module documentation

Module containing backported language/library functionality.

Function partition Partition a list in two, based on the given predicate.
Function RomanOrRounded Try to round the value to the closest integer and return it as a roman numeral. If the conversion is disabled, or if the roman module could not be loaded, round the value to the specified level and return it.
Function TryToRoman Try to convert a value to roman numerals
Function UniqueFrozenset Makes frozenset from sequence after checking for duplicate elements.
Variable fst Undocumented
Variable snd Undocumented
Function _all Returns True if all elements in the iterable are True.
Function _any Returns True if any element of the iterable are True.
Function _partial Decorator with partial application of arguments and keywords.
def partition(seq, pred=bool):

Partition a list in two, based on the given predicate.

def RomanOrRounded(value, rounding, convert=True):

Try to round the value to the closest integer and return it as a roman numeral. If the conversion is disabled, or if the roman module could not be loaded, round the value to the specified level and return it.

value:numbervalue to convert
rounding:integerhow many decimal digits the number should be rounded to
convert:booleanif False, don't try conversion at all
stringroman numeral for val, or formatted string representing val if conversion didn't succeed
def TryToRoman(val, convert=True):

Try to convert a value to roman numerals

If the roman module could be loaded convert the given value to a roman numeral. Gracefully fail back to leaving the value untouched.

val:integervalue to convert
convert:booleanif False, don't try conversion at all
string or typeof(val)roman numeral for val, or val if conversion didn't succeed
def UniqueFrozenset(seq):

Makes frozenset from sequence after checking for duplicate elements.

ValueErrorWhen there are duplicate elements
fst =


snd =


def _all(seq):

Returns True if all elements in the iterable are True.

def _any(seq):

Returns True if any element of the iterable are True.

def _partial(func, *args, **keywords):

Decorator with partial application of arguments and keywords.

This function was copied from Python's documentation.