Package ganeti :: Package rapi :: Module client :: Class GanetiRapiClient
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Class GanetiRapiClient

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Ganeti RAPI client.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, host, port=GANETI_RAPI_PORT, username=None, password=None, logger=logging, curl_config_fn=None, curl_factory=None)
Initializes this class.
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Creates a cURL object.
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_SendRequest(self, method, path, query, content)
Sends an HTTP request.
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Gets the Remote API version running on the cluster.
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Gets the list of optional features supported by RAPI server.
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list of str
GetOperatingSystems(self, reason=None)
Gets the Operating Systems running in the Ganeti cluster.
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GetInfo(self, reason=None)
Gets info about the cluster.
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RedistributeConfig(self, reason=None)
Tells the cluster to redistribute its configuration files.
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ModifyCluster(self, reason=None, **kwargs)
Modifies cluster parameters.
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list of str
GetClusterTags(self, reason=None)
Gets the cluster tags.
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AddClusterTags(self, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Adds tags to the cluster.
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DeleteClusterTags(self, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes tags from the cluster.
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list of dict or list of str
GetInstances(self, bulk=False, reason=None)
Gets information about instances on the cluster.
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GetInstance(self, instance, reason=None)
Gets information about an instance.
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GetInstanceInfo(self, instance, static=None, reason=None)
Gets information about an instance.
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InstanceAllocation(self, mode, name, disk_template, disks, nics, **kwargs)
Generates an instance allocation as used by multiallocate.
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InstancesMultiAlloc(self, instances, reason=None, **kwargs)
Tries to allocate multiple instances.
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CreateInstance(self, mode, name, disk_template, disks, nics, reason=None, **kwargs)
Creates a new instance.
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DeleteInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes an instance.
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ModifyInstance(self, instance, reason=None, **kwargs)
Modifies an instance.
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ActivateInstanceDisks(self, instance, ignore_size=None, reason=None)
Activates an instance's disks.
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DeactivateInstanceDisks(self, instance, reason=None)
Deactivates an instance's disks.
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RecreateInstanceDisks(self, instance, disks=None, nodes=None, reason=None)
Recreate an instance's disks.
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GrowInstanceDisk(self, instance, disk, amount, wait_for_sync=None, reason=None)
Grows a disk of an instance.
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list of str
GetInstanceTags(self, instance, reason=None)
Gets tags for an instance.
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AddInstanceTags(self, instance, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Adds tags to an instance.
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DeleteInstanceTags(self, instance, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes tags from an instance.
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RebootInstance(self, instance, reboot_type=None, ignore_secondaries=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Reboots an instance.
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ShutdownInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, no_remember=False, reason=None, **kwargs)
Shuts down an instance.
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StartupInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, no_remember=False, reason=None)
Starts up an instance.
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ReinstallInstance(self, instance, os=None, no_startup=False, osparams=None, reason=None)
Reinstalls an instance.
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ReplaceInstanceDisks(self, instance, disks=None, mode=REPLACE_DISK_AUTO, remote_node=None, iallocator=None, reason=None)
Replaces disks on an instance.
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PrepareExport(self, instance, mode, reason=None)
Prepares an instance for an export.
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ExportInstance(self, instance, mode, destination, shutdown=None, remove_instance=None, x509_key_name=None, destination_x509_ca=None, reason=None)
Exports an instance.
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MigrateInstance(self, instance, mode=None, cleanup=None, target_node=None, reason=None)
Migrates an instance.
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FailoverInstance(self, instance, iallocator=None, ignore_consistency=None, target_node=None, reason=None)
Does a failover of an instance.
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RenameInstance(self, instance, new_name, ip_check=None, name_check=None, reason=None)
Changes the name of an instance.
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GetInstanceConsole(self, instance, reason=None)
Request information for connecting to instance's console.
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list of int
GetJobs(self, bulk=False)
Gets all jobs for the cluster.
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GetJobStatus(self, job_id)
Gets the status of a job.
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WaitForJobCompletion(self, job_id, period=5, retries=-1)
Polls cluster for job status until completion.
