class documentation

class ConfigWriter(object):

Known subclasses: ganeti.config.DetachedConfig

View In Hierarchy

The interface to the cluster configuration.

WARNING: The class is no longer thread-safe! Each thread must construct a separate instance.

Static Method IsCluster Check if the cluster is configured.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method AddInstance Add an instance to the config.
Method AddInstanceDisk Add a disk to the config and attach it to instance.
Method AddNetwork Add a network to the configuration.
Method AddNode Add a node to the configuration.
Method AddNodeGroup Add a node group to the configuration.
Method AddNodeToCandidateCerts Adds an entry to the candidate certificate map.
Method AddTcpUdpPort Adds a new port to the available port pool.
Method AllocateDRBDMinor Allocate a drbd minor.
Method AllocatePort Allocate a port.
Method AssignGroupNodes Changes the group of a number of nodes.
Method AttachInstanceDisk Attach an existing disk to an instance.
Method CheckIPInNodeGroup Check IP uniqueness in nodegroup.
Method CommitTemporaryIps Tell WConfD to commit all temporary ids
Method ComputeDRBDMap Compute the used DRBD minor/nodes.
Method DetachInstanceDisk Detach a disk from an instance.
Method DisksOfType Check if in there is at disk of the given type in the configuration.
Method DropECReservations Undocumented
Method ExpandInstanceName Attempt to expand an incomplete instance name.
Method ExpandNodeName Attempt to expand an incomplete node name into a node UUID.
Method FlushConfig Force the distribution of configuration to master candidates.
Method FlushConfigGroup Force the distribution of configuration to master candidates of a group.
Method GenerateDRBDSecret Generate a DRBD secret.
Method GenerateIp Find a free IPv4 address for an instance.
Method GenerateMAC Generate a MAC for an instance.
Method GenerateUniqueID Generate an unique ID.
Method GetAllDiskInfo Get the configuration of all disks.
Method GetAllDisksInfo Get the configuration of all disks.
Method GetAllInstancesInfo Get the configuration of all instances.
Method GetAllNetworksInfo Get configuration info of all the networks.
Method GetAllNodeGroupsInfo Get the configuration of all node groups.
Method GetAllNodeGroupsInfoDict Get the configuration of all node groups expressed as a dictionary of dictionaries.
Method GetAllNodesInfo Get the configuration of all nodes.
Method GetCandidateCerts Returns the candidate certificate map.
Method GetClusterInfo Returns information about the cluster
Method GetClusterName Get cluster name.
Method GetCompressionTools Get cluster compression tools
Method GetConfigManager Returns a ConfigManager, which is suitable to perform a synchronized block of configuration operations.
Method GetConfigVersion Get the configuration version.
Method GetDefaultIAllocator Get the default instance allocator for this cluster.
Method GetDefaultIAllocatorParameters Get the default instance allocator parameters for this cluster.
Method GetDetachedConfig Returns a detached version of a ConfigManager, which represents a read-only snapshot of the configuration at this particular time.
Method GetDiskInfo Returns information about a disk.
Method GetDiskInfoByName Return information about a named disk.
Method GetDRBDHelper Return DRBD usermode helper.
Method GetDsaHostKey Return the dsa hostkey from the config.
Method GetFileStorageDir Get the file storage dir for this cluster.
Method GetGlusterStorageDir Get the Gluster storage dir for this cluster.
Method GetGroupDiskParams Get the disk params populated with inherit chain.
Method GetGroupNetParams Locking wrapper of _UnlockedGetGroupNetParams()
Method GetGroupSshPorts Get a map of group UUIDs to SSH ports.
Method GetHvparamsString Return the hypervisor parameters of the given hypervisor.
Method GetHypervisorType Get the hypervisor type for this cluster.
Method GetInstallImage Get the install image location
Method GetInstanceCommunicationNetwork Get cluster instance communication network
Method GetInstanceDiskParams Get the disk params populated with inherit chain.
Method GetInstanceDisks Return the disks' info for the given instance
Method GetInstanceDiskTemplate Return the disk template of an instance.
Method GetInstanceForDisk Returns the instance the disk is currently attached to.
Method GetInstanceInfo Returns information about an instance.
Method GetInstanceInfoByName Get the objects.Instance object for a named instance.
Method GetInstanceList Get the list of instances.
Method GetInstanceLVsByNode Provide a mapping of node to LVs a given instance owns.
Method GetInstanceName Gets the instance name for the passed instance.
Method GetInstanceNames Gets the instance names for the passed list of nodes.
Method GetInstanceNetworks Returns set of network UUIDs for instance's nics.
Method GetInstanceNodeGroups Returns set of node group UUIDs for instance's nodes.
Method GetInstanceNodes Get all disk-related nodes for an instance.
Method GetInstanceSecondaryNodes Get the list of secondary nodes.
Method GetInstancesInfoByFilter Get instance configuration with a filter.
Method GetMACPrefix Return the mac prefix.
Method GetMasterCandidateStats Get the number of current and maximum possible candidates.
Method GetMasterCandidateUuids Get the list of UUIDs of master candidates.
Method GetMasterIP Get the IP of the master node for this cluster.
Method GetMasterNetdev Get the master network device for this cluster.
Method GetMasterNetmask Get the netmask of the master node for this cluster.
Method GetMasterNetworkParameters Get network parameters of the master node.
Method GetMasterNode Get the UUID of the master node for this cluster.
Method GetMasterNodeInfo Get the master node information for this cluster.
Method GetMasterNodeName Get the hostname of the master node for this cluster.
Method GetMultiInstanceInfo Get the configuration of multiple instances.
Method GetMultiInstanceInfoByName Get the configuration of multiple instances.
Method GetMultiNodeGroupInfo Get the configuration of multiple node groups.
Method GetMultiNodeInfo Get the configuration of multiple nodes.
Method GetNdGroupParams Get the node groups params populated with cluster defaults.
Method GetNdParams Get the node params populated with cluster defaults.
Method GetNetwork Returns information about a network.
Method GetNetworkList Get the list of networks.
Method GetNetworkNames Get a list of network names
Method GetNodeGroup Lookup a node group.
Method GetNodeGroupInfoByName Get the objects.NodeGroup object for a named node group.
Method GetNodeGroupInstances Get the instances of a node group.
Method GetNodeGroupList Get a list of node groups.
Method GetNodeGroupMembersByNodes Get nodes which are member in the same nodegroups as the given nodes.
Method GetNodeGroupsFromNodes Returns groups for a list of nodes.
Method GetNodeInfo Get the configuration of a node, as stored in the config.
Method GetNodeInfoByName Get the objects.Node object for a named node.
Method GetNodeInstances Get the instances of a node, as stored in the config.
Method GetNodeList Return the list of nodes which are in the configuration.
Method GetNodeName Gets the node name for the passed node.
Method GetNodeNames Gets the node names for the passed list of nodes.
Method GetNonVmCapableNodeList Return the list of nodes' uuids which are not vm capable.
Method GetNonVmCapableNodeNameList Return the list of nodes' names which are not vm capable.
Method GetOnlineNodeList Return the list of nodes which are online.
Method GetPortList Returns a copy of the current port list.
Method GetPotentialMasterCandidates Gets the list of node names of potential master candidates.
Method GetPrimaryIPFamily Get cluster primary ip family.
Method GetRsaHostKey Return the rsa hostkey from the config.
Method GetSharedFileStorageDir Get the shared file storage dir for this cluster.
Method GetSsconfValues Wrapper using lock around _UnlockedGetSsconf().
