class documentation

class ConfdClientRequest(objects.ConfdRequest):

View In Hierarchy

This is the client-side version of ConfdRequest.

This version of the class helps creating requests, on the client side, by filling in some default values.

Method __init__ Constructor for BaseOpCode.
Instance Variable protocol Undocumented
Instance Variable rsalt Undocumented

Inherited from ConfdRequest:

Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable query query request
Instance Variable type confd query type

Inherited from ConfigObject (via ConfdRequest):

Class Method FromDict Create an object from a dictionary.
Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Implement __repr__ for ConfigObjects.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method Copy Makes a deep copy of the current object and its children.
Method ToDict Convert to a dict holding only standard python types.
Method UpgradeConfig Fill defaults for missing configuration values.
Method Validate Validates the slots.

Inherited from ValidatedSlots (via ConfdRequest, ConfigObject):

Class Method GetAllSlots Compute the list of all declared slots for a class.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):

Constructor for BaseOpCode.

The constructor takes only keyword arguments and will set attributes on this object based on the passed arguments. As such, it means that you should not pass arguments which are not in the __slots__ attribute for this class.

protocol =


rsalt =
