[("node_names", ht.EmptyList, ht.TListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString), "List of
node names to run the OOB command against"), ("node_uuids", None, ht.
TMaybeListOf(ht.TNonEmptyString), "List of node UUIDs to run the OOB c
ommand against"), ("command", ht.NoDefault, ht.TElemOf(constants.OOB_C
OMMANDS), "OOB command to be run"), ("timeout", constants.OOB_TIMEOUT,
ht.TInt, "Timeout before the OOB helper will be terminated"), ("ignor
e_status", False, ht.TBool, "Ignores the node offline status for power
off"), ("power_delay", constants.OOB_POWER_DELAY, ht.TNonNegativeFloa