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WaitForJobChange(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial)
Waits for job changes.
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CancelJob(self, job_id, dry_run=False)
Cancels a job.
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list of dict or str
GetNodes(self, bulk=False, reason=None)
Gets all nodes in the cluster.
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GetNode(self, node, reason=None)
Gets information about a node.
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string, or a list for pre-2.5 results
EvacuateNode(self, node, iallocator=None, remote_node=None, dry_run=False, early_release=None, mode=None, accept_old=False, reason=None)
Evacuates instances from a Ganeti node.
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MigrateNode(self, node, mode=None, dry_run=False, iallocator=None, target_node=None, reason=None)
Migrates all primary instances from a node.
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GetNodeRole(self, node, reason=None)
Gets the current role for a node.
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SetNodeRole(self, node, role, force=False, auto_promote=None, reason=None)
Sets the role for a node.
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PowercycleNode(self, node, force=False, reason=None)
Powercycles a node.
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ModifyNode(self, node, reason=None, **kwargs)
Modifies a node.
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GetNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, output_fields, reason=None)
Gets the storage units for a node.
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ModifyNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, name, allocatable=None, reason=None)
Modifies parameters of storage units on the node.
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RepairNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, name, reason=None)
Repairs a storage unit on the node.
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list of str
GetNodeTags(self, node, reason=None)
Gets the tags for a node.
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AddNodeTags(self, node, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Adds tags to a node.
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DeleteNodeTags(self, node, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Delete tags from a node.
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list of dict or str
GetNetworks(self, bulk=False, reason=None)
Gets all networks in the cluster.
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GetNetwork(self, network, reason=None)
Gets information about a network.
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CreateNetwork(self, network_name, network, gateway=None, network6=None, gateway6=None, mac_prefix=None, add_reserved_ips=None, tags=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Creates a new network.
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ConnectNetwork(self, network_name, group_name, mode, link, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Connects a Network to a NodeGroup with the given netparams
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DisconnectNetwork(self, network_name, group_name, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Connects a Network to a NodeGroup with the given netparams
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ModifyNetwork(self, network, reason=None, **kwargs)
Modifies a network.
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DeleteNetwork(self, network, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes a network.
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list of strings
GetNetworkTags(self, network, reason=None)
Gets tags for a network.
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AddNetworkTags(self, network, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Adds tags to a network.
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DeleteNetworkTags(self, network, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes tags from a network.
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list of dict or str
GetGroups(self, bulk=False, reason=None)
Gets all node groups in the cluster.
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GetGroup(self, group, reason=None)
Gets information about a node group.
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CreateGroup(self, name, alloc_policy=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Creates a new node group.
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ModifyGroup(self, group, reason=None, **kwargs)
Modifies a node group.
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DeleteGroup(self, group, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes a node group.
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RenameGroup(self, group, new_name, reason=None)
Changes the name of a node group.
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AssignGroupNodes(self, group, nodes, force=False, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Assigns nodes to a group.
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list of strings
GetGroupTags(self, group, reason=None)
Gets tags for a node group.
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AddGroupTags(self, group, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Adds tags to a node group.
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DeleteGroupTags(self, group, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)
Deletes tags from a node group.
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Query(self, what, fields, qfilter=None, reason=None)
Retrieves information about resources.
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QueryFields(self, what, fields=None, reason=None)
Retrieves available fields for a resource.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Encode query values for RAPI URL.
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_UpdateWithKwargs(base, **kwargs)
Updates the base with params from kwargs.
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Class Variables [hide private]
  USER_AGENT = "Ganeti RAPI Client"
  _json_encoder = simplejson.JSONEncoder(sort_keys= True)
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, host, port=GANETI_RAPI_PORT, username=None, password=None, logger=logging, curl_config_fn=None, curl_factory=None)

