class documentation

class ConfdAsyncUDPClient(daemon.AsyncUDPSocket):

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Confd udp asyncore client

This is kept separate from the main ConfdClient to make sure it's easy to implement a non-asyncore based client library.

Method __init__ Constructor for ConfdAsyncUDPClient
Method handle_datagram Handle an already read udp datagram
Instance Variable client Undocumented

Inherited from AsyncUDPSocket:

Method enqueue_send Enqueue a datagram to be sent when possible
Method handle_connect Undocumented
Method handle_read Undocumented
Method handle_write Undocumented
Method process_next_packet Process the next datagram, waiting for it if necessary.
Method writable Most of the time we don't want to check for writability.
Instance Variable _family Undocumented
Instance Variable _out_queue Undocumented

Inherited from GanetiBaseAsyncoreDispatcher (via AsyncUDPSocket):

Method handle_error Log an error in handling any request, and proceed.
def __init__(self, client, family):

Constructor for ConfdAsyncUDPClient

client:ConfdClientclient library, to pass the datagrams to
def handle_datagram(self, payload, ip, port):

Handle an already read udp datagram

client =