Method GetUseExternalMipScript Get flag representing whether to use the external master IP setup script.
Method GetVGName Return the volume group name.
Method GetVmCapableNodeList Return the list of nodes which are not vm capable.
Method GetZeroingImage Get the zeroing image location
Method LookupNetwork Lookup a network's UUID.
Method LookupNodeGroup Lookup a node group's UUID.
Method MaintainCandidatePool Try to grow the candidate pool to the desired size.
Method MarkInstanceDisksActive Mark the status of instance disks active.
Method MarkInstanceDisksInactive Mark the status of instance disks inactive.
Method MarkInstanceDown Mark the status of an instance to down in the configuration.
Method MarkInstanceOffline Mark the instance status to down in the config.
Method MarkInstanceUp Mark the instance status to up in the config.
Method MarkInstanceUserDown Mark the status of an instance to user down in the configuration.
Method OutDate Undocumented
Method ReleaseDRBDMinors Release temporary drbd minors allocated for a given disk.
Method ReleaseIp Give a specific IP address back to an IP pool.
Method RemoveInstance Remove the instance from the configuration.
Method RemoveInstanceDisk Detach a disk from an instance and remove it from the config.
Method RemoveNetwork Remove a network from the configuration.
Method RemoveNode Remove a node from the configuration.
Method RemoveNodeFromCandidateCerts Removes the entry of the given node in the certificate map.
Method RemoveNodeGroup Remove a node group from the configuration.
Method RenameInstance Rename an instance.
Method ReserveIp Reserve a given IPv4 address for use by an instance.
Method ReserveLV Reserve an VG/LV pair for an instance.
Method ReserveMAC Reserve a MAC for an instance.
Method SetCandidateCerts Replaces the master candidate cert list with the new values.
Method SetCompressionTools Set cluster compression tools
Method SetDiskLogicalID Sets the logical_id of an existing disk
Method SetDiskNodes Sets the nodes of an existing disk
Method SetDRBDHelper Set DRBD usermode helper.
Method SetInstallImage Set the install image location
Method SetInstanceCommunicationNetwork Set cluster instance communication network
Method SetInstancePrimaryNode Sets the primary node of an existing instance
Method SetVGName Set the volume group name.
Method Update Notify function to be called after updates.
Method UpdateOfflineCluster Undocumented
Method VerifyConfig Verify function.
Method VerifyConfigAndLog A simple wrapper around _UnlockedVerifyConfigAndLog
Instance Variable write_count Undocumented
Static Method _ExtendByAllHvparamsStrings Extends the ssconf_values dictionary by hvparams.
Static Method _VerifyDisks Per-disk verification checks
Method _AddLockCount Undocumented
Method _AllDRBDSecrets Return all DRBD secrets present in the config.
Method _AllIDs Compute the list of all UUIDs and names we have.
Method _AllInstanceNodes Compute the set of all disk-related nodes for an instance.
Method _AllLVs Compute the list of all LVs.
Method _AllMACs Return all MACs present in the config.
Method _AllNICs Compute the list of all NICs.
Method _AllUUIDObjects Returns all objects with uuid attributes.
Method _BumpSerialNo Bump up the serial number of the config.
Method _CheckUniqueUUID Checks that the UUID of the given object is unique.
Method _CheckUUIDpresent Checks that an object with the given UUID exists.
Method _CloseConfig Release resources relating the config data.
Method _ConfigData Undocumented
Method _EnsureUUID Ensures a given object has a valid UUID.
Method _GenerateUniqueID Generate an unique UUID.
Method _GetAllHvparamsStrings Get the hvparams of all given hypervisors from the config.
Method _GetWConfdContext Undocumented
Method _LockCount Undocumented
Method _OpenConfig Read the config data from WConfd or disk.
Method _SetConfigData Undocumented
Method _SetInstanceStatus Set the instance's status to a given value.
Method _UnlockedAddNetwork Add a network to the configuration.
Method _UnlockedAddNode Add a node to the configuration.
Method _UnlockedAddNodeGroup Add a node group to the configuration.
Method _UnlockedAddNodeToGroup Add a given node to the specified group.
Method _UnlockedDropECReservations Drop per-execution-context reservations
Method _UnlockedGetAllDiskInfo Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetAllDisksInfo Get the configuration of all disks.
Method _UnlockedGetAllInstancesInfo Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetAllNodeGroupsInfo Get the configuration of all node groups.
Method _UnlockedGetAllNodesInfo Gets configuration of all nodes.
Method _UnlockedGetDiskInfo Returns information about a disk.
Method _UnlockedGetDiskInfoByName Return information about a named disk.
Method _UnlockedGetDiskList Get the list of disks.
Method _UnlockedGetGroupDiskParams Get the disk params populated with inherit chain down to node-group.
Method _UnlockedGetGroupNetParams Get the netparams (mode, link) of a network.
Method _UnlockedGetHvparamsString Return the string representation of the list of hyervisor parameters of the given hypervisor.
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceDisks Return the disks' info for the given instance
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceInfo Returns information about an instance.
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceInfoByName Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceList Get the list of instances.
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceLVsByNode Provide a mapping of node to LVs a given instance owns.
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceName Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceNames Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceNodes Get all disk-related nodes for an instance.
Method _UnlockedGetInstanceSecondaryNodes Get the list of secondary nodes.
Method _UnlockedGetMasterCandidateStats Get the number of current and maximum desired and possible candidates.
Method _UnlockedGetMasterCandidateUuids Get the list of UUIDs of master candidates.
Method _UnlockedGetNdGroupParams Get the ndparams of the group.
Method _UnlockedGetNdParams Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetNetwork Returns information about a network.
Method _UnlockedGetNetworkList Get the list of networks.
Method _UnlockedGetNodeGroup Lookup a node group.
Method _UnlockedGetNodeInfo Get the configuration of a node, as stored in the config.
Method _UnlockedGetNodeInfoByName Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetNodeList Return the list of nodes which are in the configuration.
Method _UnlockedGetNodeName Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetNodeNames Undocumented
Method _UnlockedGetOnlineNodeList Return the list of nodes which are online.
Method _UnlockedGetSsconfValues Return the values needed by ssconf.
Method _UnlockedGetSshPortMap Undocumented
Method _UnlockedLookupNetwork Lookup a network's UUID.
Method _UnlockedLookupNodeGroup Lookup a node group's UUID.
Method _UnlockedRemoveDisk Remove the disk from the configuration.
Method _UnlockedRemoveNodeFromGroup Remove a given node from its group.
Method _UnlockedVerifyConfig Verify function.
Method _UnlockedVerifyConfigAndLog Verify the configuration and log any errors.
Method _UpgradeConfig Run any upgrade steps.
Method _WriteConfig Write the configuration data to persistent storage.
Instance Variable _accept_foreign Undocumented
Instance Variable _all_rms a list of all temporary reservation managers
Instance Variable _cfg_file Undocumented
Instance Variable _cfg_id Undocumented
Instance Variable _config_data Undocumented
Instance Variable _getents Undocumented
Instance Variable _lock_count Undocumented
Instance Variable _lock_current_shared Undocumented
Instance Variable _lock_forced Undocumented
Instance Variable _my_hostname Undocumented
Instance Variable _offline Undocumented
Instance Variable _temporary_ids Undocumented
Instance Variable _wconfd Undocumented
Instance Variable _wconfdcontext Undocumented
def IsCluster():