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Initializes this class.

  • host (string) - the ganeti cluster master to interact with
  • port (int) - the port on which the RAPI is running (default is 5080)
  • username (string) - the username to connect with
  • password (string) - the password to connect with
  • curl_config_fn (callable) - Function to configure pycurl.Curl object
  • logger - Logging object
Overrides: object.__init__

Static Method

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Encode query values for RAPI URL.

  • query (list of two-tuples) - Query arguments
Returns: list
Query list with encoded values

_SendRequest(self, method, path, query, content)

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Sends an HTTP request.

This constructs a full URL, encodes and decodes HTTP bodies, and handles invalid responses in a pythonic way.

  • method (string) - HTTP method to use
  • path (string) - HTTP URL path
  • query (list of two-tuples) - query arguments to pass to urllib.urlencode
  • content (str or None) - HTTP body content
Returns: str
JSON-Decoded response


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Gets the Remote API version running on the cluster.

Returns: int
Ganeti Remote API version


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Gets the list of optional features supported by RAPI server.

Returns: list
List of optional features

GetOperatingSystems(self, reason=None)

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Gets the Operating Systems running in the Ganeti cluster.

  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of str
operating systems

GetInfo(self, reason=None)

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Gets info about the cluster.

  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
information about the cluster

RedistributeConfig(self, reason=None)

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Tells the cluster to redistribute its configuration files.

  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ModifyCluster(self, reason=None, **kwargs)

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Modifies cluster parameters.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetClusterTags(self, reason=None)

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Gets the cluster tags.

  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of str
cluster tags

AddClusterTags(self, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Adds tags to the cluster.

  • tags (list of str) - tags to add to the cluster
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteClusterTags(self, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Deletes tags from the cluster.

  • tags (list of str) - tags to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetInstances(self, bulk=False, reason=None)

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Gets information about instances on the cluster.

  • bulk (bool) - whether to return all information about all instances
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of dict or list of str
if bulk is True, info about the instances, else a list of instances

GetInstance(self, instance, reason=None)

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Gets information about an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance whose info to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
info about the instance

GetInstanceInfo(self, instance, static=None, reason=None)

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Gets information about an instance.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
Job ID

_UpdateWithKwargs(base, **kwargs)
Static Method

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Updates the base with params from kwargs.

  • base - The base dict, filled with required fields

Note: This is an inplace update of base

InstanceAllocation(self, mode, name, disk_template, disks, nics, **kwargs)

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Generates an instance allocation as used by multiallocate.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation. It is the same as used by CreateInstance.

  • mode (string) - Instance creation mode
  • name (string) - Hostname of the instance to create
  • disk_template (string) - Disk template for instance (e.g. plain, diskless, file, or drbd)
  • disks (list of dicts) - List of disk definitions
  • nics (list of dicts) - List of NIC definitions
A dict with the generated entry

InstancesMultiAlloc(self, instances, reason=None, **kwargs)

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Tries to allocate multiple instances.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.


CreateInstance(self, mode, name, disk_template, disks, nics, reason=None, **kwargs)

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Creates a new instance.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • mode (string) - Instance creation mode
  • name (string) - Hostname of the instance to create
  • disk_template (string) - Disk template for instance (e.g. plain, diskless, file, or drbd)
  • disks (list of dicts) - List of disk definitions
  • nics (list of dicts) - List of NIC definitions
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Deletes an instance.

  • instance (str) - the instance to delete
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ModifyInstance(self, instance, reason=None, **kwargs)

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Modifies an instance.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ActivateInstanceDisks(self, instance, ignore_size=None, reason=None)

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Activates an instance's disks.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • ignore_size (bool) - Whether to ignore recorded size
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeactivateInstanceDisks(self, instance, reason=None)

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Deactivates an instance's disks.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

RecreateInstanceDisks(self, instance, disks=None, nodes=None, reason=None)

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Recreate an instance's disks.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • disks (list of int) - List of disk indexes
  • nodes (list of string) - New instance nodes, if relocation is desired
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GrowInstanceDisk(self, instance, disk, amount, wait_for_sync=None, reason=None)

