Package ganeti :: Package utils :: Module algo
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Module algo

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Utility functions with algorithms.

Classes [hide private]
Class to calculate remaining timeout when doing several operations.
Functions [hide private]
Returns a list with unique elements.
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JoinDisjointDicts(dict_a, dict_b)
Joins dictionaries with no conflicting keys.
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Identifies duplicates in a list.
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Attempts to convert a string to an integer.
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Extract key for sorting.
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NiceSort(values, key=None)
Sort a list of strings based on digit and non-digit groupings.
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Inverts the key/value mapping of a dict.
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InsertAtPos(src, pos, other)
Inserts other at given pos into src.
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SequenceToDict(seq, key=compat.fst)
Converts a sequence to a dictionary with duplicate detection.
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Helper function for FlatToDict.
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FlatToDict(data, field_sep="/")
Converts a flat structure to a fully fledged dict.
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Variables [hide private]
  _SORTER_RE = re.compile("^%s(.*)$" %(_SORTER_GROUPS* r"(\D+|\d...

Imports: re, time, itertools, compat, text

Function Details [hide private]


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Returns a list with unique elements.

Element order is preserved.

  • seq (sequence) - the sequence with the source elements
Returns: list
list of unique elements from seq

JoinDisjointDicts(dict_a, dict_b)

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Joins dictionaries with no conflicting keys.

Enforces the constraint that the two key sets must be disjoint, and then merges the two dictionaries in a new dictionary that is returned to the caller.

  • dict_a (dict) - the first dictionary
  • dict_b (dict) - the second dictionary
Returns: dict
a new dictionary containing all the key/value pairs contained in the two dictionaries.


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Identifies duplicates in a list.

Does not preserve element order.

  • seq (sequence) - Sequence with source elements
Returns: list
List of duplicate elements from seq

NiceSort(values, key=None)

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Sort a list of strings based on digit and non-digit groupings.

Given a list of names ['a1', 'a10', 'a11', 'a2'] this function will sort the list in the logical order ['a1', 'a2', 'a10', 'a11'].

The sort algorithm breaks each name in groups of either only-digits or no-digits. Only the first eight such groups are considered, and after that we just use what's left of the string.

  • values (list) - the names to be sorted
  • key (callable or None) - function of one argument to extract a comparison key from each list element, must return string
Returns: list
a copy of the name list sorted with our algorithm


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Inverts the key/value mapping of a dict.

  • dict_in - The dict to invert
the inverted dict

InsertAtPos(src, pos, other)

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Inserts other at given pos into src.

  • src (list) - The source list in which we want insert elements
  • pos (int) - The position where we want to start insert other
  • other (list) - The other list to insert into src
A copy of src with other inserted at pos

Note: This function does not modify src in place but returns a new copy

SequenceToDict(seq, key=compat.fst)

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Converts a sequence to a dictionary with duplicate detection.

  • seq (sequen) - Input sequence
  • key (callable) - Function for retrieving dictionary key from sequence element
Returns: dict


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Helper function for FlatToDict.

This function is recursively called

  • data - The input data as described in FlatToDict, already splitted
The so far converted dict

FlatToDict(data, field_sep="/")

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Converts a flat structure to a fully fledged dict.

It accept a list of tuples in the form:

   ("foo/bar", {"key1": "data1", "key2": "data2"}),
   ("foo/baz", {"key3" :"data3" }),

where the first element is the key separated by field_sep.

This would then return:

   "foo": {
     "bar": {"key1": "data1", "key2": "data2"},
     "baz": {"key3" :"data3" },
  • data (list of tuple) - Input list to convert
  • field_sep (str) - The separator for the first field of the tuple
A dict based on the input list

Variables Details [hide private]


re.compile("^%s(.*)$" %(_SORTER_GROUPS* r"(\D+|\d+)?"))