module documentation

Transportable objects for Ganeti.

This module provides small, mostly data-only objects which are safe to pass to and from external parties.

Class BlockDevStatus Config object representing the status of a block device.
Class Cluster Config object representing the cluster.
Class ConfdReply Object holding a confd reply.
Class ConfdRequest Object holding a confd request.
Class ConfigData Top-level config object.
Class ConfigObject A generic config object.
Class Disk Config object representing a block device.
Class ExtStorage Config object representing an External Storage Provider.
Class Filter Config object representing a filter rule.
Class ImportExportOptions Options for import/export daemon
Class ImportExportStatus Config object representing the status of an import or export.
Class Instance Config object representing an instance.
Class InstanceConsole Object describing how to access the console of an instance.
Class InstancePolicy Config object representing instance policy limits dictionary.
Class LvmPvInfo Information about an LVM physical volume (PV).
Class MasterNetworkParameters Network configuration parameters for the master
Class MigrationStatus Object holding the status of a migration.
Class Network Object representing a network definition for ganeti.
Class NIC Config object representing a network card.
Class Node Config object representing a node.
Class NodeDiskState Disk state on a node.
Class NodeGroup Config object representing a node group.
Class NodeHvState Hypvervisor state on a node.
Class OS Config object representing an operating system.
Class QueryFieldDefinition Object holding a query field definition.
Class QueryFieldsRequest Object holding a request for querying available fields.
Class QueryFieldsResponse Object holding the response to a query for fields.
Class QueryResponse Object holding the response to a query.
Class SerializableConfigParser Simple wrapper over ConfigParse that allows serialization.
Class TaggableObject An generic class supporting tags.
Function FillDict Basic function to apply settings on top a default dict.
Function FillDiskParams Fills the disk parameter defaults.
Function FillIPolicy Fills an instance policy with defaults.
Function GetOSImage Gets the OS image value from the OS parameters.
Function MakeEmptyIPolicy Create empty IPolicy dictionary.
Function PutOSImage Update OS image value in the OS parameters
Function UpgradeBeParams Update the be parameters dict to the new format.
Function UpgradeDiskParams Upgrade the disk parameters.
Function UpgradeGroupedParams Update all groups for the target parameter.
Function UpgradeNDParams Upgrade ndparams structure.
Class _QueryResponseBase No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/1 method, 1/1 class method documented
Constant _TIMESTAMPS Undocumented
Constant _UUID Undocumented
def FillDict(defaults_dict, custom_dict, skip_keys=None):

Basic function to apply settings on top a default dict.

defaults_dict:dictdictionary holding the default values
custom_dict:dictdictionary holding customized value
skip_keys:listwhich keys not to fill
dictdict with the 'full' values
def FillDiskParams(default_dparams, custom_dparams, skip_keys=None):

Fills the disk parameter defaults.

See Also
FillDict for parameters and return value
def FillIPolicy(default_ipolicy, custom_ipolicy):

Fills an instance policy with defaults.

def GetOSImage(osparams):

Gets the OS image value from the OS parameters.

osparams:dict or NoneTypeOS parameters or None
string or NoneTypevalue of OS image contained in OS parameters, or None if the OS parameters are None or the OS parameters do not contain an OS image
def MakeEmptyIPolicy():

Create empty IPolicy dictionary.

def PutOSImage(osparams, os_image):

Update OS image value in the OS parameters

osparams:dictOS parameters
os_image:stringOS image
def UpgradeBeParams(target):

Update the be parameters dict to the new format.

target:dict"be" parameters dict
def UpgradeDiskParams(diskparams):

Upgrade the disk parameters.

diskparams:dictdisk parameters to upgrade
dictthe upgraded disk parameters dict
def UpgradeGroupedParams(target, defaults):

Update all groups for the target parameter.

target:dict of dicts{group: {parameter: value}}
defaults:dictdefault parameter values
def UpgradeNDParams(ndparams):

Upgrade ndparams structure.

ndparams:dictdisk parameters to upgrade
dictthe upgraded node parameters dict
_TIMESTAMPS: list[str] =


['ctime', 'mtime']
_UUID: list[str] =