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Grows a disk of an instance.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • disk (integer) - Disk index
  • amount (integer) - Grow disk by this amount (MiB)
  • wait_for_sync (bool) - Wait for disk to synchronize
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetInstanceTags(self, instance, reason=None)

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Gets tags for an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance whose tags to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of str
tags for the instance

AddInstanceTags(self, instance, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Adds tags to an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance to add tags to
  • tags (list of str) - tags to add to the instance
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteInstanceTags(self, instance, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Deletes tags from an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance to delete tags from
  • tags (list of str) - tags to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

RebootInstance(self, instance, reboot_type=None, ignore_secondaries=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)

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Reboots an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance to reboot
  • reboot_type (str) - one of: hard, soft, full
  • ignore_secondaries (bool) - if True, ignores errors for the secondary node while re-assembling disks (in hard-reboot mode only)
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for the reboot
Returns: string
job id

ShutdownInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, no_remember=False, reason=None, **kwargs)

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Shuts down an instance.

  • instance (str) - the instance to shut down
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • no_remember (bool) - if true, will not record the state change
  • reason (string) - the reason for the shutdown
Returns: string
job id

StartupInstance(self, instance, dry_run=False, no_remember=False, reason=None)

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Starts up an instance.

  • instance (str) - the instance to start up
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • no_remember (bool) - if true, will not record the state change
  • reason (string) - the reason for the startup
Returns: string
job id

ReinstallInstance(self, instance, os=None, no_startup=False, osparams=None, reason=None)

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Reinstalls an instance.

  • instance (str) - The instance to reinstall
  • os (str or None) - The operating system to reinstall. If None, the instance's current operating system will be installed again
  • no_startup (bool) - Whether to start the instance automatically
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ReplaceInstanceDisks(self, instance, disks=None, mode=REPLACE_DISK_AUTO, remote_node=None, iallocator=None, reason=None)

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Replaces disks on an instance.

  • instance (str) - instance whose disks to replace
  • disks (list of ints) - Indexes of disks to replace
  • mode (str) - replacement mode to use (defaults to replace_auto)
  • remote_node (str or None) - new secondary node to use (for use with replace_new_secondary mode)
  • iallocator (str or None) - instance allocator plugin to use (for use with replace_auto mode)
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

PrepareExport(self, instance, mode, reason=None)

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Prepares an instance for an export.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • mode (string) - Export mode
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
Job ID

ExportInstance(self, instance, mode, destination, shutdown=None, remove_instance=None, x509_key_name=None, destination_x509_ca=None, reason=None)

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Exports an instance.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • mode (string) - Export mode
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
Job ID

MigrateInstance(self, instance, mode=None, cleanup=None, target_node=None, reason=None)

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Migrates an instance.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • mode (string) - Migration mode
  • cleanup (bool) - Whether to clean up a previously failed migration
  • target_node (string) - Target Node for externally mirrored instances
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

FailoverInstance(self, instance, iallocator=None, ignore_consistency=None, target_node=None, reason=None)

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Does a failover of an instance.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • iallocator (string) - Iallocator for deciding the target node for shared-storage instances
  • ignore_consistency (bool) - Whether to ignore disk consistency
  • target_node (string) - Target node for shared-storage instances
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

RenameInstance(self, instance, new_name, ip_check=None, name_check=None, reason=None)

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Changes the name of an instance.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • new_name (string) - New instance name
  • ip_check (bool) - Whether to ensure instance's IP address is inactive
  • name_check (bool) - Whether to ensure instance's name is resolvable
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetInstanceConsole(self, instance, reason=None)

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Request information for connecting to instance's console.

  • instance (string) - Instance name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
dictionary containing information about instance's console

GetJobs(self, bulk=False)

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Gets all jobs for the cluster.

  • bulk (bool) - Whether to return detailed information about jobs.
Returns: list of int
List of job ids for the cluster or list of dicts with detailed information about the jobs if bulk parameter was true.

GetJobStatus(self, job_id)

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Gets the status of a job.

  • job_id (string) - job id whose status to query
Returns: dict
job status

WaitForJobCompletion(self, job_id, period=5, retries=-1)

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Polls cluster for job status until completion.