Check if the cluster is configured.

def __init__(self, cfg_file=None, offline=False, _getents=runtime.GetEnts, accept_foreign=False, wconfdcontext=None, wconfd=None):


def AddInstance(self, instance, _ec_id, replace=False):

Add an instance to the config.

This should be used after creating a new instance.

instance:objects.Instancethe instance object
replace:boolif true, expect the instance to be present and replace rather than add.
def AddInstanceDisk(self, inst_uuid, disk, idx=None, replace=False):

Add a disk to the config and attach it to instance.

def AddNetwork(self, net, ec_id, check_uuid=True):

Add a network to the configuration.

net:objects.Networkthe Network object to add
ec_id:stringunique id for the job to use when creating a missing UUID
def AddNode(self, node, ec_id):

Add a node to the configuration.

node:objects.Nodea Node instance
def AddNodeGroup(self, group, ec_id, check_uuid=True):

Add a node group to the configuration.

This method calls group.UpgradeConfig() to fill any missing attributes according to their default values.

group:objects.NodeGroupthe NodeGroup object to add
ec_id:stringunique id for the job to use when creating a missing UUID
check_uuid:booladd an UUID to the group if it doesn't have one or, if it does, ensure that it does not exist in the configuration already
def AddNodeToCandidateCerts(self, node_uuid, cert_digest,, warn_fn=logging.warn):

Adds an entry to the candidate certificate map.

node_uuid:stringthe node's UUID
cert_digest:stringthe digest of the node's client SSL certificate
info_fn:functionlogging function for information messages
warn_fn:functionlogging function for warning messages
def AddTcpUdpPort(self, port):

Adds a new port to the available port pool.

def AllocateDRBDMinor(self, node_uuids, disk_uuid):

Allocate a drbd minor.

This is just a wrapper over a call to WConfd.

The free minor will be automatically computed from the existing devices. A node can not be given multiple times. The result is the list of minors, in the same order as the passed nodes.

node_uuids:list of stringsthe nodes in which we allocate minors
disk_uuid:stringthe disk for which we allocate minors
list of intsA list of minors in the same order as the passed nodes
def AllocatePort(self):

Allocate a port.

def AssignGroupNodes(self, mods):

Changes the group of a number of nodes.

mods:list of tuples; (node name, new group UUID)Node membership modifications
def AttachInstanceDisk(self, inst_uuid, disk_uuid, idx=None):

Attach an existing disk to an instance.

def CheckIPInNodeGroup(self, ip, node_uuid):

Check IP uniqueness in nodegroup.

