module documentation

OpCodes module

Note that this file is autogenerated using @src/hs2py@ with a header from @lib/opcodes.py.in_before@ and a footer from @lib/opcodes.py.in_after@.

This module implements part of the data structures which define the cluster operations - the so-called opcodes.

Every operation which modifies the cluster state is expressed via opcodes.

Class OpBackupExport Export an instance.
Class OpBackupPrepare Prepares an instance export.
Class OpBackupRemove Remove an instance's export.
Class OpClusterActivateMasterIp Activate the master IP on the master node.
Class OpClusterConfigQuery Query cluster configuration values.
Class OpClusterDeactivateMasterIp Deactivate the master IP on the master node.
Class OpClusterDestroy Destroy the cluster.
Class OpClusterPostInit Post cluster initialization.
Class OpClusterQuery Query cluster information.
Class OpClusterRedistConf Force a full push of the cluster configuration.
Class OpClusterRename Rename the cluster.
Class OpClusterRenewCrypto Renews the cluster node's SSL client certificates.
Class OpClusterRepairDiskSizes Verify the disk sizes of the instances and fixes configuration mismatches.
Class OpClusterSetParams Change the parameters of the cluster.
Class OpClusterVerify Submits all jobs necessary to verify the cluster.
Class OpClusterVerifyConfig Verify the cluster config.
Class OpClusterVerifyDisks Verify the cluster disks.
Class OpClusterVerifyGroup Run verify on a node group from the cluster.
Class OpCode Abstract OpCode.
Class OpExtStorageDiagnose Compute the list of external storage providers.
Class OpGroupAdd Add a node group to the cluster.
Class OpGroupAssignNodes Assign nodes to a node group.
Class OpGroupEvacuate Evacuate a node group in the cluster.
Class OpGroupRemove Remove a node group from the cluster.
Class OpGroupRename Rename a node group in the cluster.
Class OpGroupSetParams Change the parameters of a node group.
Class OpGroupVerifyDisks Verifies the status of all disks in a node group.
Class OpInstanceActivateDisks Activate an instance's disks.
Class OpInstanceChangeGroup Moves an instance to another node group.
Class OpInstanceConsole Connect to an instance's console.
Class OpInstanceCreate Create an instance.
Class OpInstanceDeactivateDisks Deactivate an instance's disks.
Class OpInstanceFailover Failover an instance.
Class OpInstanceGrowDisk Grow a disk of an instance.
Class OpInstanceMigrate Migrate an instance.
Class OpInstanceMove Move an instance.
Class OpInstanceMultiAlloc Allocates multiple instances.
Class OpInstanceMultiAllocBase Allocates multiple instances.
Class OpInstanceQueryData Compute the run-time status of instances.
Class OpInstanceReboot Reboot an instance.
Class OpInstanceRecreateDisks Recreate an instance's disks.
Class OpInstanceReinstall Reinstall an instance's OS.
Class OpInstanceRemove Remove an instance.
Class OpInstanceRename Rename an instance.
Class OpInstanceReplaceDisks Replace the disks of an instance.
Class OpInstanceSetParams Change the parameters of an instance.
Class OpInstanceShutdown Shutdown an instance.
Class OpInstanceStartup Startup an instance.
Class OpNetworkAdd Add an IP network to the cluster.
Class OpNetworkConnect Connect a Network to a specific Nodegroup with the defined netparams (mode, link). Nics in this Network will inherit those params. Produce errors if a NIC (that its not already assigned to a network) has an IP that is contained in the Network this will produce error unless --no-conflicts-check is passed.
Class OpNetworkDisconnect Disconnect a Network from a Nodegroup. Produce errors if NICs are present in the Network unless --no-conficts-check option is passed.
Class OpNetworkRemove Remove an existing network from the cluster. Must not be connected to any nodegroup.
Class OpNetworkRename Rename a network in the cluster.
Class OpNetworkSetParams Modify Network's parameters except for IPv4 subnet
Class OpNodeAdd Add a node to the cluster.
Class OpNodeEvacuate Evacuate instances off a number of nodes.
Class OpNodeMigrate Migrate all instances from a node.
Class OpNodeModifyStorage Modifies the properies of a storage unit
Class OpNodePowercycle Tries to powercycle a node.
Class OpNodeQueryStorage Get information on storage for node(s).
Class OpNodeQueryvols Get list of volumes on node.
Class OpNodeRemove Remove a node.
Class OpNodeSetParams Change the parameters of a node.
Class OpOobCommand Interact with OOB.
Class OpOsDiagnose Compute the list of guest operating systems.
Class OpQuery Query for resources/items.
Class OpQueryFields Query for available resource/item fields.
Class OpRepairNodeStorage Repairs the volume group on a node.
Class OpRestrictedCommand Runs a restricted command on node(s).
Class OpTagsDel Remove a list of tags from a given object.
Class OpTagsGet Returns the tags of the given object.
Class OpTagsSearch Searches the tags in the cluster for a given pattern.
Class OpTagsSet Add a list of tags on a given object.
Class OpTestAllocator Allocator framework testing.
Class OpTestDelay Sleeps for a configured amount of time.
Class OpTestDummy Utility opcode used by unittests.
Class OpTestJqueue Utility opcode to test some aspects of the job queue.
Class OpTestOsParams Utility opcode to test secret os parameter transmission.
Constant OP_MAPPING Undocumented
Function _GetOpList Returns list of all defined opcodes.


dict(((v.OP_ID, v) for v in _GetOpList()))
def _GetOpList():

Returns list of all defined opcodes.

Does not eliminate duplicates by OP_ID.