module documentation

Module for object related utils.

Class AutoSlots Meta base class for __slots__ definitions.
Class ValidatedSlots Sets and validates slots.
Function ContainerFromDicts Convert a container from standard python types.
Function ContainerToDicts Convert the elements of a container to standard Python types.
Constant _SEQUENCE_TYPES Undocumented
def ContainerFromDicts(source, c_type, e_type):

Convert a container from standard python types.

This method converts a container with standard Python types to objects. If the container is a dict, we don't touch the keys, only the values.

source:None, dict or sequence (see _SEQUENCE_TYPES)Input data
c_type:type classDesired type for returned container
e_type:element type classItem type for elements in returned container (must have a FromDict class method)
def ContainerToDicts(container):

Convert the elements of a container to standard Python types.

This method converts a container with elements to standard Python types. If the input container is of the type dict, only its values are touched. Those values, as well as all elements of input sequences, must support a ToDict method returning a serialized version.

container:dict or sequence (see _SEQUENCE_TYPES)Undocumented


(list, tuple, set, frozenset)