Check networks that are connected in the node's node group if ip is contained in any of them. Used when creating/adding a NIC to ensure uniqueness among nodegroups.

ip:stringip address
node_uuid:stringnode UUID
(string, dict) or (None, None)(network name, netparams)
def CommitTemporaryIps(self, _ec_id):

Tell WConfD to commit all temporary ids

def ComputeDRBDMap(self):

Compute the used DRBD minor/nodes.

This is just a wrapper over a call to WConfd.

dictionary of node_uuid: dict of minor: instance_uuid; the returned dict will have all the nodes in it (even if with an empty list).
def DetachInstanceDisk(self, inst_uuid, disk_uuid):

Detach a disk from an instance.

def DisksOfType(self, dev_type):

Check if in there is at disk of the given type in the configuration.

def DropECReservations(self, ec_id):


def ExpandInstanceName(self, short_name):

Attempt to expand an incomplete instance name.

def ExpandNodeName(self, short_name):

Attempt to expand an incomplete node name into a node UUID.

def FlushConfig(self):

Force the distribution of configuration to master candidates.

It is not necessary to hold a lock for this operation, it is handled internally by WConfd.

def FlushConfigGroup(self, uuid):

Force the distribution of configuration to master candidates of a group.

It is not necessary to hold a lock for this operation, it is handled internally by WConfd.

def GenerateDRBDSecret(self, _ec_id):

Generate a DRBD secret.

This checks the current disks for duplicates.

def GenerateIp(self, net_uuid, _ec_id):

Find a free IPv4 address for an instance.

def GenerateMAC(self, net_uuid, _ec_id):

Generate a MAC for an instance.

This should check the current instances for duplicates.

def GenerateUniqueID(self, ec_id):

Generate an unique ID.

This is just a wrapper over the unlocked version.

ec_id:stringunique id for the job to reserve the id to
def GetAllDiskInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all disks.

dictdict of (disk, disk_info), where disk_info is what would GetDiskInfo return for disk
def GetAllDisksInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all disks.

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetAllDisksInfo.

def GetAllInstancesInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all instances.

dictdict of (instance, instance_info), where instance_info is what would GetInstanceInfo return for the node
def GetAllNetworksInfo(self):

Get configuration info of all the networks.

def GetAllNodeGroupsInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all node groups.

def GetAllNodeGroupsInfoDict(self):

Get the configuration of all node groups expressed as a dictionary of dictionaries.

def GetAllNodesInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all nodes.

dictdict of (node, node_info), where node_info is what would GetNodeInfo return for the node
def GetCandidateCerts(self):

Returns the candidate certificate map.

def GetClusterInfo(self):

Returns information about the cluster

objects.Clusterthe cluster object
def GetClusterName(self):

Get cluster name.

Cluster name
def GetCompressionTools(self):

Get cluster compression tools

list of stringa list of tools that are cleared for use in this cluster for the purpose of compressing data
def GetConfigManager(self, shared=False, forcelock=False):

Returns a ConfigManager, which is suitable to perform a synchronized block of configuration operations.

WARNING: This blocks all other configuration operations, so anything that runs inside the block should be very fast, preferably not using any IO.

def GetConfigVersion(self):

Get the configuration version.

Config version
def GetDefaultIAllocator(self):

Get the default instance allocator for this cluster.

def GetDefaultIAllocatorParameters(self):

Get the default instance allocator parameters for this cluster.

dictdict of iallocator parameters
def GetDetachedConfig(self):

Returns a detached version of a ConfigManager, which represents a read-only snapshot of the configuration at this particular time.

def GetDiskInfo(self, disk_uuid):

Returns information about a disk.

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetDiskInfo.

def GetDiskInfoByName(self, disk_name):

Return information about a named disk.

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetDiskInfoByName.

def GetDRBDHelper(self):

Return DRBD usermode helper.

def GetDsaHostKey(self):

Return the dsa hostkey from the config.

stringthe dsa hostkey
def GetFileStorageDir(self):

Get the file storage dir for this cluster.

def GetGlusterStorageDir(self):

Get the Gluster storage dir for this cluster.

def GetGroupDiskParams(self, group):

Get the disk params populated with inherit chain.

group:objects.NodeGroupThe group we want to know the params for
A dict with the filled in disk params
def GetGroupNetParams(self, net_uuid, node_uuid):

Locking wrapper of _UnlockedGetGroupNetParams()

def GetGroupSshPorts(self):

Get a map of group UUIDs to SSH ports.

dict of str to inta dict mapping the UUIDs to the SSH ports
def GetHvparamsString(self, hvname):

Return the hypervisor parameters of the given hypervisor.

hvname:stringname of a hypervisor
stringstring containing key-value-pairs, one pair on each line; format: KEY=VALUE
def GetHypervisorType(self):

Get the hypervisor type for this cluster.

def GetInstallImage(self):

Get the install image location

stringlocation of the install image
def GetInstanceCommunicationNetwork(self):

Get cluster instance communication network

stringinstance communication network, which is the name of the network used for instance communication
def GetInstanceDiskParams(self, instance):

Get the disk params populated with inherit chain.

instance:objects.InstanceThe instance we want to know the params for
A dict with the filled in disk params
def GetInstanceDisks(self, inst_uuid):

Return the disks' info for the given instance

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetInstanceDisks.

def GetInstanceDiskTemplate(self, inst_uuid):

Return the disk template of an instance.

This corresponds to the currently attached disks. If no disks are attached, it is constants.DT_DISKLESS, if homogeneous disk types are attached, that type is returned, if that isn't the case, constants.DT_MIXED is returned.

inst_uuid:strThe uuid of the instance.
def GetInstanceForDisk(self, disk_uuid):

Returns the instance the disk is currently attached to.

disk_uuid:stringthe identifier of the disk in question.
stringuuid of instance the disk is attached to.
def GetInstanceInfo(self, inst_uuid):

Returns information about an instance.

