Trees | Indices | Help |
Connect a Network to a specific Nodegroup with the defined netparams (mode, link). Nics in this Network will inherit those params. Produce errors if a NIC (that its not already assigned to a network) has an IP that is contained in the Network this will produce error unless --no-conflicts-check is passed.
Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
OP_DSC_FIELD = "network_name" The name of a field whose value will be included in the string returned by Summary(); see the docstring of that method for details). |
OP_PARAMS = [_PGroupName, _PNetworkName, ("network_mode", ht.N List of opcode attributes, the default values they should get if not already defined, and types they must match. |
Inherited from |
Inherited from |
OP_PARAMSList of opcode attributes, the default values they should get if not already defined, and types they must match.
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Wed Dec 30 13:42:47 2015 | |