package documentation

Virtualization interface abstraction

Module hv_base Base class for all hypervisors
Module hv_chroot Chroot manager hypervisor
Module hv_fake Fake hypervisor
Package hv_kvm KVM hypervisor
Module hv_lxc LXC hypervisor
Module hv_xen Xen hypervisors

From __init__.py:

Function GetHypervisor Return a Hypervisor instance.
Function GetHypervisorClass Return a Hypervisor class.
Constant _HYPERVISOR_MAP Undocumented
def GetHypervisorClass(ht_kind):

Return a Hypervisor class.

This function returns the hypervisor class corresponding to the given hypervisor name.

ht_kind:stringThe requested hypervisor type
def GetHypervisor(ht_kind):

Return a Hypervisor instance.

This is a wrapper over GetHypervisorClass which returns an instance of the class.

ht_kind:stringThe requested hypervisor type