It takes the information from the configuration file. Other information of an instance are taken from the live systems.

inst_uuidUUID of the instance
objects.Instancethe instance object
def GetInstanceInfoByName(self, inst_name):

Get the objects.Instance object for a named instance.

inst_name:stringname of the instance to get information for
the corresponding objects.Instance instance or None if no information is available
def GetInstanceList(self):

Get the list of instances.

array of instances, ex. ['instance2-uuid', 'instance1-uuid']
def GetInstanceLVsByNode(self, inst_uuid, lvmap=None):

Provide a mapping of node to LVs a given instance owns.

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetInstanceLVsByNode

def GetInstanceName(self, inst_uuid):

Gets the instance name for the passed instance.

inst_uuid:stringinstance UUID to get name for
stringinstance name
def GetInstanceNames(self, inst_uuids):

Gets the instance names for the passed list of nodes.

inst_uuids:list of stringslist of instance UUIDs to get names for
list of stringslist of instance names
def GetInstanceNetworks(self, inst_uuid):

Returns set of network UUIDs for instance's nics.

def GetInstanceNodeGroups(self, inst_uuid, primary_only=False):

Returns set of node group UUIDs for instance's nodes.

def GetInstanceNodes(self, inst_uuid):

Get all disk-related nodes for an instance.

This is just a wrapper over _UnlockedGetInstanceNodes

def GetInstanceSecondaryNodes(self, inst_uuid):

Get the list of secondary nodes.

This is a simple wrapper over _UnlockedGetInstanceSecondaryNodes.

def GetInstancesInfoByFilter(self, filter_fn):

Get instance configuration with a filter.

filter_fn:callableFilter function receiving instance object as parameter, returning boolean. Important: this function is called while the configuration locks is held. It must not do any complex work or call functions potentially leading to a deadlock. Ideally it doesn't call any other functions and just compares instance attributes.
def GetMACPrefix(self):

Return the mac prefix.

def GetMasterCandidateStats(self, exceptions=None):

Get the number of current and maximum possible candidates.

This is just a wrapper over _UnlockedGetMasterCandidateStats.

exceptions:listif passed, list of nodes that should be ignored
tupletuple of (current, max)
def GetMasterCandidateUuids(self):

Get the list of UUIDs of master candidates.

list of stringslist of UUIDs of all master candidates.
def GetMasterIP(self):

Get the IP of the master node for this cluster.

Master IP
def GetMasterNetdev(self):

Get the master network device for this cluster.

def GetMasterNetmask(self):

Get the netmask of the master node for this cluster.

def GetMasterNetworkParameters(self):

Get network parameters of the master node.

object.MasterNetworkParametersnetwork parameters of the master node
def GetMasterNode(self):

Get the UUID of the master node for this cluster.

Master node UUID
def GetMasterNodeInfo(self):

Get the master node information for this cluster.

objects.NodeMaster node objects.Node object
def GetMasterNodeName(self):

Get the hostname of the master node for this cluster.

Master node hostname
def GetMultiInstanceInfo(self, inst_uuids):

Get the configuration of multiple instances.

inst_uuidslist of instance UUIDs
listlist of tuples (instance UUID, instance_info), where instance_info is what would GetInstanceInfo return for the node, while keeping the original order
def GetMultiInstanceInfoByName(self, inst_names):

Get the configuration of multiple instances.

inst_nameslist of instance names
listlist of tuples (instance, instance_info), where instance_info is what would GetInstanceInfo return for the node, while keeping the original order
def GetMultiNodeGroupInfo(self, group_uuids):

Get the configuration of multiple node groups.

group_uuidsList of node group UUIDs
listList of tuples of (group_uuid, group_info)
def GetMultiNodeInfo(self, node_uuids):

Get the configuration of multiple nodes.

node_uuidslist of node UUIDs
listlist of tuples of (node, node_info), where node_info is what would GetNodeInfo return for the node, in the original order
def GetNdGroupParams(self, nodegroup):

Get the node groups params populated with cluster defaults.

nodegroup:objects.NodeGroupThe node group we want to know the params for
A dict with the filled in node group params
def GetNdParams(self, node):

Get the node params populated with cluster defaults.

node:objects.NodeThe node we want to know the params for
A dict with the filled in node params
def GetNetwork(self, uuid):

Returns information about a network.

It takes the information from the configuration file.

uuidUUID of the network
objects.Networkthe network object
def GetNetworkList(self):

Get the list of networks.

array of networks, ex. ["main", "vlan100", "200]
def GetNetworkNames(self):

Get a list of network names

def GetNodeGroup(self, uuid):

Lookup a node group.

uuid:stringgroup UUID
objects.NodeGroup or Nonenodegroup object, or None if not found
def GetNodeGroupInfoByName(self, nodegroup_name):

Get the objects.NodeGroup object for a named node group.

nodegroup_name:stringname of the node group to get information for
the corresponding objects.NodeGroup instance or None if no information is available
def GetNodeGroupInstances(self, uuid, primary_only=False):

Get the instances of a node group.

uuidNode group UUID
primary_onlyWhether to only consider primary nodes
frozensetList of instance UUIDs in node group
def GetNodeGroupList(self):

Get a list of node groups.

def GetNodeGroupMembersByNodes(self, nodes):

Get nodes which are member in the same nodegroups as the given nodes.

def GetNodeGroupsFromNodes(self, node_uuids):

Returns groups for a list of nodes.

node_uuids:list of stringList of node UUIDs
def GetNodeInfo(self, node_uuid):

Get the configuration of a node, as stored in the config.