Completion is defined as any of the following states listed in JOB_STATUS_FINALIZED.

  • job_id (string) - job id to watch
  • period (int) - how often to poll for status (optional, default 5s)
  • retries (int) - how many time to poll before giving up (optional, default -1 means unlimited)
Returns: bool
True if job succeeded or False if failed/status timeout

Deprecated: It is recommended to use WaitForJobChange wherever possible; WaitForJobChange returns immediately after a job changed and does not use polling

WaitForJobChange(self, job_id, fields, prev_job_info, prev_log_serial)

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Waits for job changes.

  • job_id (string) - Job ID for which to wait
Returns: dict
None if no changes have been detected and a dict with two keys, job_info and log_entries otherwise.

CancelJob(self, job_id, dry_run=False)

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Cancels a job.

  • job_id (string) - id of the job to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
Returns: tuple
tuple containing the result, and a message (bool, string)

GetNodes(self, bulk=False, reason=None)

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Gets all nodes in the cluster.

  • bulk (bool) - whether to return all information about all instances
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of dict or str
if bulk is true, info about nodes in the cluster, else list of nodes in the cluster

GetNode(self, node, reason=None)

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Gets information about a node.

  • node (str) - node whose info to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
info about the node

EvacuateNode(self, node, iallocator=None, remote_node=None, dry_run=False, early_release=None, mode=None, accept_old=False, reason=None)

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Evacuates instances from a Ganeti node.

  • node (str) - node to evacuate
  • iallocator (str or None) - instance allocator to use
  • remote_node (str) - node to evaucate to
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • early_release (bool) - whether to enable parallelization
  • mode (string) - Node evacuation mode
  • accept_old (bool) - Whether caller is ready to accept old-style (pre-2.5) results
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string, or a list for pre-2.5 results
Job ID or, if accept_old is set and server is pre-2.5, list of (job ID, instance name, new secondary node); if dry_run was specified, then the actual move jobs were not submitted and the job IDs will be None
  • GanetiApiError - if an iallocator and remote_node are both specified

MigrateNode(self, node, mode=None, dry_run=False, iallocator=None, target_node=None, reason=None)

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Migrates all primary instances from a node.

  • node (str) - node to migrate
  • mode (string) - if passed, it will overwrite the live migration type, otherwise the hypervisor default will be used
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • iallocator (string) - instance allocator to use
  • target_node (string) - Target node for shared-storage instances
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetNodeRole(self, node, reason=None)

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Gets the current role for a node.

  • node (str) - node whose role to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: str
the current role for a node

SetNodeRole(self, node, role, force=False, auto_promote=None, reason=None)

source code 

Sets the role for a node.

  • node (str) - the node whose role to set
  • role (str) - the role to set for the node
  • force (bool) - whether to force the role change
  • auto_promote (bool) - Whether node(s) should be promoted to master candidate if necessary
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

PowercycleNode(self, node, force=False, reason=None)

source code 

Powercycles a node.

  • node (string) - Node name
  • force (bool) - Whether to force the operation
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ModifyNode(self, node, reason=None, **kwargs)

source code 

Modifies a node.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • node (string) - Node name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, output_fields, reason=None)

source code 

Gets the storage units for a node.

  • node (str) - the node whose storage units to return
  • storage_type (str) - storage type whose units to return
  • output_fields (str) - storage type fields to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id where results can be retrieved

ModifyNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, name, allocatable=None, reason=None)

source code 

Modifies parameters of storage units on the node.

  • node (str) - node whose storage units to modify
  • storage_type (str) - storage type whose units to modify
  • name (str) - name of the storage unit
  • allocatable (bool or None) - Whether to set the "allocatable" flag on the storage unit (None=no modification, True=set, False=unset)
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

RepairNodeStorageUnits(self, node, storage_type, name, reason=None)

source code 

Repairs a storage unit on the node.

