Package ganeti :: Package storage :: Module filestorage
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Source Code for Module

  1  # 
  2  # 
  4  # Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. 
  5  # 
  6  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  7  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  8  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 
  9  # (at your option) any later version. 
 10  # 
 11  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 12  # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 14  # General Public License for more details. 
 15  # 
 16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 17  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
 18  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
 19  # 02110-1301, USA. 
 22  """File storage functions. 
 24  """ 
 26  import logging 
 27  import os 
 29  from ganeti import compat 
 30  from ganeti import constants 
 31  from ganeti import errors 
 32  from ganeti import pathutils 
 33  from ganeti import utils 
36 -def GetFileStorageSpaceInfo(path):
37 """Retrieves the free and total space of the device where the file is 38 located. 39 40 @type path: string 41 @param path: Path of the file whose embracing device's capacity is 42 reported. 43 @return: a dictionary containing 'vg_size' and 'vg_free' given in MebiBytes 44 45 """ 46 try: 47 result = os.statvfs(path) 48 free = (result.f_frsize * result.f_bavail) / (1024 * 1024) 49 size = (result.f_frsize * result.f_blocks) / (1024 * 1024) 50 return {"type": constants.ST_FILE, 51 "name": path, 52 "storage_size": size, 53 "storage_free": free} 54 except OSError, e: 55 raise errors.CommandError("Failed to retrieve file system information about" 56 " path: %s - %s" % (path, e.strerror))
57 58
59 -def _GetForbiddenFileStoragePaths():
60 """Builds a list of path prefixes which shouldn't be used for file storage. 61 62 @rtype: frozenset 63 64 """ 65 paths = set([ 66 "/boot", 67 "/dev", 68 "/etc", 69 "/home", 70 "/proc", 71 "/root", 72 "/sys", 73 ]) 74 75 for prefix in ["", "/usr", "/usr/local"]: 76 paths.update(map(lambda s: "%s/%s" % (prefix, s), 77 ["bin", "lib", "lib32", "lib64", "sbin"])) 78 79 return compat.UniqueFrozenset(map(os.path.normpath, paths))
80 81
82 -def _ComputeWrongFileStoragePaths(paths, 83 _forbidden=_GetForbiddenFileStoragePaths()):
84 """Cross-checks a list of paths for prefixes considered bad. 85 86 Some paths, e.g. "/bin", should not be used for file storage. 87 88 @type paths: list 89 @param paths: List of paths to be checked 90 @rtype: list 91 @return: Sorted list of paths for which the user should be warned 92 93 """ 94 def _Check(path): 95 return (not os.path.isabs(path) or 96 path in _forbidden or 97 filter(lambda p: utils.IsBelowDir(p, path), _forbidden))
98 99 return utils.NiceSort(filter(_Check, map(os.path.normpath, paths))) 100 101
102 -def ComputeWrongFileStoragePaths(_filename=pathutils.FILE_STORAGE_PATHS_FILE):
103 """Returns a list of file storage paths whose prefix is considered bad. 104 105 See L{_ComputeWrongFileStoragePaths}. 106 107 """ 108 return _ComputeWrongFileStoragePaths(_LoadAllowedFileStoragePaths(_filename))
109 110
111 -def _CheckFileStoragePath(path, allowed, exact_match_ok=False):
112 """Checks if a path is in a list of allowed paths for file storage. 113 114 @type path: string 115 @param path: Path to check 116 @type allowed: list 117 @param allowed: List of allowed paths 118 @type exact_match_ok: bool 119 @param exact_match_ok: whether or not it is okay when the path is exactly 120 equal to an allowed path and not a subdir of it 121 @raise errors.FileStoragePathError: If the path is not allowed 122 123 """ 124 if not os.path.isabs(path): 125 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("File storage path must be absolute," 126 " got '%s'" % path) 127 128 for i in allowed: 129 if not os.path.isabs(i): 130"Ignoring relative path '%s' for file storage", i) 131 continue 132 133 if exact_match_ok: 134 if os.path.normpath(i) == os.path.normpath(path): 135 break 136 137 if utils.IsBelowDir(i, path): 138 break 139 else: 140 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("Path '%s' is not acceptable for file" 141 " storage" % path)
142 143
144 -def _LoadAllowedFileStoragePaths(filename):
145 """Loads file containing allowed file storage paths. 146 147 @rtype: list 148 @return: List of allowed paths (can be an empty list) 149 150 """ 151 try: 152 contents = utils.ReadFile(filename) 153 except EnvironmentError: 154 return [] 155 else: 156 return utils.FilterEmptyLinesAndComments(contents)
157 158
159 -def CheckFileStoragePathAcceptance( 160 path, _filename=pathutils.FILE_STORAGE_PATHS_FILE, 161 exact_match_ok=False):
162 """Checks if a path is allowed for file storage. 163 164 @type path: string 165 @param path: Path to check 166 @raise errors.FileStoragePathError: If the path is not allowed 167 168 """ 169 allowed = _LoadAllowedFileStoragePaths(_filename) 170 if not allowed: 171 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("No paths are valid or path file '%s'" 172 " was not accessible." % _filename) 173 174 if _ComputeWrongFileStoragePaths([path]): 175 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("Path '%s' uses a forbidden prefix" % 176 path) 177 178 _CheckFileStoragePath(path, allowed, exact_match_ok=exact_match_ok)
179 180
181 -def _CheckFileStoragePathExistance(path):
182 """Checks whether the given path is usable on the file system. 183 184 This checks wether the path is existing, a directory and writable. 185 186 @type path: string 187 @param path: path to check 188 189 """ 190 if not os.path.isdir(path): 191 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("Path '%s' is not existing or not a" 192 " directory." % path) 193 if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): 194 raise errors.FileStoragePathError("Path '%s' is not writable" % path)
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197 -def CheckFileStoragePath( 198 path, _allowed_paths_file=pathutils.FILE_STORAGE_PATHS_FILE):
199 """Checks whether the path exists and is acceptable to use. 200 201 Can be used for any file-based storage, for example shared-file storage. 202 203 @type path: string 204 @param path: path to check 205 @rtype: string 206 @returns: error message if the path is not ready to use 207 208 """ 209 try: 210 CheckFileStoragePathAcceptance(path, _filename=_allowed_paths_file, 211 exact_match_ok=True) 212 except errors.FileStoragePathError as e: 213 return str(e) 214 if not os.path.isdir(path): 215 return "Path '%s' is not exisiting or not a directory." % path 216 if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): 217 return "Path '%s' is not writable" % path