This is just a locked wrapper over _UnlockedGetNodeInfo.

node_uuidthe node UUID
objects.Nodethe node object
def GetNodeInfoByName(self, node_name):

Get the objects.Node object for a named node.

node_name:stringname of the node to get information for
the corresponding objects.Node instance or None if no information is available
def GetNodeInstances(self, node_uuid):

Get the instances of a node, as stored in the config.

node_uuidthe node UUID
(list, list)a tuple with two lists: the primary and the secondary instances
def GetNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes which are in the configuration.

def GetNodeName(self, node_spec):

Gets the node name for the passed node.

node_spec:either node UUID or a objects.Node objectnode to get names for
stringnode name
def GetNodeNames(self, node_specs):

Gets the node names for the passed list of nodes.

node_specs:list of either node UUIDs or objects.Node objectslist of nodes to get names for
list of stringslist of node names
def GetNonVmCapableNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes' uuids which are not vm capable.

def GetNonVmCapableNodeNameList(self):

Return the list of nodes' names which are not vm capable.

def GetOnlineNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes which are online.

def GetPortList(self):

Returns a copy of the current port list.

def GetPotentialMasterCandidates(self):

Gets the list of node names of potential master candidates.

list of strlist of node names of potential master candidates
def GetPrimaryIPFamily(self):

Get cluster primary ip family.

primary ip family
def GetRsaHostKey(self):

Return the rsa hostkey from the config.

stringthe rsa hostkey
def GetSharedFileStorageDir(self):

Get the shared file storage dir for this cluster.

def GetSsconfValues(self):

Wrapper using lock around _UnlockedGetSsconf().

def GetUseExternalMipScript(self):

Get flag representing whether to use the external master IP setup script.

def GetVGName(self):

Return the volume group name.

def GetVmCapableNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes which are not vm capable.

def GetZeroingImage(self):

Get the zeroing image location

stringthe location of the zeroing image
def LookupNetwork(self, target):

Lookup a network's UUID.

This function is just a wrapper over _UnlockedLookupNetwork.

target:stringnetwork name or UUID
stringnetwork UUID
def LookupNodeGroup(self, target):

Lookup a node group's UUID.

This function is just a wrapper over _UnlockedLookupNodeGroup.

target:string or Nonegroup name or UUID or None to look for the default
stringnodegroup UUID
def MaintainCandidatePool(self, exception_node_uuids):

Try to grow the candidate pool to the desired size.

exception_node_uuids:listif passed, list of nodes that should be ignored
listlist with the adjusted nodes (objects.Node instances)
def MarkInstanceDisksActive(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the status of instance disks active.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def MarkInstanceDisksInactive(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the status of instance disks inactive.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def MarkInstanceDown(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the status of an instance to down in the configuration.

This does not touch the instance disks active flag, as shut down instances can still have active disks.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def MarkInstanceOffline(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the instance status to down in the config.

This also clears the instance disks active flag.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def MarkInstanceUp(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the instance status to up in the config.

This also sets the instance disks active flag.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def MarkInstanceUserDown(self, inst_uuid):

Mark the status of an instance to user down in the configuration.

This does not touch the instance disks active flag, as user shut down instances can still have active disks.

def OutDate(self):


def ReleaseDRBDMinors(self, disk_uuid):

Release temporary drbd minors allocated for a given disk.

This is just a wrapper over a call to WConfd.

disk_uuid:stringthe disk for which temporary minors should be released
def ReleaseIp(self, net_uuid, address, _ec_id):

Give a specific IP address back to an IP pool.

The IP address is returned to the IP pool and marked as reserved.

def RemoveInstance(self, inst_uuid):

Remove the instance from the configuration.

def RemoveInstanceDisk(self, inst_uuid, disk_uuid):

Detach a disk from an instance and remove it from the config.

def RemoveNetwork(self, network_uuid):

Remove a network from the configuration.

network_uuid:stringthe UUID of the network to remove
def RemoveNode(self, node_uuid):

Remove a node from the configuration.

def RemoveNodeFromCandidateCerts(self, node_uuid, warn_fn=logging.warn):

Removes the entry of the given node in the certificate map.

node_uuid:stringthe node's UUID
warn_fn:functionlogging function for warning messages
def RemoveNodeGroup(self, group_uuid):

Remove a node group from the configuration.

group_uuid:stringthe UUID of the node group to remove
def RenameInstance(self, inst_uuid, new_name):

Rename an instance.

This needs to be done in ConfigWriter and not by RemoveInstance combined with AddInstance as only we can guarantee an atomic rename.

def ReserveIp(self, net_uuid, address, _ec_id, check=True):

Reserve a given IPv4 address for use by an instance.

def ReserveLV(self, lv_name, _ec_id):

Reserve an VG/LV pair for an instance.

lv_name:stringthe logical volume name to reserve
def ReserveMAC(self, mac, _ec_id):

Reserve a MAC for an instance.

This only checks instances managed by this cluster, it does not check for potential collisions elsewhere.

def SetCandidateCerts(self, certs):

Replaces the master candidate cert list with the new values.

certs:dict of string to stringmap of node UUIDs to SSL client certificate digests.
def SetCompressionTools(self, tools):

Set cluster compression tools

tools:list of stringa list of tools that are cleared for use in this cluster for the purpose of compressing data
def SetDiskLogicalID(self, disk_uuid, logical_id):

Sets the logical_id of an existing disk

disk_uuid:stringdisk UUID
logical_id:tuplethe new logical_id for the disk
def SetDiskNodes(self, disk_uuid, nodes):

Sets the nodes of an existing disk

disk_uuid:stringdisk UUID
nodes:list of node uuidsthe new nodes for the disk
def SetDRBDHelper(self, drbd_helper):

Set DRBD usermode helper.

def SetInstallImage(self, install_image):

Set the install image location

install_image:stringlocation of the install image
def SetInstanceCommunicationNetwork(self, network_name):

Set cluster instance communication network

network_name:stringinstance communication network, which is the name of the network used for instance communication
def SetInstancePrimaryNode(self, inst_uuid, target_node_uuid):

Sets the primary node of an existing instance

inst_uuid:stringinstance UUID
target_node_uuid:stringthe new primary node UUID
def SetVGName(self, vg_name):

Set the volume group name.

def Update(self, target, feedback_fn, ec_id=None):

Notify function to be called after updates.