  • node (str) - node whose storage units to repair
  • storage_type (str) - storage type to repair
  • name (str) - name of the storage unit to repair
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetNodeTags(self, node, reason=None)

source code 

Gets the tags for a node.

  • node (str) - node whose tags to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of str
tags for the node

AddNodeTags(self, node, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Adds tags to a node.

  • node (str) - node to add tags to
  • tags (list of str) - tags to add to the node
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteNodeTags(self, node, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Delete tags from a node.

  • node (str) - node to remove tags from
  • tags (list of str) - tags to remove from the node
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetNetworks(self, bulk=False, reason=None)

source code 

Gets all networks in the cluster.

  • bulk (bool) - whether to return all information about the networks
Returns: list of dict or str
if bulk is true, a list of dictionaries with info about all networks in the cluster, else a list of names of those networks

GetNetwork(self, network, reason=None)

source code 

Gets information about a network.

  • network (str) - name of the network whose info to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
info about the network

CreateNetwork(self, network_name, network, gateway=None, network6=None, gateway6=None, mac_prefix=None, add_reserved_ips=None, tags=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Creates a new network.

  • network_name (str) - the name of network to create
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to peform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ModifyNetwork(self, network, reason=None, **kwargs)

source code 

Modifies a network.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • network (string) - Network name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteNetwork(self, network, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Deletes a network.

  • network (str) - the network to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to peform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetNetworkTags(self, network, reason=None)

source code 

Gets tags for a network.

  • network (string) - Node group whose tags to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of strings
tags for the network

AddNetworkTags(self, network, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Adds tags to a network.

  • network (str) - network to add tags to
  • tags (list of string) - tags to add to the network
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteNetworkTags(self, network, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Deletes tags from a network.

  • network (str) - network to delete tags from
  • tags (list of string) - tags to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetGroups(self, bulk=False, reason=None)

source code 

Gets all node groups in the cluster.

  • bulk (bool) - whether to return all information about the groups
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of dict or str
if bulk is true, a list of dictionaries with info about all node groups in the cluster, else a list of names of those node groups

GetGroup(self, group, reason=None)

source code 

Gets information about a node group.

  • group (str) - name of the node group whose info to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: dict
info about the node group

CreateGroup(self, name, alloc_policy=None, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Creates a new node group.

  • name (str) - the name of node group to create
  • alloc_policy (str) - the desired allocation policy for the group, if any
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to peform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

ModifyGroup(self, group, reason=None, **kwargs)

source code 

Modifies a node group.

More details for parameters can be found in the RAPI documentation.

  • group (string) - Node group name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteGroup(self, group, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Deletes a node group.

  • group (str) - the node group to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to peform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

RenameGroup(self, group, new_name, reason=None)

source code 

Changes the name of a node group.

  • group (string) - Node group name
  • new_name (string) - New node group name
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

AssignGroupNodes(self, group, nodes, force=False, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Assigns nodes to a group.

  • group (string) - Node group name
  • nodes (list of strings) - List of nodes to assign to the group
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

GetGroupTags(self, group, reason=None)

source code 

Gets tags for a node group.

  • group (string) - Node group whose tags to return
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: list of strings
tags for the group

AddGroupTags(self, group, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Adds tags to a node group.

  • group (str) - group to add tags to
  • tags (list of string) - tags to add to the group
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

DeleteGroupTags(self, group, tags, dry_run=False, reason=None)

source code 

Deletes tags from a node group.

  • group (str) - group to delete tags from
  • tags (list of string) - tags to delete
  • dry_run (bool) - whether to perform a dry run
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

Query(self, what, fields, qfilter=None, reason=None)

source code 

Retrieves information about resources.

  • what (string) - Resource name, one of constants.QR_VIA_RAPI
  • fields (list of string) - Requested fields
  • qfilter (None or list) - Query filter
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id

QueryFields(self, what, fields=None, reason=None)

source code 

Retrieves available fields for a resource.

  • what (string) - Resource name, one of constants.QR_VIA_RAPI
  • fields (list of string) - Requested fields
  • reason (string) - the reason for executing this operation
Returns: string
job id