class documentation

class NodeGroup(TaggableObject):

View In Hierarchy

Config object representing a node group.

Class Method FromDict Custom function for nodegroup.
Method FillND Return filled out ndparams for objects.Node
Method SimpleFillND Fill a given ndparams dict with defaults.
Method ToDict Custom function for nodegroup.
Method UpgradeConfig Fill defaults for missing configuration values.
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable alloc_policy Undocumented
Instance Variable diskparams Undocumented
Instance Variable ipolicy Undocumented
Instance Variable mtime Undocumented
Instance Variable ndparams Undocumented
Instance Variable networks Undocumented
Instance Variable serial_no Undocumented

Inherited from TaggableObject:

Class Method ValidateTag Check if a tag is valid.
Method AddTag Add a new tag.
Method GetTags Return the tags list.
Method RemoveTag Remove a tag.
Constant VALID_TAG_RE Undocumented
Instance Variable tags Undocumented

Inherited from ConfigObject (via TaggableObject):

Method __getattr__ Undocumented
Method __repr__ Implement __repr__ for ConfigObjects.
Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method Copy Makes a deep copy of the current object and its children.
Method Validate Validates the slots.

Inherited from ValidatedSlots (via TaggableObject, ConfigObject):

Class Method GetAllSlots Compute the list of all declared slots for a class.
Method __init__ Constructor for BaseOpCode.
def FromDict(cls, val):

Custom function for nodegroup.

The members slot is initialized to an empty list, upon deserialization.

def FillND(self, node):

Return filled out ndparams for objects.Node

node:objects.NodeA Node object to fill @return a copy of the node's ndparams with defaults filled
def SimpleFillND(self, ndparams):

Fill a given ndparams dict with defaults.

ndparams:dictthe dict to fill
dicta copy of the passed in ndparams with missing keys filled from the node group defaults
def ToDict(self, _with_private=False):

Custom function for nodegroup.

This discards the members object, which gets recalculated and is only kept in memory.

def UpgradeConfig(self):

Fill defaults for missing configuration values.

__slots__ =
alloc_policy =


diskparams: dict =


ipolicy =


mtime =


ndparams: dict =


networks: dict =


serial_no: int =