This function must be called when an object (as returned by GetInstanceInfo, GetNodeInfo, GetCluster) has been updated and the caller wants the modifications saved to the backing store. Note that all modified objects will be saved, but the target argument is the one the caller wants to ensure that it's saved.

targetan instance of either objects.Cluster, objects.Node or objects.Instance which is existing in the cluster
feedback_fnCallable feedback function
def UpdateOfflineCluster(self, target, feedback_fn):


def VerifyConfig(self):

Verify function.

This is just a wrapper over _UnlockedVerifyConfig.

lista list of error messages; a non-empty list signifies configuration errors
def VerifyConfigAndLog(self, feedback_fn=None):

A simple wrapper around _UnlockedVerifyConfigAndLog

write_count: int =


def _ExtendByAllHvparamsStrings(ssconf_values, all_hvparams):

Extends the ssconf_values dictionary by hvparams.

ssconf_values:dict of stringsdictionary mapping ssconf_keys to strings representing the content of ssconf files
all_hvparams:dict of stringsdictionary mapping hypervisor names to a string representation of their hvparams
same as ssconf_valuesthe ssconf_values dictionary extended by hvparams
def _VerifyDisks(data, result):

Per-disk verification checks

Extends result with diagnostic information about the disks.

data:see _ConfigDataconfiguration data
result:list of stringslist containing diagnostic messages
def _AddLockCount(self, count):


def _AllDRBDSecrets(self):

Return all DRBD secrets present in the config.

listthe list of all DRBD secrets
def _AllIDs(self, include_temporary):

Compute the list of all UUIDs and names we have.

include_temporary:booleanwhether to include the _temporary_ids set
seta set of IDs
def _AllInstanceNodes(self, inst_uuid):

Compute the set of all disk-related nodes for an instance.

This abstracts away some work from '_UnlockedGetInstanceNodes' and '_UnlockedGetInstanceSecondaryNodes'.

inst_uuid:stringThe UUID of the instance we want to get nodes for
set of stringsA set of names for all the nodes of the instance
def _AllLVs(self):

Compute the list of all LVs.

def _AllMACs(self):

Return all MACs present in the config.

listthe list of all MACs
def _AllNICs(self):

Compute the list of all NICs.

def _AllUUIDObjects(self):

Returns all objects with uuid attributes.

def _BumpSerialNo(self):

Bump up the serial number of the config.

def _CheckUniqueUUID(self, item, include_temporary):

Checks that the UUID of the given object is unique.

itemthe instance or node to be checked
include_temporarywhether temporarily generated UUID's should be included in the check. If the UUID of the item to be checked is a temporarily generated one, this has to be False.
def _CheckUUIDpresent(self, item):

Checks that an object with the given UUID exists.

itemthe instance or other UUID possessing object to verify that its UUID is present
def _CloseConfig(self, save):

Release resources relating the config data.

def _ConfigData(self):


def _EnsureUUID(self, item, ec_id):

Ensures a given object has a valid UUID.

itemthe instance or node to be checked
ec_idthe execution context id for the uuid reservation
def _GenerateUniqueID(self, ec_id):

Generate an unique UUID.

This checks the current node, instances and disk names for duplicates.

stringthe unique id
def _GetAllHvparamsStrings(self, hypervisors):

Get the hvparams of all given hypervisors from the config.

hypervisors:list of stringlist of hypervisor names
dict of stringsdictionary mapping the hypervisor name to a string representation of the hypervisor's hvparams
def _GetWConfdContext(self):


def _LockCount(self):


def _OpenConfig(self, shared, force=False):

Read the config data from WConfd or disk.

def _SetConfigData(self, cfg):


def _SetInstanceStatus(self, inst_uuid, status, disks_active, admin_state_source):

Set the instance's status to a given value.

objects.Instancethe updated instance object
def _UnlockedAddNetwork(self, net, ec_id, check_uuid):

Add a network to the configuration.

def _UnlockedAddNode(self, node, ec_id):

Add a node to the configuration.

node:objects.Nodea Node instance
def _UnlockedAddNodeGroup(self, group, ec_id, check_uuid):

Add a node group to the configuration.

def _UnlockedAddNodeToGroup(self, node_uuid, nodegroup_uuid):

Add a given node to the specified group.

def _UnlockedDropECReservations(self, _ec_id):

Drop per-execution-context reservations

def _UnlockedGetAllDiskInfo(self):


def _UnlockedGetAllDisksInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all disks.

dictdict of (disk, disk_info), where disk_info is what would GetDiskInfo return for the node
def _UnlockedGetAllInstancesInfo(self):


def _UnlockedGetAllNodeGroupsInfo(self):

Get the configuration of all node groups.

def _UnlockedGetAllNodesInfo(self):

Gets configuration of all nodes.

See GetAllNodesInfo
def _UnlockedGetDiskInfo(self, disk_uuid):

Returns information about a disk.

It takes the information from the configuration file.

disk_uuidUUID of the disk
objects.Diskthe disk object
def _UnlockedGetDiskInfoByName(self, disk_name):

Return information about a named disk.

Return disk information from the configuration file, searching with the name of the disk.

disk_nameName of the disk
objects.Diskthe disk object
def _UnlockedGetDiskList(self):

Get the list of disks.

array of disks, ex. ['disk2-uuid', 'disk1-uuid']
def _UnlockedGetGroupDiskParams(self, group):

Get the disk params populated with inherit chain down to node-group.

group:objects.NodeGroupThe group we want to know the params for
A dict with the filled in disk params
def _UnlockedGetGroupNetParams(self, net_uuid, node_uuid):

Get the netparams (mode, link) of a network.

