desired"), ("node_uuids", None, ht.TMaybeListOf(ht.TNonEm
ptyString), "New instance node UUIDs, if relocation is desired"), _PIA
llocFromDesc("Iallocator for deciding new nodes"),]