Get a network's netparams for a given node.

net_uuid:stringnetwork uuid
node_uuid:stringnode UUID
dict or Nonenetparams
def _UnlockedGetHvparamsString(self, hvname):

Return the string representation of the list of hyervisor parameters of the given hypervisor.

See Also
def _UnlockedGetInstanceDisks(self, inst_uuid):

Return the disks' info for the given instance

inst_uuid:stringThe UUID of the instance we want to know the disks for
List of objects.DiskA list with all the disks' info
def _UnlockedGetInstanceInfo(self, inst_uuid):

Returns information about an instance.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

def _UnlockedGetInstanceInfoByName(self, inst_name):


def _UnlockedGetInstanceList(self):

Get the list of instances.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

def _UnlockedGetInstanceLVsByNode(self, inst_uuid, lvmap=None):

Provide a mapping of node to LVs a given instance owns.

inst_uuid:stringThe UUID of the instance we want to compute the LVsByNode for
lvmap:dictOptional dictionary to receive the 'node' : ['lv', ...] data.
dict or NoneNone if lvmap arg is given, otherwise, a dictionary of the form { 'node_uuid' : ['volume1', 'volume2', ...], ... }; volumeN is of the form "vg_name/lv_name", compatible with GetVolumeList()
def _UnlockedGetInstanceName(self, inst_uuid):


def _UnlockedGetInstanceNames(self, inst_uuids):


def _UnlockedGetInstanceNodes(self, inst_uuid):

Get all disk-related nodes for an instance.

For non-DRBD instances, this will contain only the instance's primary node, whereas for DRBD instances, it will contain both the primary and the secondaries.

inst_uuid:stringThe UUID of the instance we want to get nodes for
list of stringsA list of names for all the nodes of the instance
def _UnlockedGetInstanceSecondaryNodes(self, inst_uuid):

Get the list of secondary nodes.

inst_uuid:stringThe UUID of the instance we want to get nodes for
list of stringsA tuple of names for all the secondary nodes of the instance
def _UnlockedGetMasterCandidateStats(self, exceptions=None):

Get the number of current and maximum desired and possible candidates.

exceptions:listif passed, list of nodes that should be ignored
tupletuple of (current, desired and possible, possible)
def _UnlockedGetMasterCandidateUuids(self):

Get the list of UUIDs of master candidates.

list of stringslist of UUIDs of all master candidates.
def _UnlockedGetNdGroupParams(self, group):

Get the ndparams of the group.

group:objects.NodeGroupThe group we want to know the params for
dict of str to intA dict with the filled in node group params
def _UnlockedGetNdParams(self, node):


def _UnlockedGetNetwork(self, uuid):

Returns information about a network.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

def _UnlockedGetNetworkList(self):

Get the list of networks.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

def _UnlockedGetNodeGroup(self, uuid):

Lookup a node group.

uuid:stringgroup UUID
objects.NodeGroup or Nonenodegroup object, or None if not found
def _UnlockedGetNodeInfo(self, node_uuid):

Get the configuration of a node, as stored in the config.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

node_uuidthe node UUID
objects.Nodethe node object
def _UnlockedGetNodeInfoByName(self, node_name):


def _UnlockedGetNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes which are in the configuration.

This function is for internal use, when the config lock is already held.

def _UnlockedGetNodeName(self, node_spec):


def _UnlockedGetNodeNames(self, node_specs):


def _UnlockedGetOnlineNodeList(self):

Return the list of nodes which are online.

def _UnlockedGetSsconfValues(self):

Return the values needed by ssconf.

dicta dictionary with keys the ssconf names and values their associated value
def _UnlockedGetSshPortMap(self, node_infos):


def _UnlockedLookupNetwork(self, target):

Lookup a network's UUID.

target:stringnetwork name or UUID
stringnetwork UUID
errors.OpPrereqErrorwhen the target network cannot be found
def _UnlockedLookupNodeGroup(self, target):

Lookup a node group's UUID.

target:string or Nonegroup name or UUID or None to look for the default
stringnodegroup UUID
errors.OpPrereqErrorwhen the target group cannot be found
def _UnlockedRemoveDisk(self, disk_uuid):

Remove the disk from the configuration.

disk_uuid:stringThe UUID of the disk object
def _UnlockedRemoveNodeFromGroup(self, node):

Remove a given node from its group.

def _UnlockedVerifyConfig(self):

Verify function.

lista list of error messages; a non-empty list signifies configuration errors
def _UnlockedVerifyConfigAndLog(self, feedback_fn=None):

Verify the configuration and log any errors.

The errors get logged as critical errors and also to the feedback function, if given.

feedback_fnCallable feedback function
lista list of error messages; a non-empty list signifies configuration errors
def _UpgradeConfig(self, saveafter=False):

Run any upgrade steps.

This method performs both in-object upgrades and also update some data elements that need uniqueness across the whole configuration or interact with other objects.

Unknown Field: warning
if 'saveafter' is 'True', this function will call _WriteConfig() so it needs to be called only from a "safe" place.
def _WriteConfig(self, destination=None, releaselock=False):

Write the configuration data to persistent storage.

_accept_foreign =


_all_rms =

a list of all temporary reservation managers

Currently the class fulfills 3 main functions:

  1. lock the configuration for access (monitor)
  2. reload and write the config if necessary (bridge)
  3. provide convenient access methods to config data (facade)
_cfg_file =


_cfg_id =


_config_data =


_getents =


_lock_count: int =


_lock_current_shared =


_lock_forced: bool =


_my_hostname =


_offline =


_temporary_ids =


_wconfd =


_wconfdcontext =
